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Simplified Scientific Christianity         

Astrological Encyclopedia
Message of the Stars
(Part 2)
The Influence Of The Twelve Signs When Rising

"When Gemini is rising the body generated is tall and slender, the arms and limbs are particularly long, fingers slender, hair dark, eyes hazel. Gemini people are quick, active and alert in all their movements, habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes, which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs, although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurean stubborn, nevertheless, there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid, changeable and past finding out."

Aries, The Ram

Aries is mythologically represented as a ram and the symbol describes most accurately those born under its influence; a pointed and protruding sheep like nose, wide forehead, pointed chin and the resultant triangular face noted in many people, are unmistakable indications of their rising sign. Light brown or reddish tint of the hair is a pronounced characteristic of the Arian; the body is slender and well formed; if the first part of the sign is rising the body is shorter, and the complexion darker than given by the latter degrees.

Planets in the rising sign will modify the description however, and the student must use his knowledge of the character of the planets in conjunction with the description of the Sign. The Sun and Mars make the complexion more florid, the Moon and Saturn make it paler and darker, Jupiter and Venus make the body more portly. Saturn shortens. Uranus and Mercury lengthens. This applies to all the signs, but is especially marked when a planet rises in the sign it rules. Mars in Aries rising would give fiery red hair and a face full of freckles. The Sun rising in Leo would give a florid complexion with flaxen hair, but if Saturn were there, instead it would shorten the body and darken the hair.

Aries people are bold, self-confident and impulsive; they aim to lead, dislike to follow, are always ready to take the initiative in any movement that appeals to them, but often lack persistence to carry their projects to a conclusion over serious obstacles.

The Sun, and Mars the Ruler, rising in Aries would intensify the above, but as a thorough explanation will be given under the heading "The Intrinsic Nature of the Planets," the student is referred thereto. We may mention it here, however, as a peculiarity that Aries people live through fevers to which others succumb. We have known their hair to fall out, and the temperature to remain four degrees above the usual maximum for many hours without fatal result.

Taurus, The Bull

Taurus is represented by a Bull in the Zodiac, and the bodies generated under this sign are usually short and stocky. They have a strong neck with the bump of amativeness well developed, large lobe of the ear, heavy jaws, full face; nose short and stubby. Dark eyes and wavy hair frequently give them considerable beauty. The eye of the Taurean may never dart bolts of fire such as those wherewith the Arian would annihilate his enemies; it is softer, but under provocation it becomes sullenly expressive of the passive resistance wherewith these people win their battles. It then marks the difference between the impulsive Aries and the stubborn Taurus. The inner phalange of the thumb is large and heavy, the calves well developed and the foot chubby. In walking the Taurean usually plants his heel first, and heaviest.

Taurus people are preeminently "thorough and steadfast" in everything they do: In love, in hate, in work or play, they persist in a given direction, and neither reason nor argument will turn them. They are verbose and argumentative in defense of their actions or opinions; they grasp new ideas slowly, with difficulty and conservatively, but once comprehended and espoused, they always remember what they have learned and defend their opinions to the last ditch.

The Sun rising in Taurus gives an unusually firm physique, and accentuates the Taurus pride in strength. The Moon, being the planet of fecundity, is exalted in this exceedingly fruitful sign; hence people with the Moon in Taurus have large families, particularly if the configuration is in the fifth house, for that designates children.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, rising in that sign, makes the form beautiful as well as strong, also giving artistic ability and musical inspiration.

Gemini, The Twins

When Gemini is rising the body generated is tall and slender, the arms and limbs are particularly long, fingers slender, hair dark, eyes hazel. Gemini people are quick, active and alert in all their movements, habitual restlessness being noticeable in the expression of the eyes, which differs in that respect from more fixed tendencies of the eyes of those born under the two preceding signs, although of course we do not mean that the Arian always looks angry and the Taurean stubborn, nevertheless, there is a settled tendency in those directions noticeable when these people are not occupied in a certain direction; but the Gemini people have an expression which is much more vivid, changeable and past finding out. They have acutely inquiring minds, and always want to know the reason why, but often lack persistence to follow clues to the end, and thus they meet disappointment. Being tactful they avoid giving offense even under provocation, and are therefore generally liked by all; though their own affections are not deep. Two distinct classes are born under this sign; one, too fond of reading, should cultivate independent thought, instead of repeating other people's ideas, or aping their manners; the other is scientific, well balanced and reserved; a model for any person.

The Sun rising in Gemini brings out all the noblest traits of the sign; it makes the nature more settled and contented, gives more persistence and a particularly healthy and active body.

Mercury, the ruler, rising in Gemini, sharpens perception, gives ability as a writer, or speaker, but makes the person born with that position extremely irritable, vacillating and fond of change of scene and employment. Such people are best fitted for traveling salesmen.

Cancer, The Crab

The chief peculiarities of the crab are a clumsy body, slender limbs and powerful claws; people born with Cancer rising express them all. They have a large upper body, augmented in later years by a prominence of the abdomen acquired by overeating. The mandible or lower jaw is powerfully hinged to the cranium, the face is therefore widest between the ears, the mouth is also large, and the whole construction similar to the crab's claw. The face is full, the hair brown, the eyes blue, complexion pale and sickly, for the Cancer person has the least vitality of any. The limbs are extremely slender in proportion to the large upper body, so the structure appears "top heavy," and he walks with a "rolling" gait.

Cancer people are very fond of the home and its comforts, they are quiet, reserved and adapt themselves to conditions, hence they are easy to get along with; their anger is shortlived, and they hold no spite. Though lacking in physical prowess, they are no hypocrites, but always have the courage of their convictions; they voice and defend them too.

The Sun rising in Cancer brings out and accentuates all the good qualities mentioned above, giving more ambition and pride; it also increases the vitality, and is a particular boon in that respect to people with Cancer rising on account of their very low life force. Cancer, with its ruler the Moon, governs the stomach and hence alimentation; Leo and its ruler, the Sun, have charge of the heart and circulation. If these signs and planets are well placed in the horoscope, they counteract most other afflictions and a long lease of life is assured, but if they are afflicted, much sickness results unless intelligent care is applied to modify the omen.

The Moon, the ruler, rising in Cancer, will give much instability to the nature, and Jupiter, being exalted there, will bring fortune and fame.

Leo, The Lion

The lion is the king of beasts and even in captivity is an embodiment of stateliness and pride. The typical Leos of the Zodiac also express pride in every movement and a stateliness which will not escape attention of the keen observer; the expansive chest, the massive shoulders, the strong arm and the large head contrast noticeably with the more slender but still muscular under body; and as Aries has the sheep face, so the typical Leo has certain feline features. The complexion is florid, eyes large and full, blue or grayish in color, expressing laughter, cheerfulness and content. The whole frame is well knit and strong, having great endurance and recuperative power.

It is really wonderful how the symbology of the signs is brought out in the different kinds of people born under them. People who are born under Leo always want to be noted; they are aggressive and want to attract attention everywhere they go. They aim to be leaders, not followers.

Leo rules the heart, and it is a marked characteristic that people with Leo rising unafflicted, have hearts bigger than their pocketbooks, they give generously of their time, money or knowledge without thought of self. If the Sun rises in Leo, this trait becomes almost prodigality, but if Saturn is there to afflict instead, he will counteract it so that they will either circumscribe their gifts with conditions to such an extent that they retain practical control, or they will spend their means on themselves.

Leos are honest and faithful; being children of the day star, they love light and truth, are above subterfuge and aim straight at their object. Their will is firm to attain by honorable means, They make good orators and hold their audiences by personal magnetism. They are very attractive to the opposite sex, and the lower nature should be held firmly in check, otherwise serious trouble and heartache may ensure. The French, as a race, are ruled by Leo, and afford ample illustration of this point.

The Sun rising in Leo, unafflicted, gives a body of wonderful strength, vitality and recuperative power; superior in its wiriness to the body generated by the Sun in Taurus; but if Mars is afflicted in Leo, palpitation of the heart will ensue. Saturn here will cause regurgitation unless care is taken in early years to avoid strain.

Virgo, The Virgin

People born when Virgo is rising are above middle stature. The upper part of the head is much more developed than the lower, the weak chin, showing lack of will and the large brain indicating greatness of intellect, being therefore earmarks of the Virgo. The face is thin, the complexion sallow, the hair brown and the eyes hazel or gray. The feet are small, the toes turn inwards and give these people a peculiar labored walk.

Virgo people are very quick and active in youth, they learn with facility, and do not work hard for knowledge; they seem to breathe it in without an effort. They acquire linguistic and elocutionary powers most readily, are fluent writers but are often cynical, cold and unforgiving when they have been injured. They are extremists in their food, and make hygiene a fad; they often fancy that they have every imaginable disease, because Virgo is the sixth sign and has a certain affinity with the sixth house, denoting health and disease.

Mercury, the ruler, is also exalted here and gives pronouncement of all the good which otherwise might be expected from the Sun.

Virgo people are slender in youth, but when the Sun of Life passes the Meridian and begins to throw its shadows toward the East, we find in them a tendency toward corpulence of body, particularly of that part ruled by Virgo, namely, the abdomen. They neglect to take exercise, and naturally on this account a sluggish condition of the intestines may set in which retains the poisons in the body and robs life of its joys, making one indifferent. In this fact lies the greatest danger of the Virgo people. Once they get into the rut of sickness, they actually "enjoy" poor health. They love to talk over their symptoms with other people, and they resent any thought or suggestion given to them that they are not sick, or that they can get well. The presence of Saturn in Virgo, or the sixth house, accentuates this tendency in the very highest degree, and therefore it is an almost infallible sign that the native will have or be subject to chronic illness, the nature of the disease being denoted by the aspect, and the afflicting planets.

In order to deal successfully with Virgo people when they have once become subject to disease, and get them out of it at all, it is necessary to be firm almost to the verge of cruelty. But though one may seem cruel in enforcing upon them the regime that is necessary to bring them away from themselves, this is really the greatest kindness that can be shown, for once these people are in the grip of sickness they stubbornly refuse to let go; they will resort to the most cunning, even childlike schemes to excite sympathy, particularly from strangers, and they will resent any effort to show them that they are not helpless invalids. At the very slightest suggestion of a hopeful nature, they sometimes lose their temper in the most unwarranted manner. But when at last they are given the deaf ear by everybody, when people who are in their immediate environment can be persuaded to show them no sympathy, then they may come to themselves. They need a shock to bring them out and away from their condition. And until they get that they never can be cured.

The Virgos make splendid nurses, if they can keep from taking on the conditions of the patient. The Virgo people never can bear to see blood shed or touch dead things. They feel bodily injury to others more than harm done to themselves, and are in fact splendidly described by the word "chicken-hearted."

Libra, The Scales

Elegance may be said to express in one word the physical peculiarities of the Libran. The body is slender and graceful in youth, it becomes more plump as life advances, but even the portliness of the Libra body is pleasing. The complexion is smooth and clear, eyes are soft and blue with a kind expression; the mouth is unusually well formed and the teeth particularly fine and even.

Libra people have extremely strong conjugal affection, so strong, in fact, that it overshadows all other considerations. The Leos love their families, but their hearts take in all the world besides; not so the Librans; they are ready for any sacrifice to give comforts to those in their own immediate home circle, but they are also prepared to sacrifice any other family for their own, if necessary.

In most other traits the Librans express aptly the symbolism of their sign, a pair of scales, and their characteristics might be expressed in the word: "Changeability." They are people of "moods," because Saturn is exalted here and weighs upon the mind; the changes are sudden and extreme; they may follow a fad with as much zest as if their life depended upon it, and then without a moment's warning, drop it and take up something entirely opposite; there are no half-way measures in the swing of the scales. Being naturally given to change, they are most adaptable to circumstances, and do not fret over reverses, but set about with vim and vigor to restore their fortunes.

Aries and Libra may be said to be the battlefields of the Sun and Saturn: Life and Death, Joy and Sorrow. The Sun is exalted in Aries, and vanquishes Saturn; hence the intrepidity of Aries people. In Libra the scales tip the other way; there Saturn is exalted, and conquers the Sun; this gives a softer tone to the Libran, whose kindly politeness contrasts markedly with the Arian's brusque address. Venus, the ruler of Libra, is not alone responsible for this trait, Taurus people are blunt, though Venus rules. Venus rising in Libra gives artistic ability, Saturn turns the mind in scientific directions.

Librans usually have well shaped hands and feet, and are very proud of them.

Scorpio, The Eagle

The nose is the most prominent feature of the Scorpio; it is large, heavy, and hooked, resembling the bill of the eagle, the brows are bushy, the eyes sharp and piercing; the jaw is very heavy; the glint of the eye, and the set of the jaw indicate the great determination which is the most prominent characteristic of the Scorpio. The face is angular, complexion murky, and hair dark, with a peculiar ruddy tinge noticeable when the Sun shines on it. The teeth are large and subject to early decay. The body is short and thickest, with a short, thick neck resembling that of the opposite sign, Taurus.

Scorpio people always stand up for their rights, and never submit to imposition, though prone to ride roughshod over others. They are full of worries over things that may happen, but never do, and thus make life a burden to those around them. Sarcasm that stings like a scorpion is ever upon the tip of their tongue, yet their love is strong, and their aspirations lofty. Thus there are two natures struggling in the Scorpios and they need much sympathy and forbearance from their friends. In the hour of danger they never flinch, but perform deeds of heroism with a disregard for self that amounts to foolhardiness. The mind is sharp, cool and collected, therefore Scorpio men make good army officers and excel in surgery. The Scorpio woman has a large family.

The Sun in Scorpio accentuates the good traits, and gives a love mysticism; but Mars, the ruler, brings out the worldly side of the sign and makes scoffers and skeptics.

Sagittarius, The Centaur

People born with Sagittarius rising are even taller than those born under the opposite sign, Gemini, the men in particular having large hands and feet. The size and weight of the bony frame is often too much for the ligaments of the spine to support, so these people often develop a decided stoop in later years. The face is long and well formed, the nose well proportioned, dark kindly eyes and dark chestnut hair. The body is very active, but requires much rest, as the recuperative powers are below the average.

The symbol of this sign shows that there are two widely different classes born therein. One, designated by the animal body of the Centaur, is frankly in for "a good time," they are sporty, soldiers of fortune, of roving proclivities, fond of games of change, and ready to risk their all on the turn of a card, the speed of a horse, or a game of ball, while Aries or Scorpio people may become pugilists, and Taurus people take up wresting as a profession. The sports of Sagittarius have no element of cruelty in them. Sagittarians when afflicted may become criminals, their crimes are never violent, however, but rather results of their indulgence of the animal nature.

The other class is the extreme opposite, symbolized by the human part of the sign. Here is the man rising above the animal nature, bending the bow of aspiration and aiming at limitless space, signifying the loftiest longing of that immortal spark of incipient divinity we call the soul. This class is law abiding and of the highest morals; from it come the pillars of the church and beloved rulers of state famed for integrity, benevolence and justice.

The Sun rising in this sign is sure to bring preferment even to those born in lowly and obscure circumstances, and accentuate all good shown in the sign; so will Jupiter, the ruler.

Sagittarius rules the thighs and therefore, naturally, configurations from this sign, if afflicted are likely to cause accidents to those parts. And it is notable fact that Sagittarius are very liable to broken bones under circumstances where people under other signs seldom meet injury.

In the eighth degree of Sagittarius we have the fixed star Antares, which has a very evil effect upon the sight. Two other nebulous spots in the Zodiac have a similar influence. One is Ascelli in Leo 6, the other Pleiades in Taurus 29. The Sun, or Moon, in one of those places and adversely configurated with one of the malefics, Saturn, Mars, Uranus, or Neptune gives trouble with the eyes, according to the nature of the evil aspect; or vice versa, if Saturn, Mars, Uranus or Neptune are in one of the nebulous spots adversely configurated to the Sun or Moon a similar trouble will be experienced. Should a planet like one of the above named be in retrograde motion the aspect is much worse, for when the planet has ceased to retrograde and goes direct in the Zodiac again, it will pass over which ever one of these nebulous spots it is close to a second time and thereby cause an added damage. There may be, however, a compensating side to this aspect, for it sometimes happens that while an evil configuration to one of these nebulous spots, (and Antares is the worst,) deprives a person of his sight, a benevolent configuration awakens in him a second-sight which will mitigate the loss in a degree that only those who have that sight can appreciate.

The Sagittarian must learn to realize his ideals within instead of seeking them without. We are in this school of experience for the purpose of overcoming, and it is not by running away from one place to another that we gain experience. By staying in one place, by doing our very best to attain our ideals where we are, we make our ideals come true.

Capricorn, The Goat

Capricorn rising gives a short, slender, narrow-chested body with a thin neck, thin silky dark hair, a pale peaked face with small, weak eyes. It makes the chin pointed and turned upwards, the nose pointed and turned downwards, an impediment in the speech, ill formed lower limbs and an awkward walk. The vitality is very low, and these children are reared with great difficulty, but once infancy is past, they exhibit a tenacity that is truly amazing, and often become very, very old; they seem to dry up into a mass of wrinkled skin and bone that is all but imperishable, this, on account of the Saturn ray which rules Capricorn. It is noticeable also, that all who have that planet prominent in the nativity show the before mentioned wrinkling of the skin, even though they may retain corpulence conferred by other configurations.

Ambition and suspicion are ruling characteristics, an inordinate desire for recognition of their claims to superiority and advancement; also suspicion that others are trying to subvert or withhold the covet prize, is ever with these people. It causes them much unnecessary worry, and may result in habitual melancholy, particularly if Saturn is afflicted. They ought to seek amusement outdoors, read funny stories and otherwise try to cultivate a sense of the humorous from childhood, for this is one of the saddest signs, and needs all possible encouragement.

Capricorn people are successful in detective work, where secret practices are used to trap others, and persistence is required to ferret out a mystery, for they never give up. The afflicted Capricorn is very revengeful, and if by Mars, may shed blood to satisfy a grudge. The Sun rising brings out the Justice, Purity and Honor of the sign, makes Captains of Industry such as forward the great enterprises of the world.

Aquarius, The Water Bearer

The stateliness and pride of those born under the sign of Leo are not missing in the typical Aquarian, but while in the Leo these qualities are of a lower, more bestial nature agreeable to the sign, they are manly pride and stateliness in the true Aquarian. Libra generates a beautiful body but more effeminate as it were, whereas the Aquarian beauty is truly manly or womanly; the fearless eye is kindly and drooping eyelashes are peculiar to this sign. The forehead is square, and the well developed poise tells of intellect, the large domed head shows the spiritual side of the nature and the chin is sufficiently developed to give purpose to all actions. Thus the typical Aquarian is the highest grade of humanity; but therefore, also exceedingly rare, for the variants produced in each sign from the typical, by the interposition of one or more planets are so different that the type is often unrecognizable in the majority of its features. Aquarians are most loyal to friends, therefore they attract many, keep them through life, and are much benefited by them. Like Capricorn, this sign is ruled by Saturn, and he gives to the Aquarian the same retiring nature and tendency to melancholy which marks the Capricornian, but also the persistence in the following a given course; and whatever financial success comes to these people is the result of continued and patient effort; Aquarians are very deliberate and long suffering; they never act in a hurry, and therefore seldom have cause to regret their actions, save when reason has been stilled through play upon their sympathies, for under such circumstances they are readily imposed upon. The love nature is very strong, but they are not as demonstrative as the Leo. It is noteworthy that the qualities of opposite signs are always reflected; Leo in Aquarius, reflects love; Taurus mirrors the passion of Scorpio; the Gemini body is a reflex of the bony Sagittarius frame, etc.

The Sun and Saturn bring out more prominently the good traits of Aquarius; this sign, where Saturn rules and Libra, where he is exalted, are therefore under his most benign influence. The Sun in Aquarius adds much hope and life to the nature, and thus counteracts the melancholy trait previously mentioned.

Pisces, The Fishes

The typical Piscean is short, flabby and fleshy with a waddling gait not unlike those born under the sign Cancer, but differs from them by having a stouter body. The feet are often tuned in, but larger that those born under Virgo. The body is weak and deficient in recuperative force. The complexion is medium, the eyes blue, watery and expressionless, the nose large and flat.

There is a strong tendency to mediumship among the Pisces people, and therein is a danger greater than any other on earth. No one should "sit for development" and degenerate into the tool of low spirits, but Pisces people in particular are "lost" if taken control of. They cannot free themselves, either in this life or the next, because generally inert and devoid of willpower. They are timid, and even the men are tearful on the slightest provocation; they love leisure more than comfort, and do no work which is not absolutely necessary to keep body and soul together. They love change of scene, rove about considerably, generally in an aimless manner. Being fond of good things to eat and drink, particularly the latter, and lacking will to curb their appetite when afflicted, they frequently indulge their craving to such an extent that they become habitual drunkards.

The Sun rising in Pisces gives more energy and ambition, Jupiter, the ruler, strengthens the morals, and Venus exalted in this sign, gives great musical talent, but accentuates the tendency to alcoholic indulgence, which mars the lives of so many splendid musicians.

When many planets are in Pisces, the person will have a hard life, because he or she will not want to take up life's burden, but will love to dream; such people become recluses; they seek to master the hidden arts, esotericism and mysticism; are not guided by reason, but rather by their likes and dislikes, and unless they can find an occupation that is otherwise isolated from the ordinary business and trend of life they will feel out of place. They are prone to incur the enmity of people with whom they come in contact intimately, nobody seems to get along with them, and nearly everybody, whether he or she shows it or not, will take a dislike to them.

There is, however, a higher side to Pisces; the person who finds himself with Pisces on the ascendant is at the end of one cycle of progress and at the beginning of a new. He stands, as it were, upon the threshold of something higher. Therefore, he is usually not able to live up to the possibilities of the sign which requires self-sacrifice and non-resistance in absolutely Christlike fashion. The tendency is therefore to drift upon the sea of life and dream dreams of future greatness. This tendency must be counteracted by every effort of the will, for otherwise life will be a failure, and later the stern whip of necessity will be applied to goad him or her into action.

The Intrinsic Nature Of The Planets

The nature of gun powder which causes it to explode under certain circumstances is neither good nor bad, the quality of its action being determined by the way its power is used. When it furthers the welfare of the community it is called good, and evil when used in a manner derogatory to our well being; so also with the planets, they are neither good nor evil, each having its intrinsic nature and acting in a manner consonant therewith save as modified by the circumstances under which its powers are exerted. When we know the nature of a sign and the nature of a planet, we may combine the two, and thus obtain the correct reading of the stellar script by our own reasoning instead of depending upon authorities. For instance, the Sun is hot, full of vital force, and exercises an influence that buoys us up in the body and spirit. When its rays fall upon us with moderate strength it makes us stronger and more cheerful, for there is an atmosphere of generosity, out-going love and kindness in the Sun. Thus if the Sun at birth is in the weak sign, Cancer, naturally the effect would be to modify the weak constitution described in the foregoing signature of the signs; the heat of the Sun would give a more florid complexion to the Cancer person, the general health and recuperative powers would be materially augmented, not to speak of the changes that would be manifested in the disposition, giving more ambition, hopefulness and buoyancy to the temperament. Suppose, on the other hand, that the Sun is in Aries when that sign is rising at the birth of a person, then the fire of the Sun, added to the fire of the sign Aries, will increase the boldness and the intrepidity of the person to such a degree that they may become foolhardiness, particularly, if Mars, the ruler of Aries, is also there increasing the warlike tendencies. Those are traits of character, but the physical body will also suffer from this excessive heat, the blood will race through the veins of such a person like a Niagara of liquid fire, and fevers will be a frequent experience, as the superabundance of vitality burns out the physical casement. Were the cold, slow and sluggish Saturn there instead of the Sun and Mars, he might squelch almost all of the Aries characteristics both mental and physical. If we consider Aries symbolized by a stove in which a fire is burning, it would make the same difference whether the hot Mars, or the cold Saturn, were placed there, as it makes a difference whether we pour oil or water into the stove. Similarly, all the other planets produce various results, according to their intrinsic natures and their various combinations. For the sake of lucidity, and ready reference, let us first set down the word which describes the most salient characteristics of each planet.

The Sun: Life
Venus: Coalition
Mercury: Reason
The Moon: Fecundation
Saturn: Obstruction
Jupiter: Idealism
Mars: Dynamic Energy
Uranus: Altruism
Neptune: Divinity

In the foregoing, the essential natures of the planets have been given; where they are well aspected by another planet these natural characteristics are enhanced so far as the benefic planets are concerned, but when evilly aspected, the nature of Venus, which is love and rhythm, becomes folly, licentiousness and sloth; the philosophy, law-abiding tendencies, mercy and lofty aspirations of Jupiter turn into lawlessness, disregard of others, and low pursuits; the lofty spirituality of the Sun will express itself as just animals spirits and physical health. In regard to the planets of the lower nature, good aspects of Mars turn the desires toward constructive objects, as well regulated activities, while evil aspects are responsible for the destructive expression of the desire nature. Saturn, when well aspected, gives mechanical and executive ability capable of directing the desire nature. It shows the brainy, persevering man able to cope with, and conquer, material obstacles; the organizer and the promoter; the scientific investigator, who follows material lines. As Jupiter, well aspected, denotes the high-minded philosopher, the worthy law-giver, the sincere and ardent priest, in fact, all who have high and lofty aspirations, so Saturn, when evilly aspected, denotes the evil-minded, creed-bound sectarian, the materialist, and enemy of society, whether church or state. As Jupiter gives the lofty, expansive and benevolent mind, so Saturn, evilly aspected, gives a sarcastic, concrete and narrow tendency.

It is wonderful to contemplate how the planetary forces balance each other so perfectly that universal equilibrium is maintained despite the disturbances of the 1700 millions who inhabit the earth alone, not to speak of other spheres. Every moment of time our actions, individually and collectively, interfere with terrestrial equipoise, and were not this instantly restored, the earth must leave its orbit, fly off at a tangent and be destroyed. Nor are physical disturbances most potent in disturbing or restoring balance, it being a fallacy to confound solidity and rigidity with strength, as most thoroughly explained in our lecture No. 19, "The Coming Force." A train has no strength itself, but must be solid because it is operated upon by an invisible gas called steam. There is no force in a rigid hammer; but when driven by a column of flexible liquid, like water, backed by an elastic cushion of compressed air, the force stored in the air drives the powerful hydraulic ram irresistibly through whatever comes before it. Likewise subtle, invisible, stellar rays are the factors which maintain our ponderous planet in its path, and spiritual disturbances generated by mankind are naturally the most subtle force which interferes with the earth's equipoise.

Each planet has its opposite, and therefore every time we radiate the quality of one planet, we call forth a counter current of corresponding force, and by the action and reaction of those forces in and upon us and our environment we learn the lessons of life. Do we vibrate to the love ray of Venus, instantly Mars comes to tempt, and tries to turn love to lust, but it depends upon us whether we remain steadfast in virtue or yield to vice. Do we court the ideal of Jupiter; do we aim to elevate the standard of church or state, instantly the Saturnine forces invite to self-aggrandizement and appeal to the passion for power. With us it lies to remain true to the ideal and reap laurels that last through eternity, or yield to the promise of present gain or worthless gold which we repay in sorrow when Saturn turns and becomes the chastiser. Each horoscope shows the tendencies in even the humblest life, and opportunity continually knocks. May we all be prepared to meet it as spiritual astrologers.

How To Test The Horoscope

It sometimes happens that a momentary mental aberration causes even the best of mathematicians to make a mistake in his figures and if an error occurs when casting a horoscope an immense amount of labor may be wasted before it is discovered. There is an easy method of verifying the figure in the main points by a glance at the position of the Sun. The cautious astrologer never neglects to make use of this method, and we would specially recommend it to beginners who are naturally more prone to miscalculate than those who have long experience.

When you have calculated the place of the Sun and entered it in its proper house and sign, note at once if its position coincides with its actual place in the sky at the time of day when the child was born. If the birth occurred about sunrise, the Sun must be near the ascendant; if in the middle of the forenoon the Sun should be somewhere in the eleventh house, if near noon the Sun will be found near the Midheaven in a correctly cast horoscope, and in the middle of the afternoon it is in the eighth house. A child born near sunset has its Sun close to the cusp between the sixth and seventh houses, and if the birth occurs about 9 p.m., the Sun will be in or near the fifth house. When birth is at midnight the Sun is near the nadir, and a child born about 3 o'clock in the morning has the Sun in or near the second house.

If you find that the Sun is in its proper position relative to the houses, you may confidently proceed with your calculations and place the other planets. If not, you have made a mistake which must be corrected before you go further.

When someone hands you a horoscope calculated by another astrologer and asks you to read it, look first at the time of birth and then see if the Sun is in its proper position relative to the houses, and the right sign as determined by the month, for if you start to read from an improperly cast horoscope you lay yourself liable to ridicule. Suppose Saturn were on the ascendant and you accuse that person of being melancholy; when he denies the indications and you discover that Mars and Mercury should be there in Scorpio, it is not probable that he will accept your explanations; he will more likely sneer at astrology and astrologers; nor can we deny that from his point of view such condemnation is justified. Therefore be careful to look at the Sun. Other mistakes may occur, but that is the most serious and the most easily detected.

The Children Of The Twelve Signs
The Children Of Aries

Born March 20th to April 21st

Aries is the home of Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, and is also the exaltation sign of the life-giving Sun, hence it is a very fountain of life and vitality as manifest in the sprouting of the millions of seeds which break through the earth's crust at spring time and change the white winter garment to a flower-embroidered carpet of green, making the forests a bridal bower for the mating beasts and birds.

This great vital force also finds its expression in the children of Aries; they bubble over with life and energy to such an extent that it is often very difficult to curb them sufficiently to hold them within the bounds of safety and common sense. They are self-assertive and aggressive to a degree, always in the lead for they scorn to follow, turbulent and radical in all their thoughts, ideas and actions. They are venturesome to the verge of foolhardiness. We also find that they are greedy for the fruits of their labor, they never can get enough, and no matter how much they earn they are generally poor for they spend as freely and as thoughtlessly as they earn. They make splendid foremen and overseers, for, being so full of vital energy and ambition themselves, they have a faculty of infusing their energy into their subordinates or forcing them to work when necessary. But being too impulsive and reckless they lack the ability to originate for themselves. They are serious and ardent in all they undertake; they cannot go into anything half-heartedly, and therefore, if they once espouse a cause, social, political or religious, they will work for that cause with all the vim and vigor of their energetic nature. But if on the other hand an Aries child becomes addicted to a vice the whole intensity of its being is turned towards the gratification of that particular part of its lower nature. Therefore parents with Aries children have a great responsibility to set before them by precept and example the noblest and best form of conduct of which they are capable, for this is probably the most impressive sign in the zodiac, and the habits formed, the lessons learned in childhood and youth will generally cling to the person through life and make him either very good or very bad. Be particularly careful to inculcate abstinence from alcoholic liquors, for if an Aries child becomes addicted to that he is beyond saving and often becomes subject to delirium.

Children Of Taurus

Born April 21st to May 22nd

On the 21st of April, the Sun enters the zodiacal sign of the Bull, Taurus, and remains in that sign until the 20th of May and therefore children born between those dates partake in a great measure of the characteristics of this sign. Taurus is ruled by Venus the planet of love, and therefore the children of Taurus have a basically amicable and kind disposition, but when they once have conceived an idea they cling to it with stubbornness, they are very resentful of contradiction and very difficult to convince that they have made a mistake; but when one has once succeeded in showing them that they are wrong their inherent love of justice and truth will prompt them to acknowledge their mistakes and try to rectify them. They have a very strong and determined will so that when they set up a goal for themselves or have made up their minds to do anything they usually keep on working with patience and persistence until they make a success of whatever they have undertaken. They also have good executive ability and are able to take leading positions where they have others under their command. Although they are amicable and agreeable when in the company of others they have a strong tendency to seek solitude and to become very self-centered. They seem to set up unconsciously a barrier between themselves and other people so that it is difficult to become intimately acquainted with them. Taurus children are very keen in their desires for material possessions and they are usually very fortunate also in acquiring them for besides having good earning power themselves they are often the recipients of inheritance. But they do not want wealth for the sake of having it as much as for the pleasure and comfort which they can get out of it; they are very fond of comforts and luxuries, art, music, drama and other refining influences of life.

The children of Taurus have an abundance of vitality to start with, but they are very apt to go to excess in work or play, waste their energy and become ill as a consequence. They are particularly attracted to the pleasures of the table. They revel in rich foods which later give them a tendency to digestive troubles, enlargement of the liver, heart disease and congestion of the kidneys. These diseases are very apt to make them uncomfortable in later life, therefore parents should inculcate in them above all things the virtue of frugality, not only by precept, but by example, for these Taurus children, are very quick and they will readily see that "mother and father tell me to eat little but they eat all they want themselves." They should also be taught to take plenty of exercise as a means to promote health, for the children of Taurus are rather indolent in their manner. However, as said before, they have a most wonderful vitality particularly if they are born at sunrise and although they may become subject to the diseases mentioned they will usually have a long life and a fair measure of general good health, wealth and happiness.

Children Of Gemini

Born May 22nd to June 22nd

The children of Gemini are wonderfully quick-witted and bright; they also have the ability to express themselves clearly and to the point, therefore they are always good company. Conversation never lags when they are present, in fact they are sometimes given to monopolizing it entirely, but then they are often so interesting that other people are glad to listen. They acquire learning very rapidly and are very well informed on most subjects. They have a good memory so that what they have won is not lost, that is of course, provided the horoscope is otherwise well-aspected and configurated. Where it is seriously afflicted we find the faults of the Gemini pointing in the opposite directions; then they may be inveterate chatterboxes, shunned by everybody who can possibly get out of their way. The great point to remember with these children is that they have the ability of expression and a great deal may be done during the days of childhood to mold the character in such a way that it expresses itself in a manner congenial to others and to the general benefit of the child and its surroundings, and that will be of help to it later in life.

The children of Gemini are, generally speaking, of a very kind and affable disposition, easy to get along with. They are able to adapt themselves to other people and to circumstances so that they become all things to all men and in that way they usually make friends and few enemies. They are of a roving disposition and love to travel about from one place to another. They excel in scientific or clerical activities, as agents or representatives of others where their Mercurial talents find an avenue for expression.

From the moral point of view it is not good to have a flexible nature. The children of Gemini are only too easily made victims of flattery and therefore apt to be led unconsciously into paths of wrong doing. It should be the aim of the parents of these children to hold before them the ideal of the straight and narrow path and emphasize the idea in their minds that that is never to be swerved from under any consideration.

The children of Gemini are very high-strung and nervous and therefore they are easily worried and irritated, which is reflected in their actions and their bodily health. On that account parents with children born in this month ought to be lenient with them in their flashes of temper for they are very quick-spoken under wrath; they need a soothing answer rather than reproof, in order that they may be helped to overcome while they are young and to strengthen their moral constitution in that respect. When the horoscope of a Gemini child is afflicted there is very apt to be some disorder of the lungs and Gemini children will be much helped if they are taught proper breathing exercises and calisthenics. It will at least minimize the tendencies and may entirely overcome them. Gemini children usually grow very tall and straight. They are fine-looking people with a quick walk and brisk movements, and they may be either light or dark complexioned according to the placement and configuration of the planets.

The Children Of Cancer

Born June 22nd to July 23rd

The watery sign Cancer is one of the weakest in the zodiac so far as vitality goes and when it is upon the eastern angle of a person's horoscope it always gives a rather weak body; but usually this does not apply to the children born during the time when the Sun is in Cancer, for the Sun is the giver of life, and these children are therefore more fortunate with respect to vitality that those children who have Cancer rising.

The children of Cancer are usually very timid and retiring, yet they want and need friendship and sympathy, though they are very sensitive about seeking it; but when they get well acquainted they can at times be very exacting with their friends, even autocratic in their ways of ordering them about. At the same time, it must be said they are very conscientious in all things entrusted to them, and use considerable discretion in whatever they do, so that one may safely trust them to keep a secret or execute a commission. The sign Cancer is ruled by the restless Moon, and therefore changes of residence, position, vocation, and of all matters, are quite frequent in the lives of these children. At the same time they cannot be called fickle and flippant for they are very tenacious whenever they have undertaken to do a certain work or undertaken a certain obligation; they stay by it until it is finished. Neither do they run haphazard into anything; in fact, there are times when they are inclined to be too cautious. Especially where there is danger of injury they are almost cowards, and they are often given to anxiety and worry.

The Children Of Leo

Born July 23rd to August 24th

The sign Leo is ruled by the life-giving Sun, and it is called the royal sign of the Zodiac; therefore it confers upon the children which are born under its influence a noble, ambitious and aspiring nature. They are of the Master breed and make good leaders but poor followers. Being of a noble and lofty character themselves they scorn mean and sordid things nor will they stoop to do a low act even under great provocation or the strong urge of self-interest. The love nature is very strong and ardent. No inconvenience or sacrifice is too great to serve those they love. They are loyal and true friends through thick and thin. Leo is a fixed sign and gives its children considerable will power, so that they are usually able to win their way to the top despite all handicaps and obstacles. They are very fixed in their opinions and if they espouse any cause they will usually stay by it and work for it in a most enthusiastic manner. They never do anything half-heartedly, for Leo being a fiery sign endows them with power, vitality and enthusiasm. Leo also gives its children a good memory. The foregoing tendencies are indicated when the Sun is fairly well aspected in the horoscope; but if it is afflicted by Mars, or any of the malefics, the nature is changed, so that the person becomes bombastic, blustering and domineering, one not to be trusted in any department of life, and an unfaithful, amorous husband or wife, or a disloyal friend, one who will not hesitate to stoop to any meanness. He is then just as bad as the Leo with the well aspected Sun is good, this on the principle that the brightest light always casts the deepest shadow. The principal fault of the Leos is a quick temper, but they do not hold spite, and when shown to have been wrong they are always ready to apologize and make amends. They are magnanimous, even to their bitterest enemies.

The Children of Virgo

Born August 24th to September 23rd

Virgo, the Sixth sign of the zodiac, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of reason, expression and dexterity. It is said, and with considerable truth, that love is blind, for were one to see faults in the beloved one the master passion never would find expression. Therefore the children of Virgo who are governed so much by intellect are not sympathetic, but inclined to be cynical, critical and skeptical of anything that is not scientifically demonstrable to the reason and senses. They are very quick mentally, though only too often inclined to "strain at a gnat," and though they seldom "swallow the camel," they get into a rut where they become narrow-minded and bigoted. They are rather lazy themselves and fond of taking things easy, but they like to drive others, and can be very masterful with subordinates. On that account they often cause enmities of a lasting nature, but whenever they become friendly with any one they also make very good friends and treat their friends well. The Mercurial disposition infused by this sign brings many changes of environment and therefore new associations and friendships are constantly being formed. They are very acquisitive and always looking out for ways and means of bettering themselves financially, socially and economically. It may also be said that they deserve promotion for they are industrious to a degree where they see that a reward may be gained thereby.

They are also very ingenious and versatile, fond of the study of science, particularly chemistry, diet and hygiene, and many among them become extreme food faddists. As Virgo is the Sixth sign these people take on Sixth house characteristics and are therefore very sensitive to suggestions of ill health, so that if they ever become enmeshed in the tentacles of diseases they frequently lack the necessary will power to extricate themselves with the result that they then usually become chronic invalids or perhaps rather they think themselves so, for it may be said that these people seem to resent any effort to cheer them up and get them out of the clutches of their particular illness, real or fancied. They seem in fact to enjoy bad health, and they are always looking for sympathy, though as we noted in the beginning of this reading, they are very slow to grant the same to others. If they can keep out of the clutches of disease, they often become excellent nurses and have a splendid influence upon the sick.

The Children Of Libra

Born September 23rd to October 24th

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. The children which are born under this sign are ruled by the planet of love, Venus. The symbol of Libra in the pictorial zodiac is a pair of scales and this instrument describes graphically their principal characteristic. The children of Libra are very ardent in anything they do; they take up a vocation or an avocation with a zeal and enthusiasm which for the time being excludes all other things from their consideration, but after a while they may drop it just as suddenly, take up something else as a trade, a fad or a hobby, and pursue that with an equal energy and absorbing interest. This is in fact one of their principal faults, as they find it very difficult to settle down to anything definite, and continue it with patience and persistence until they have achieved success.

Libra is the sign where the Sun changes from the northern to the southern hemisphere; it crosses the equator there, and consequently the Sun is very weak at that point. It is the great life-giver going down into the dark winter months, and therefore Saturn, the planet of darkness, is exalted in Libra. Thus we find two natures very markedly expressed in children that are born under this sign; one is of the Sun which is cheerful and optimistic, the other is that of Saturn, which is morose and melancholy. And this expresses itself in the changeable nature of the Libra children; sometimes they are up in the seventh heaven, optimistic and enthusiastic, cheerful and happy, then as suddenly and without any seeming cause the scale swings and they seem to be down in the dumps of worry and melancholy just as if they had not a friend in the world. As a matter of fact they make many friends for they have a basically kind disposition engendered by the Lady of Libra, Venus, but they also have a quick temper, though fortunately they do not hold spite. They are exceedingly fond of pleasures in general and particularly lean toward art and music.

The Children Of Scorpio

Born October 24th to November 23rd

Scorpio is ruled by Mars, the planet of dynamic energy, and therefore the children born during that month when the Sun is passing through this sign are filled with a force that must have an outlet somewhere or somehow. They partake in all the Martial qualities, either good or bad, according to the way the Sun is placed and aspected, and they are always ready to take up an argument or a fight; either on their own behalf or for someone else; they are never content with half measures, either they go to one extreme or the other, good or bad. Those who show the good side of Scorpio have splendid constructive and executive abilities. They are brusque but honest and just, indefatigable workers, and always ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of others by rebelling against oppression or in other ways unselfishly working for the cause they have espoused. But those who show the bad side of Scorpio not only refuse to work themselves but become demagogues who incite others to anarchy and lawlessness and destruction. These people are social fire-brands and very dangerous to the community. But here is one redeeming feature about them and that is that they are not underhanded; whatever they do is open and aboveboard. The children of Scorpio usually have a very uncertain temper and a sarcastic tongue that bites like the sting of the scorpion, when they turn that side of their nature. Therefore the parents of these children should take them in hand as early as possible and teach them self-control by every means within their power; also strive to soften the Mars ray and instill into them a more kindly spirit. This may be very difficult because the sign Scorpio gives a very determined nature, still, in childhood's years it is plastic to a certain extent and can be best worked upon then. They have a very strong and vivid imagination, with a clear, sharp and penetrating mind, also a personal magnetism that makes them very attractive to those with whom they come in contact. They seem to be most contented in military life where there is sharp and strict discipline. Particular care should be taken to teach these children sex hygiene, for the sign Scorpio rules the generative and eliminative organs, whose functions are stimulated by the presence of the Sun in Scorpio, so that if the person is not morally and physically clean, much trouble may be expected. These children also make excellent surgeons and if they are taught to use surgery only for constructive purposes they can do a great deal of good in the world. All this depends in a considerable measure upon the early training, for there is a destructive side to the Scorpio nature which would make it very dangerous from the spiritual viewpoint for such a person to take up a vocation that offers scope for malpractice; he would then contract a very heavy debt under the law of consequence, which must be paid in sorrow and suffering either in this or later lives.

The Children Of Sagittarius

Born November 23rd to December 22nd

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the great benefic planet, and it may be said generally that those who are born while the Sun is in this sign from November 23rd to December 22nd are well liked in the society where they move. They are of a hearty and jovial disposition, princes among men, hail-fellows-well-met, and their acquaintances are generally glad to see them. There are two very distinct classes born under this sign. In the pictorial zodiac, Sagittarius is represented as a centaur, half horse and half man, and one class of those who come to birth under its influence are well described by the animal part thereof, for they are of a sporty nature, ready to gamble on the speed of a horse at long odds or to stake their last dollar on a game of cards. They are fond of a "good time right straight through" and their moral nature is of low grade, aptly described by the animal part of the symbol, so that they have no scruples with respect to the indulgence of their appetites, passions and desires. They are lacking in respect for both law and ordinary morals, hence they are often found among the criminal class. But those children of Sagittarius symbolized by the human part of the centaur, aiming the bow of aspiration at the stars, are as different from the above as day is from night, for they are extremely idealistic, moral law-abiding, noble characters who win the respect of society in general and particularly of all with whom they come into intimate contact. Therefore they become in time the pillars of society and often receive positions of honor and preferment in State or Church as judges or divines. They are very orthodox and conservative in their opinions and punctilious to a fault in their observance of all customs and traditions of the times wherein they live, but they are not progressive, for they value the opinions of their contemporaries very highly and are seldom induced to espouse any progressive ideas which might jeopardize the respect of the community enjoyed by them. They are firm believers in the necessity of red tape. Withal, however, they are charitable and benevolent, tender and sympathetic; they can always be relied upon to aid any altruistic movement, and though they are of a kindly nature and endeavor to avoid quarrels in their own behalf, they sometimes fight with great zeal and courage for others who have been injured and in whose behalf their sympathies have been enlisted, hence they make admirable lawyers.

The Sagittarius are usually excellent conversationalists; they have quick and ready wit and are fond of indulging in oratory. Their exhibitions of memory and interesting way of relating experiences always hold the audience. They are very proud and have great confidence in themselves.

The Children Of Capricorn

Born December 22nd to January 20th

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of obstruction, therefore the vitality of these children is very low and they are difficult to raise, but once infancy is passed the Saturnine persistence makes itself felt and they cling to life with an amazing tenacity so that they often become very old. They are very much subject to colds and their principal source of danger is falls and bruises. The children of Capricorn are usually bashful and timid in the presence of strangers but when they have become used to people they show their domineering nature and endeavor to make everybody around them conform to their will. The Saturnine quality of the sign makes them jealous and suspicious of the motives of others. Therefore they are very fond of detective work. They will follow a trail with unerring instinct and unwavering perseverance that never gives up as long as there is the remotest chance of success. It is good to be friends with Capricornians and bad to make enemies of them, for they find it very hard to forgive a real or fancied offense or injury and always brood over any wrong done to them. On the other hand, if they once give their confidence or friendship they are also consistent in that direction. They are very ambitious and anxious to have their services recognized by other people and they have splendid executive ability because of the unusual qualities of forethought and concentration conferred by Saturn. They are born leaders and organizers but chafe under restrictions and dislike particularly to take orders from others. When they are placed in such a subordinate position and cannot have their way they become gloomy, taciturn, moody, pessimistic, irritable, and given to worry. The children of Capricorn usually have a disinclination for marriage and are seldom at ease if they enter into that state. The union is usually childless or children are few.

The Children Of Aquarius

Born January 20th to February 19th

The children of Aquarius are of a rather shy, retiring nature. They like to keep their own company and counsel more than is good for them, for if this bent in the nature is allowed full scope, it has a tendency to breed melancholy and make them recluses. They have a quiet, unassuming manner which gains many friends for them and their home life is usually ideal. They are generally affectionate and of a very sweet and kind disposition; they are always ready to defer to the opinion of a loved one and ready to yield a point for the sake of harmony. Besides, Aquarius being a fixed sign they are very constant in their affection as well as in other things.

Aquarius is an intellectual sign and its children usually have a good mentality, because the Saturnine rulership gives depth to the mind, and the Uranian ray gives them intuition and an inclination towards science, literature and philosophy. They are remarkably persistent in whatever they undertake, and therefore usually succeed in the long run. As Aquarius is the 11th sign it partakes also of the qualities ruled by the 11th House; therefore the children of Aquarius are usually well liked among their associates and have many friends. The children of Aquarius are very proud and jealous of the esteem of others. Their principal fault is that on account of Saturnine traits they are somewhat given to worry. As with the Leos, they are strong in their likes and dislikes; they will do anything for those who have won their affection, but resent any attempt to drive them, and under such conditions are extremely stubborn; in fact they are very set in their mental attitude, and once an opinion has been formed it is not easily changed. They are so very sensitive to the mental conditions around them that it affects their physical well being perhaps more than they are aware of for this is one of the most sensitive signs.

The Children Of Pisces

Born February 20th to March 20th

The children of Pisces are of a marked negative disposition, subject to varying moods, and are, like the children of Aquarius, very sensitive to the mental atmosphere in their environment. For that reason it is of the greatest importance that parents of these children should guard them during childhood against the influences of bad companions, for the old proverb about "bad company corrupting good manners" applies with ten-fold strength to these children, and they will absorb good or evil with equal facility. So until they have learned to choose for themselves the good things, it is especially necessary for their natural guardians to shield them. They also have a strong tendency to mediumship and if they are taken into seances there is a great danger that they may become controlled. Moreover, having such an extremely flexible nature they can never exert sufficient will power to free themselves from the influence when once they have been subjected to it, and it may ruin their whole life.

These children are very peaceable in disposition and suffer injury rather than fight for their rights, not because they do not care, for they are very jealous especially when born in the latter part of the sign, but because the Piscean nature is averse to exertion, and generally they do not want to take the trouble to fight for their rights. In plain English they are lazy. Therefore the parents should see that a certain amount of work is allotted to them during the earliest years, for it is then that the habits are formed and the nature is the most plastic. They can learn to be diligent with must less effort at that time than during the later stages of life. But once the children of Pisces have commenced doing a piece of work it will probably be a surprise to others to watch them and see the methodical way they go at it, making every move count until the task has been completed with seemingly very little effort on their part. Honesty is another of the virtues of the Pisces children; they are usually dependable and close-mouthed, so that they may be trusted with secrets in full confidence that they will not betray the trust.

The children of Pisces are generally kind and sympathetic, cordial and suave in manner, qualities which will of course bring them many friends. They are notoriously fond of good things to eat, they revel in rich goods, and are also prone to be fond of drink. If these tendencies are allowed to work themselves out they will of course ruin the life, and besides bring on a train of disease. Therefore the parents of these children should endeavor by precept and example to teach them the simple life, frugality and control of the appetite during the years when habits are formed, besides guarding them against too strenuous exercise which even the children of Pisces will not shun in childhood when the abundance of life force impels them. Then later in life these lessons will not be without their fruit. The chances are that the child which by the help of the parent has learned in childhood to rules its stars will be both healthy and hearty, respected and loved because of good habits, and will fully enjoy life. In short, these children need a very careful bringing up to save them from their evil tendencies and bring out the good, but that is just what such souls come to parents for. Their necessity is the parent's opportunity to make great and wonderful soul growth.

The Sun, Giver Of Life

The Sun, being the center of the solar system, is recognized by all as the physical life-giver even when they do not believe in anything superphysical; it is patent to everyone from personal observation that the horizontal ray of the morning Sun affects us differently from the perpendicular noon ray, and that in summer the rays carry a life-force which not only brings forth the verdure upon the fields, but also affects the human temperament, and endows us with vital energy, courage and a hopeful spirit foreign to the dark and gloomy winter months. This gloom is permanently noticeable in the temperament of people living in the far north, where the absence of sunlight makes life a struggle that saps the spirit of frolic, while in countries where abundance of sunlight lessens the cares of existence, the temperament is correspondingly vivacious and hopeful and sunny.

In the horoscope, the angle of each planetary ray at birth determines the department of life it will affect. If the child is born at the noon hour when the Sun is at the Zenith, the day star will appear in the 10th house of the horoscope and bring preferment professionally. If the child were born at midnight when the Sun is directly under the place of birth its influence would be through the Fourth House, and it would brighten the old age of the child then born.

There are three unfortunate angles for the Sun; Children born shortly after sunset have it in the Sixth House, which indicates sickness, and as the Sun is life-giver this position lessens the vitality and recuperative powers. Birth in the middle part of the afternoon places the Sun in the Eighth House. This is the house through which the death-dealing forces act, and logically, the Lord of Life is out of place in the House of Death. The Second House shows what income we obtain by our own efforts, and as the Eighth House is opposite the Second it reveals the sources of revenue for which we do not personally exert ourselves, that is to say, legacies, pensions or grants of a public nature. We have known people with the Sun in the Eighth House to acquire vast sums, millions in one case, by speculation in municipal necessities. Such persons are often threatened by death and sometimes have many hairbreadth escapes, but even with the best of aspects to the Sun, a ripe age is seldom attained.

When a child is born shortly after sunrise the Sun is in the Twelfth House, which is the avenue whence we reap our sorrows, and it has been our experience that the early life of such a person is encompassed by trouble of one kind or another.

When the ascendant of a person is in doubt and the place in the Zodiac which seems to fit nearest brings the Sun into the Twelfth House, the writer has often found that the exact ascendant may be ascertained by asking the person if his childhood's life was clouded by poverty of the parents and consequent limitation for a number of years just after birth. This in all the cases where it has been found that all other events fitted in the horoscope proved a successful method of determining the true ascendant, so that the number of degrees from the ascendant to the Sun, the latter located in the Twelfth House, would indicate the years of poverty, for the Twelfth House makes for limitation in that respect, especially when the Sun is there at birth. When the Sun by progression has passed through the Twelfth House and comes into the ascendant, things begin to brighten for the person involved, and when in time it passes through the Second House he will have a period of financial success; but as stated the Sun in the Twelfth House, just above the ascendant, usually makes a very poor home for the child during the early years of life. If Pisces is there the cause will generally be found in slothfulness and a desire for drink on the part of the parents, which make them thus neglect their offspring.

The qualities imparted by a well placed Sun are dignity, strength of will and courage, both physical and moral, a lofty pride and a keen sense of honor and responsibility which make a person eminently reliable, a sterling honesty and a hatred of anything small, underhanded or tricky. It makes him steadfast in love, staunch in friendship and generous even to enemies. A dignified, exalted or well placed Sun brings friendship from people in a position to bestow substantial favors and aids the person materially in his endeavors to advance in life.

When the Sun is afflicted and weak by sign and position the opposite qualities are manifested; bombastic self-assurance, and bluster, love of adulation and a desire to rule or ruin, but no courage to face opposition; indulgence of the lower nature and a waste of the vital force with a consequent loss of health and strength. When the Sun is weak the person is not to be depended on; he regards his promises as pie-crusts, made to be broken, and because of these traits such people always remain in obscurity.

In the world at large the Sun signifies employers and those in immediate authority over the person, such as judges and other government officers, and when the exigencies of life bring a person in contact with them he will receive at their hands whatever treatment is merited by his Sun.

The Sun being masculine is significator of the marriage partner in a woman's horoscope (and the feminine Moon serves a similar purpose in a man's figure), hence a well placed Sun is one of the indications that a man will make a good husband, and an unaspected, weak or afflicted Sun gives him a tendency to neglect his hearth and home.

As a general significator of health the Sun rules principally in masculine figures (and the Moon in feminine horoscopes), but both lights are important. It may be said however, that the health of a man is not so much endangered by afflictions of the Moon as by a weak Sun, and vice versa, a woman suffers more if her Moon is afflicted than if her Sun is evilly aspected.

The Sun In The Twelve Houses
The Sun In The First House

The Sun is the source of vitality. The First House signifies our constitutional condition and the home of our childhood, hence the Sun well aspected in the First House adds to the vitality of the rising sign and augments the recuperative powers. It brightens life during the days of childhood and stabilizes the nature, making the person more cheerful and companionable, ambitious to succeed in life, courageous in overcoming obstacles. The outlook on life is joyful and optimistic, hence the chances of success are increased. People with the Sun in this position love to lead and exercise authority over others; they are very jealous of the esteem of the community, upright and honest in their dealings.

When the Sun is afflicted in the First House it lowers the vitality, makes the person timid and vacillating, lacking in courage and ambition; hence the chances of a successful life are slim unless many aspects are good, thus modifying this condition.

The Sun In The Second House

This shows the person will find favor with people in a position to further his material prosperity and will by their help gain a comfortable living, but it also gives a tendency to squander money on the principle that "what comes easy goes easy." Unless this trait be curbed it may bring about financial stringency, for it is not so much what we earn that counts as what we spend. We shall be poor with an income of a million if we spend two.

The Sun In The Third House

This favors travel and makes the person bright and observing, eager to investigate conditions and things, for it imparts a scientific turn to the mind. It is a good position for writers as it helps to bring them to public notice and favor.

The Sun In The Fourth House

In one sense this is very unfortunate position because it deprives the person of the help of the solar influence during the major portion of life, which is on that account a constant uphill struggle, but as the Fourth House rules the latter part of life it is always a consolation to know that the declining years will be brightened by the Sun of success. That should make the burdens lighter to bear.

The Sun In The Fifth House

The Fifth House rules courtship; children, pleasure, education and publications; when the Sun is there it favors all these except children. It makes the person a favorite with the opposite sex, gives him much enjoyment of life, also success as a teacher, publisher or editor, but strangely enough, though the Sun rules the heart whence spring our children, his position in the Fifth House is distinctly unfavorable for their begetting. This is especially so if the fiery Fifth sign Leo is on the cusp. Then the fervent heat of passion seems to scorch the human plant before it has time to grow. This tendency is modified to some extent when a watery sign is on the cusp, but when one of the partners has the Sun in the Fifth House the offspring are never numerous.

The Sun In The Sixth House

Seeing that the Sun is the Giver of Life it is evident that when it is confined in the Sixth House it is debilitated and the vital flow is obstructed; therefore people who have the Sun in that position are particularly liable to disease and slow to recuperate. On that account their diseases are frequent and long-drawn-out to an extent which often amounts to chronic invalidism.

If the person is an employee of someone else he will be efficient in his work; he will have no difficulty in obtaining well-paid positions but he will be very touchy towards his employers and make frequent changes under the pretext that his abilities are not sufficiently appreciated. If he is an employer, this position of the Sun is good for success in business, but indicates trouble with servants, who will be domineering.

If the configurations in the horoscope enable the person to shake off the grip of sickness the Sun in the Sixth House gives great ability in chemistry, preparation of health-food, and makes the person a capable nurse or healer.

The Sun In The Seventh House

Partnerships are often unsuccessful because of the selfishness of the participants but he who has the Sun in the Seventh House will have no reason to complain in that respect for he will always attract someone with a high sense of honor when in need of a partner, and as marriage is the most intimate of all partnerships, the Sun in the Seventh House is a particularly fortunate position in that respect, because it will bring the person a mate who is absolutely steadfast and true, one who may indeed be depended upon as a helpmate in all the exigencies and vicissitudes of life till death do part. As there is no earthly treasure equal to such an enduring love this is perhaps the best of all solar positions.

Should the person be unfortunate enough to become involved in litigation the Sun in the Seventh House promotes the favor of the judge and a successful outcome.

The Sun In The Eighth House

The Eighth House is the angle of incidence through which the death dealing forces act, and as the Sun is the giver of life it is evident that this position is extremely detrimental as far as vitality is concerned, and it often brings a promising life to an early termination. It also often happens that when genius has gone begging all through life and passed the portal of death in obscurity it gains belated recognition, fame and immortality through this position of the Sun.

As the Second House signifies the financial condition of the person and shows what he does with the money he earns, so the Eighth shows what comes to him apart from his own efforts, that is to say, inheritances, the wealth of the marriage partner, etc. Therefore the Sun in the Eighth House shows an increase of wealth after marriage but also a tendency of the mate to be over-generous and squander the means.

The Sun In The Ninth House

This position brightens the mind and imbues the person with high ideals and lofty ambitions. It makes him generously tolerant of other people's opinions — noble and kind-hearted. There is an inner urge to solve problems of life and learn the "whys" and "wherefores," hence the mind turns naturally toward philosophy, religion and law. And as we always excel in the things we love, people with the Sun in the Ninth House make excellent statesmen, lawyers and ministers of God. They shine in all intellectual and scientific pursuits. Their mission often takes them into foreign lands.

The Sun In The Tenth House

This is one of the surest signs of general success in life. The person rises by the favor of those above him in the social scale and obtains positions of responsibility and trust. He is much respected in the community and often honored by election to public office, and he may always be depended upon to justify the trust reposed in him.

The Sun In The Eleventh House

This is a good sign that the hopes, wishes and aspirations of the person will be realized; it attracts people in a position to befriend him and with an inclination to do so.

The Sun In The Twelfth House

This is the signature of the lonely soul who as a recluse shuts himself off from his fellows. It brings with it a danger of conflict with the authorities or an inability to fit in with the family conditions and on account of the ensuing trouble the person goes into voluntary or enforced exile, living his life henceforth a stranger among strangers. Even when such extreme conditions do not prevail, the first third of the life is usually wasted in vain efforts to find a balance and settle down to some life work.

Like the Sixth House position of the Sun, this also favors work with the sick in hospitals, chemistry and laboratory work, or work with prisoners; it gives a love of esotericism and leads to curious lines of research.

The Sun In The Twelve Signs
The Sun In Aries

Aries is the exaltation-sign of the Sun and hence this is the most powerful position of the central orb. There it radiates a vital force of unexampled strength which gives to the person a wonderful fund of energy wherewith to withstand the onslaughts of disease and should he be taken ill his powers of recuperation will quickly free him from the clutches of sickness. People having this position are principally liable to fevers on account of the fervent heat of the Sun in Aries. As Aries rules the head the excessive heat often dries up the scalp so that the hair cannot grow and the person becomes bald.

The Sun In Taurus

A favorable position for the financial fortunes but it also gives a tendency to extravagance, especially in dress, and makes the person extremely fond of the opposite sex, sometimes with detrimental results. It gives great physical strength and the person loves to show off that people may admire his prowess. Taurus rules the larynx and therefore the Sun in Taurus adds strength to the vocal organs and gives the person a strong, pleasant voice.

The Sun In Gemini

Gemini is a Mercurial sign and third in the gamut, hence this position gives a blended influence of the Sun, Mercury and the Third House. This favors expression of Mercury for it is the planet which stirs the vocal chords and produces sound in the Taurean larynx; it also favors writings and travel; the mind is brightened by the Sun in Gemini and when it is necessary or expedient to travel the person gains thereby physically and mentally. It gives a pleasant, affable disposition which makes him generally liked among his associates.

The Sun In Cancer

Cancer is the fourth sign and is ruled by the Moon, hence, the Sun in Cancer is a mixture of the Sun, Moon and fourth House influences. In the natural horoscope (where Aries is on the Ascendant) Cancer is at the nadir, and with the Sun here, vitality is at its lowest ebb; therefore with this position one is apt to be indolent even when not sickly at all. He is harmless and avoids quarrels, hence is harmonious and agreeable in the home so long as he is not asked to work too hard. This position of the Sun makes the first part of the life barren of fruits but brings success in the later years. Cancer is a psychic sign and therefore the Sun in Cancer gives a tendency toward esotericism, often with psychic experiences.

The Sun In Leo

The Sun in Leo gives a masterful nature with a large measure of self-control, a keen sense of honor and a never-failing integrity. The person aspires to rule others but would scorn to take a mean advantage or to do anything to others that would not be in strict accord with the golden rule; the affections are deep and lasting. People with the Sun in Leo are staunch defenders of those they love, but equally strong in their aversions. Leo is the sign which rules the heart. Whatever people with the Sun in Leo do is done with a concentration of purpose which compels success. They make true friends and if one must have an enemy, a Leo will prove more honorable and magnanimous than any other.

The Sun In Virgo

This is combination of the solar, mercurial and Sixth House influences. It shows the successful middleman between the producer and consumer, subtle, extremely quick to see what will work to his advantage in the promotion of business, pleasant and sociable, agreeable to all from whom he expects to gain, but domineering to employees and fellow workers; a smooth talker but not necessarily insincere; he merely looks out for number one.

The Sun in Virgo makes good chemists, nurses and doctors, not surgeons but drug-doctors; they are firm believers in medicine and lots of it.

The Sun In Libra

Libra is ruled by Venus and is the seventh sign, hence the Sun in Libra combines the influence of Venus with that of the Sun and the Seventh house, with the result that the person loves the marriage partner so devotedly that he excludes everyone else; for of a person with that position it may truly be said that "the Sun rises and sets" in the marriage partner.

Libra is also the exaltation sign of Saturn, and his influence is there at its best, giving an element of construction to the art of Venus. This is brought about as ability for architecture and the finer branches of decorative construction when the Sun is in Libra. This position also gives a fine, sonorous voice and vocal talent.

The Sun In Scorpio

The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and independence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance.

The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist.

The Sun In Sagittarius

This gives lofty ideas and a noble aspiring disposition aiming to rise by raising others. It makes the person benevolent, philanthropic and therefore beloved among his associates. He is often the recipient of honors and appointments to positions of trust, and missions of a delicate nature, nor could a better selection be made, for such people are the souls of honor. This position will also bring success in religion, law and statesmanship for it gives an expansive mind fitted to grapple with the greater problems of life.

The Sun In Capricorn

This is a good sign that the person will rise in life by the aid of the good-will of people in a higher position than himself; it shows that he will merit their trust and acquit himself well in a position of responsibility and trust; it makes him careful, prudent, faithful and honest. Judges with that position cannot be bought but will administer justice as they see it, to all comers. It gives an all round love of fair play and wins for those who have it the respect and esteem of all in their circle.

The Sun In Aquarius

This is a combination of the Sun, Uranus and the Eleventh House influences. It gives the person an intuitive perception of the inner nature of things and a touch with the forces and ideas of the spiritual realms which leads him to take up when possible, new and advanced cults, or methods of healing such as Naturopathy, Electrotherapy, Astro-therapy, Magnetic Healing, etc. He is also drawn to scientific research and ultra-intellectual or strange religions. This position gives much popularity and firm friends among people who are in a position to bestow favors and further the person's attainment of his ambitions.

The Sun In Pisces

Gives a retiring disposition and favors success in occupations removed from the public gaze such as prisons, hospitals, institutions for the poor, etc. If the person incur enmity of others, he will be vindicated whatever they may do to hurt his reputation. People with the Sun in Pisces have a strong tendency towards psychism, mediumship and esotericism in general.

The Sun In Aspect With Other Planets

Venus Parallel Or In Conjunction With The Sun calls out the artistic side of the nature, making the person fond of music, art and poetry; it strengthens the love nature and if the configuration occurs in the Seventh House it is a positive testimony of unalloyed marital bliss. In the Second or Eight House it leads to extravagance of the person or his mate; in Scorpio it is not good for the morals and in Pisces it leads to intemperance. These aspects strengthen the constitution, increase the popularity and make social intercourse smooth so that the person has many friends and keeps them.

As the orbit of Venus is so small she never forms the sextile, trine, square or opposition to the Sun.

Mercury Parallel Or In Conjunction With The Sun. These are the only aspects formed between the two. They are good for the memory and mentality if Mercury is not closer to the Sun than three degrees, for then he is 'combust' and his good qualities are burned up in the Sun's rays. It is most fortunate to have Mercury rise before the Sun at birth for he is the Lightbearer who holds the torch of reason before the Spirit which in the horoscope is symbolized by the Sun. When he rises after the Sun the mentality is not nearly so keen (unless other good aspects favor).

The Moon Parallel Or In Conjunction With Sun. No matter in what sign or house the conjunction of the Lights occurs the person will be so strongly marked with the characteristics of that sign that lacking knowledge of this true Ascendant even the most competent astrologer is likely to be misled and judge him to be born with the sign rising in which the conjunction took place, and whatever matters are ruled by the House in which conjunction occurs will play a very important part in the life. In the First House he is an out and out egotist with very little love for others save in so far as they serve his ends; in the Seventh, his world pivots on the mate; in the Tenth House or sign he will sacrifice all other considerations to rise in public life; in the Twelfth House or sign the conjunction will give a strong tendency to drink, bringing trouble; in the Third and Ninth Houses it will brighten the mind and induce travel from which he will benefit; in the Second House it will bring wealth, especially if in good aspect with Jupiter.

But if the conjunction of the Sun and Moon is closer than three degrees it has a tendency to deplete the vitality and if the conjunction is also a solar eclipse, and the child survives, this will be particularly noticeable, all through life. People who have such close conjunctions or eclipses become listless, dis-spirited and out of sorts every time there is a new Moon. The conjunction or eclipse does not seem to interfere with the good effects in other departments of life.

The Moon Sextile Or Trine To The Sun. The good aspects of the Sun and Moon make for general success in life, health, fair financial conditions, good home surroundings with faithful friends, and esteem in the community; they favor a rise in life because of the person's innate ability, which either gains for him the recognition of people in a position to help him rise, or impels him to carve his own way.

The Moon Square Or Opposition To Sun makes the person vacillating and unsettled in disposition, changeable and unable to pursue a settled course in life, rash to plunge into enterprises, but lacking the persistence or continuity of purpose to carry anything to a successful conclusion. For that reason such people become failures in life, especially in their dealings with women and people higher in the social scale such as employers, the authorities, judges, etc. They always have difficulty in obtaining employment and keeping their positions when they obtain them for they are hypersensitive and ready to take offense, with or without provocation. These configurations also affect the health, rendering the body liable to colds and making recuperation slow when sickness has overtaken the person.

Saturn Sextile Or Trine To Sun endows the person who is fortunate enough to so have it with some of the finest faculties in the gamut, for it brings out the best qualities in the two planets. It gives method, foresight and organizing, executive and diplomatic ability with the moral stamina to carry any project determined on to a successful conclusion despite delays and obstacles. Yet the person makes no enemies in so doing, for this configuration also makes him the soul of honor, kind and considerate; he would never stoop to do anything mean for he is very sincere and just in his dealings with all men, but on the other hand, when he believes a certain course of action to be right, he will never swerve therefrom though heaven and earth be moved against him. These aspects bring success in political or judicial positions also in connection with mining or agriculture. The person often benefits by legacy, but recognition and success are generally delayed till middle life.

Saturn Parallel, Conjunction, Square Or Opposition To The Sun has a very detrimental effect where the resistance is fundamentally low; in Gemini and Sagittarius it gives a tendency to tuberculosis. It does least damage in the fixed signs where resistance is greatest, but even there when sickness gets a grip on the person it hangs on like grim death, for it lessens the power of the body to throw off disease quickly, hence recuperation is very slow.

These aspects are extremely adverse to that which is generally termed success, but they give an abundance of experience, so they are excellent from the standpoint of the soul. It may be truly said of the person who has them, that "the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft agley," for no matter how carefully he may plan his affairs he will be subject to delays and obstacles which thwart his desires. His marriage is unhappy and is likely to end in divorce or early death of the partner. He has difficulty in finding and keeping employment, trouble with employers and authorities, a feeling as if he were held in leash all his life and denied expression in any direction. These are the outward experiences but they are generated by the inner nature, and until that changes he must suffer the whiplash of necessity. In the first place he has a tendency to crawl into a shell and shut himself in and others out. He is a pessimist and a kill-joy, has little or no regard for the feelings of others and is very obstinate. In the horoscope of a woman such an aspect signifies marriage to one much older who will hold her with a very tight rein; it augurs death of the husband and often several marriages which are ended by death or divorce.

These configurations often bring legacies, but either there is trouble and litigation over the bequests, or the person squanders the estate after he receives it. If Saturn is in his exaltation sign, Libra, the latter part of the life may be better because the person may have taken the lessons of life to heart and mended his ways.

Jupiter Conjunction, Parallel, Sextile Or Trine To Sun. The conjunction gives a tendency to apoplexy, especially if it occurs in Aries, but with that exception we may say that these configurations are sure indications of health, wealth and happiness. They give the person an abundance of vitality which is proof against very severe onslaughts of disease, and even when particularly unfavorable planetary influences succeed in breaking down his resistance, recovery will be so rapid as to seem miraculous. This nearly impregnable condition of health is all the more unassailable because it is backed by a disposition at once sunny and jovial and that latter characteristic also makes the fortunate possessors of these aspects beloved by all with whom they come in contact. Everybody is glad to see the person with the perpetual smile, but they do more than "smile" — they earn the friendship universally bestowed upon them by deeds of kindness, by words of sympathy, cheer or hope as the occasion may demand. They are trusted by everybody because they never betray a trust. They have clear heads, good judgment and executive ability so that they are well fitted to help others. These characteristics also favor their own financial fortunes, so they accumulate wealth, but theirs is never "tainted money;" they never benefit by the loss of others. They are religiously conservative and may be aptly described as "pillars of society." They shine particularly in government work.

Jupiter Square Or Opposition To The Sun is bad for the health because it gives a tendency to form bad habits. The person is far too fond of the so-called "good things of life," and very selfish in supplying his own comforts; he never exercises nor denies himself so the circulation becomes sluggish and as these people have a superabundance of blood this sluggishness is productive of various noxious growths and functional disorders; sometimes a fit of anger raises the blood pressure to such a point that a vessel bursts and ends the life or leaves the person henceforth a useless wreck.

These aspects give a bombastic haughty dispositions with an inordinate love of display and thus induce extravagance both in social and business affairs with the result that the person sometimes finds himself involved in debt which he cannot pay and then it is but a step to the bankruptcy court. A false pride often prevents these people from working honestly for others; they would rather prey upon the public as gamblers, followers of races and other so-called sports where there is an opportunity to swindle people and get what they call an "easy" living until they land in the meshes of the law. Children with these aspects should be given special training in self-restraint, thrift and honesty; they will have a tendency to scorn and scoff at religion, but perhaps the memory of a devout mother may help to keep them straight.

Mars Parallel, Conjunction, Sextile Or Trine To Sun. The conjunction gives a tendency to fever, especially if it occurs in Aries, the sign which governs the head, but it is curious that people with that configuration seem also to be able to endure a much higher temperature than others, and come unscathed through such a siege of sickness as would ordinarily prove fatal. With that exception these aspects all produce a super-abundance of vital energy which assures their possessor of the most radiant health all through life, they strengthen the constitution and make the person able to endure the harder tasks, and give him a dauntless determination and courage to face the greatest odds. Given a plan to follow he may be trusted to overcome all physical obstacles for he has both executive and constructive ability together with an indomitable will which refuses to recognize defeat. The disposition is frank and open but blunt and often brusque; they are too intensely bent on whatever they want to do to waste time in politeness and suavity; they brush the conventionalities aside without compunction and are therefore not liked by people of too fine sensibilities; they are, however, men and women of action and the foremost factors in the world's work; but for their enterprise and energy the world would move much more slowly.

Aspects to the Sun and Mars are absolutely necessary to give zest to life; even adverse aspects are better than none, for where these planets are unaspected the person is listless, vapid and he will never amount to anything no matter how good the figure may be in other respects.

Mars Square Or Opposition To The Sun also endows the person with an abundance of energy and the faculty of leadership, but these are turned to purposes of deviltry and destruction. The courage implanted by the good aspects becomes foolhardiness, the person has loud, overbearing, swaggering manner and is ready to fight at the drop of a hat, he is always in opposition to constituted authority and ready to rebel wherever he sees a chance. He has an extremely fiery temper but holds no resentment. On account of these qualities he is universally disliked both by employers and his fellow-workers, is always in hot water and never stays long in any place for he is an agitator and trouble-maker. These aspects also dispose to accidents in which the person may be maimed, also to gunshot and knife-wounds, to scalding-burns and to fevers, inflammatory complaints, boils and eruptions.

Uranus Sextile Or Trine To The Sun makes the person intuitive, original, inventive and independent in his manner of conduct and personal appearance, also with respect to food and certain mannerisms; he is what people call eccentric, often conspicuous, yet not offensively so; given to pursuits and studies which people consider "queer" such as esotericism and astrology, but also delving into the unknown after nature's secrets concerning electricity or the like. He often becomes a successful inventor if other aspects give the mechanical ability to work out his schemes. Uranus rules the ether and now that we are nearing the Aquarian age his vibrations will in increasing measure bring to our ken methods of using nature's finer forces and the people with the Sun sextile or trine Uranus will be the media to attract and interpret them for us as the aerials and receivers in a wireless station collect and transcribe the messages carried by the ether waves to which they are attuned. The person often rises in life through the friendship of people above him in the social scale. He is of a very high-strung temperament but has himself well under control, and rarely shows temper or anger. He is an out and out idealist.

Uranus Parallel, Conjunction, Square Or Oppositions To Sun makes the person very high-strung, nervous and of uncontrolled emotions ready to fly into hysteria on any or no provocation. It predisposes to all nervous disorders such as St. Vitus dance, epilepsy and lack of coordination. It makes him impulsive and unreliable, without regard for the conventionalities highly impatient of any human restraint upon his liberty and committed to the theory of affinities, soul-mates, and free-love, hence an undesirable marriage partner and likely to figure in divorce proceedings or scandals of an even worse nature.

There is also danger of trouble on account of connection with anarchistic plots where the inventive faculty may find scope in the construction of explosives and infernal machines. Unless these aspects are modified by other configurations these people are among the most dangerous to society. They are liable to accidents from lightning and electricity, and all through life they meet disappointment in every direction.

Neptune Sextile Or Trine To The Sun favors the possibility of developing the spiritual faculties, for he intensifies the spiritual vibrations in the aura. Many people with these configurations hear the harmony of the spheres and if Mercury, the lower octave of Neptune gives the requisite dexterity they become musicians of high inspirational nature. In others it breed love of esotericism which leads them into the higher life but they usually approach it from the intellectual standpoint of psychic investigators; a few live the life and obtain first-hand knowledge.

Neptune Conjunction, Parallel, Square Or Opposition To The Sun also brings the person in touch with the denizens of the invisible world by raising the vibrations in his aura, but these configurations attract the undesirable element such as met at the ordinary spiritualistic seance. In a watery sign Neptune induces the person to drink to excess and then the resulting acceleration of the vibratory rate frequently causes him to perceive the ugly, gruesome forms abounding in the lower realms of the invisible world, which are real elemental entities and not figments as believed by people who hear him tell what he sees during delirium tremens.

These aspects also make the person liable to be swindled by sharpers and confidence men, and easily hoodwinked. It cannot be too strongly impressed upon readers and students that judgment is never to be formed on any planetary aspect or position apart from the balance of the horoscope. The unblended, basic nature of aspects is given so that students may recognize innate tendencies and be alert to overcome the evil and to cultivate the good. The free will of the individual can always modify the horoscope.

Venus, The Planet Of Love

In the 13th Chapter of Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians we find a eulogy of "love." The word used in the authorized version is "charity," but it ought to be read as "love." Love suffereth long and is kind, love vaunteth not herself, is not puffed up, believeth all things, endureth all things. . .Whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away." He concludes that in time faith and hope will pass away because we shall know the things in which we now have faith and our hopes will have been realized, but love, he contends, remains forever. The keynote of Venus is "love," "harmony," and "rhythm," and if we want to know her nature we may profitably read that chapter and substitute "Venus' for "Love." Venus vaunteth not herself, is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, rejoices not in iniquity but in truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things. These sayings are all true when applied to Venus for she furnishes the unifying bond between all members of the human family in whatever relationship they may be placed. It is the love-ray of Venus piercing deeply the heart of the mother which breeds in her the tender care wherewith she nourishes her offspring through helpless infancy. Venus sounds the love call of the youth and the maiden, gives and takes, smoothing out all the difficulties in the conjugal career. She is ever burning incense upon the altar of affection and from her garden of love comes the flowers which scent even the most sordid souls with celestial perfume and raise them for the time being to the stature of gods.

But when Venus is afflicted, all these sublime qualities become tainted and take a hideous aspect according to the nature of their affliction. Squares and oppositions turn love to lust which makes the person revel in sensual gratification; the perception of beauty which expresses itself as art becomes slovenliness, the tendency to self-sacrifice, the giving of oneself for others is turned to selfishness and the person will then seem to use others to escape any task or effort not to his or her liking, laziness being one of the most prominent characteristics of an afflicted Venus.

Being feminine, Venus never reaches out toward others, but exerts a magnetic energy which draws them to her. Therefore she represents in a man's horoscope those of the opposite sex to whom the person is drawn, but in a woman's horoscope Venus describes the person's own attraction for the opposite sex and Mars the masculine planet shows who will be attracted by her charms.

Venus is essentially dignified in Taurus and Libra, and exalted in Pisces, and therefore her influence is most powerfully felt when she is placed in those signs. She is weak and afflicted when placed in either of the martial signs, Aries or Scorpio, where she is in her fall, or when she is in the mercurial sign, Virgo. The best House position for her is the Seventh where her influence will make the marriage serene and blissful.

Venus In The Twelve Houses

Venus In The First House has a tendency to spread sunshine over the child's home and make the early life happy. It gives an amiable character so that the person is well liked because of his social nature and friendly disposition. It brings out the love of music, art and a desire for pleasure. This is what may be called "a lucky position" for it makes the person very attractive to all with whom he or she comes in contact and in that way it tends to give general success in life. It is also very good for the general health.

Venus In The Second House is an indication of financial success in life. People with Venus in this position are usually very popular and are thus helped by their friends to lucrative positions. At the same time this position makes the person very wasteful and prodigal so that it tends to make him spend more then he earns. The money is usually squandered on pleasure, dress and ornaments for self by a woman and for an amour by a man, and not infrequently leads to abuses which undermine the health. This position also shows gain by dealing in things ruled by Venus, such as dress goods, jewelry, music, etc.

Venus In The Third House has a particularly beneficial effect upon the mind, making the person cheerful, optimistic and inclined to look at everything from the bright side of life. It gives a love of music, art, literature and everything that has a refining influence, and unusual facility for expressing one's self in a happy, appropriate manner, either in speech or writing. It gives love of travel; the person will enjoy himself on his journeys and benefit by them. It also makes relations with brothers and sisters and neighbors and the people in one's immediate environment congenial.

Venus In The Fourth House shows happy conditions in the home, particularly in the latter part of life. It also indicates that an inheritance may be left to the person and that if he owns houses or lands he will gain much by them.

Venus In The Fifth House makes the person unusually affectionate and as a result he or she usually experiences a number of love affairs all of which run their courses smoothly. In indicates that the marriage will be fruitful and production of lovely and loving children. It is a fortunate position for teachers and people connect with education institutions, also for those engaged in publication of literature and for gain by speculation in stocks or similar securities.

Venus In The Sixth House gives the person faithful servants who will work for his interest if he is an employer. If he is an employee, it will make him well liked by his employers and fellow-workers. It is a fairly good position for health provided the person does not abuse it. That is to say, the constitution is harmonious, but not very strong. If the health is guarded with care it will remain in good condition for life, but a very little abuse may turn the scales the other way and make the person an invalid.

Venus In The Seventh House is one of the surest signs of domestic felicity. It signifies an early marriage and an increase of prosperity after that event. If the person finds it expedient to enter into partnership on a business basis the presence of Venus tends to make this relationship harmonious and beneficial. It is also a good sign that if litigation seems necessary some way will be found to settle the matter without actual rupture. This position is good for actors, singers, and others whose calling brings them before the public in a vocal capacity for it ensures a kind and sympathetic reception on the part of their audience.

Venus In The Eighth House will bring gain by marriage, partnership or legacy if it is well aspected, but if it is afflicted it brings loss and disappointment in love, or an extravagant marriage partner, and legal trouble over a will.

Venus In The Ninth House is a very fortunate position if Venus is well aspected, for being so highly elevated here it exercises considerable influence in life and makes the disposition exceedingly kind, sympathetic and helpful so that by these qualities the person becomes much esteemed and sought after, particularly in charitable or religious work, for this position also brings out the devotional side of the nature. It gives a love of music, art and drama as well as everything that has an influence for soul upliftment. Whenever the person journeys from one place to another for gain or for pleasure, Venus in the Ninth House will smooth the path before him and make his trip thoroughly enjoyable. If Venus is afflicted in the Ninth House the person will long to do or to be all the foregoing things, but will find it exceedingly difficult, if not impossible to accomplish his desire.

Venus In The Tenth House is one of the best signs of general success in the life when well aspected. The person who has this position becomes very popular, particularly with the opposite sex, and will rise in the social scale through marriage. It gives an ability to avoid trouble in life and extract from it all the pleasure there is in every situation. Comfortable financial circumstances attend upon the person all through life and foster a general attitude of optimism. When Venus is afflicted in the Tenth House the person is looked down on by those in his social environment and though he tries to ingratiate himself with those who are in the charmed circles, he will find himself left with snubs and insults. A hasty or ill-considered marriage is apt to make matters worse and bring him farther into disrepute, as a scapegrace.

Venus In The Eleventh House if well-aspected brings to the person hosts of friends who are willing and anxious to aid him in the realization of his hopes, wishes and desires, but it depends upon the nature and character of the sign wherein Venus is placed as well as on the strength of the aspects whether they will be able to do so or not. For instance, if Venus is in the Eleventh House in Aries or Scorpio, one of the martial signs where she is weak, and aspected only by sextiles from Mercury and the Moon, very little help can be expected of her compared to what she will give if she is in her own signs, Taurus or Libra, and aspected by trines from the Sun and Jupiter. In the case first cited, the friends drawn to the person may be ever so sincere in their wish to help but will not have the ability. In the latter case they will exert powerful influence and will accomplish wonders. If Venus is afflicted in the Eleventh House it is very often found that the person attracts friends who impose upon him and use him for their own objects and when they have so used him to the fullest extend and he cannot serve their purpose any longer they throw him aside.

Venus In The Twelfth House if well-aspected indicates that the person will benefit from the things signified by this House, viz., occupations connected with prisons, hospitals or charitable institutions, or by work in a chemical laboratory or by some such secluded occupation where he does not come in touch with the public. It also favors study and practice of esotericism and gives a tendency to secret, clandestine love affairs which will probably run smoothly if Venus is well-aspected, but if she is weak by sign, or afflicted in the Twelfth House she will cause trouble through jealousy, divorce and scandal, or sickness in confinement on account of over-indulgence of the passions, particularly if Venus is in Scorpio which governs the generative organs, or in Taurus which gives the same effect by reflex action, where it signifies self-abuse.

Venus In The Twelve Signs

Venus In Aries lends ardor to the affection of Venus by blending them with the fire of Mars who is ruler of Aries and for that reason it makes the person very ardent in the expression of affection. This usually leads to popularity especially among the opposite sex and often results in a hasty marriage, but that kind of love is not and cannot be lasting. Eventually the fire of passion burns out the love and marriages brought about by this position are then fruitful sources of domestic unhappiness. This position also inclines the person to be rash and impulsive whenever his sympathies are appealed to, so that he often helps an unworthy cause. Venus in Aries also inclines the person to general extravagance in his expenditures.

Venus In Taurus is a splendid position for there she is essentially dignified and much stronger than in the other signs with the exception of Libra and Pisces where she is respectively dignified and exalted. It is a very favorable position for financial affairs, especially gains derived through the person's own efforts in whatever vocation in life he may have chosen. It gives a friendly and sociable disposition with the ability to inspire reciprocal feelings in others. People with Venus in Taurus are very set in their opinions concerning correct form and decorum, correct in speech and once they have formed an opinion they hold to it very tenaciously. They are generous but not extravagant.

Venus In Gemini blends the beauty of Venus with the mercurial ability to express so that people who have this configuration are able to choose their words with singular facility and infuse in them a rhythm which is like music to the ears of a listener. Therefore this is one of the positions which make poets, provided of course that other indications in the horoscope support, for it should always be remembered by the student that no single aspect or position is in itself sufficient to mark a prominent characteristic. To do this the whole horoscope must be blended. This position has a very refining influence on the mind, inclining to a literary or artistic career. It makes the person beloved of his brothers and sisters, neighbors and other people in his immediate environment. This position also inclines to marriage and frequently to more than one union. It favors traveling both for gain and pleasure, especially short journeys.

Venus In Cancer blends the characteristics of Venus with those of the Moon and the psychic watery nature of Cancer. Therefore this position gives the person a very fruitful imagination and he or she is very apt to come in touch with the inhabitants of the unseen world or at least take up some very devotional phase of religion; but this is dangerous because Venus is negative, attracting without selecting or discriminating hence makes liable to domination by spirit controls and the dangers of mediumship.

Venus In Leo is compounding love, for Leo rules the heart and whoever has this position will be tender-hearted to a degree. Contrary to the commonly accepted ideas there is a cruel streak in Leo, but when Venus is there, there is no more loving and tender sign in the zodiac, besides being that Leo is a fixed sign Venus in this position makes for an unparalleled assertion of the affections when once they have been placed and an unswerving loyalty to the object thereof. Being that Leo is the fifth sign Venus in Leo also gives success in entertainment or educational enterprises and the blending of the Venus ray with the solar brings favor from those above the person in the social scale.

Venus In Virgo, the Sixth House sign gives the person a deep and tender sympathy for the sick and people with this position make good nurses. This position also favors occupation as a chemist, or a dietitian who is concerned with the preparation of foods for the maintenance or attainment of health. If the person has employees or subordinates under his management his relations with those people will always be very pleasant, and they will serve him well.

Venus In Libra, the Seventh House sign is essentially dignified and strong, This is one of the positions which testify to a fruitful and congenial marriage or successful partnership. It gives musical or artistic ability and makes the person popular in public life. If engaged as a speaker or singer it ensures an appreciate audience whenever he appears in public.

Venus In Scorpio is the worst position of all in which she may be placed, for here again the love ray of Venus blends with the martial fire of passion in the sign governing the genitals so that if there are no other redeeming and restraining influences in the horoscope love turns to lust and the unbridled gratification of an exaggerated sexual desire, especially if the Moon or Mars are there. This is apt to undermine the constitution and though that may not be apparent for a long time the effect of such a sapping of the vitality will some time be felt and cause a general breakdown, but that, of course, is nothing compared with the moral effect of the practices indicated by this passion. It should be said furthermore for the benefit of those who have this position that it does not matter whether such abuses take place in wedlock or not; Nature does not care whether they have been legalized by man-made law or not. From her standpoint they are a violation of the law of life and will be punished whether sanctioned by society or not. This position also gives a love of luxury and anything that stirs the emotions or wherein the senses may revel. Curiously enough it also sometimes gives a sense of deep religious devotion which then serves as an outlet for the overcharged feelings of the native. This position also creates jealousy and trouble in marriage and the reputation of the person is apt to be smirched. A well-aspected Venus in Scorpio is liable to bring a legacy.

Venus In Sagittarius. This is another of her strongest positions for there her qualities blend with those of Jupiter, the planet of benevolence, to foster love and good-will among men. Therefore also this position indicates a genial and optimistic disposition, a sympathetic, kind and generous heart, a love of God expressed in religious devotion, or love of man shown by philanthropy and charity. It indicates a refined mind, cultured, and fond of drama, art and music. It fosters the imagination and intuition and like the other double-bodies signs Gemini and Pisces, it inclines to plurality of marriages.

Venus In Capricorn, the Tenth House sign, gives social success and popularity, but Venus does not blend well with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn. There is therefore a slight tendency to melancholy in people who have Venus in that position, Nor are they ever secure in the favors which they receive from other people or in their popularity, for Saturn has a tendency to throw them down when they have reached the highest pinnacle. Therefore, though this influence may help them to climb the ladder of advancement in social circles or in business they are never safe in their position. This influence makes a person very jealous of honor and he takes it to heart when sometimes Saturn throws him down. Venus in Saturn's sign often causes the person to disregard the fact that disparity in ages is so fatal to happiness in marriage and hence if he marries young he takes someone who is much older than himself for a partner or if married in later years he selects someone who is still in the bloom of youth with the almost inevitable result that disagreement and dissolution of the marriage tie take place in the course of a few years. Frequently also people with this position of Venus marry for business or as a matter of convenience. In short Venus never reaches her legitimate expression of love in Saturn's House and therefore such unions are always a source of sorrow and disappointment to the contracting parties.

Venus In Aquarius indicates a blending of the Uranian qualities, independence, impatience of restraint, disregard of convention, desire for originality, uncompromising sincerity and intuition, with those of Venus and as a result we find that people with this position refuse to be bound by the usual restrictive rules of society in their love affairs and follow their heart's inclination regardless of what others may say or think. They are firm believers in the theory of soul-mates, affinities, etc., and liable to act in the most unexpected manner with such startling suddenness that neither they nor anyone else are able to foresee what they may say or do next. But at the same time they are so loving and sincere in their convictions that friends never fail them and whatever success they attain in life is usually due to the efforts of friends to help them to realize their hopes, wishes and aspirations.

Venus In Pisces is in her own exaltation sign where she again blends with the benefic ray of Jupiter and as Pisces is a watery sign this position signifies a powerful emotional nature, subdued and toned down by the element of sorrow inherent in the twelfth house sign. This position therefore indicates someone capable of feeling a sentiment such as that felt by our Savior when He said: "Come unto Me all ye that are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Thus Venus in Pisces indicates a nature yearning and aching to assist those who are afflicted by bodily ills or suffering from sorrow. This position also gives an intense love of music and when other testimonies concur, considerable ability to express either vocally or instrumentally, for music is the most wonderful outlet for the deepest emotions of which the human soul is capable. People with Venus in Pisces are especially liable to financial imposition on the part of others and trouble through an illegal marriage.

Venus In Aspect With Other Planets

The Sun Parallel Or Conjunction Venus calls out the artistic side of the nature, making the person fond of music, art and poetry. It also strengthens the love-nature and if the configuration occurs in the seventh house it is a positive testimony of unalloyed marital bliss. In the second or eighth house it leads to extravagance of the person or his mate, in Scorpio it is not good for the morals and in Pisces it leads to intemperance, but generally speaking, these aspects strengthen the constitution, increase the popularity and make social intercourse smooth so that the person finds many friends and keeps them.

As the orbit of Venus is so small she never forms the sextile, trine, square or opposition to the Sun.

Mercury Conjunction, Parallel Or Sextile To Venus (Note. — Venus and Mercury are never more than 76 degrees apart, therefore they can only form the conjunctions, parallels and sextiles, but not the trine, square nor opposition.)

These aspects make the person cheerful and companionable with a good-natured disposition and a desire for society. They also give the ability for music and poetry, especially if in the Ascendant and are a general indication of success in salesmanship, for such people are suave, affable and persuasive.

The Moon Conjunction, Parallel, Sextile Or Trine To Venus. The Moon is significator of marriage for a man and therefore the good aspects between Venus, the planet of love, and the Moon are good indications of a happy marriage when they occur in a man's horoscope. But in a woman's horoscope these aspects operate upon the health, for the Moon is the planet of fecundity and has rule over the female functions in particular which are so large a factor in the health of a woman; this latter is much strengthened by the good aspects of the Moon and Venus. These aspects make the person an orator with a fruitful imagination; give love of pleasure, music and art, and an engaging personality, very attractive to the opposite sex, because kindly, affectionate and sympathetic. They tend to general success in life and the person usually has sufficient for the day and the way.

The Moon Square Or Opposition To Venus is an indication of trouble in marriage for a man, because the wife described by an afflicted Venus will be slovenly and of dissolute habits which will destroy domestic happiness. In a woman's horoscope it indicates disturbance of the female functions and it also gives a tendency to digestive troubles and poor circulation when in the horoscope of either sex. These aspects also give a liability to trouble through slander and public scandal.

Saturn Sextile Or Trine To Venus. The good qualities of Venus are love and affection and the good qualities of Saturn are tact, diplomacy, method, system, justice, thrift and economy. We may therefore judge that when these two planets are configurated in good aspect they make the person faithful and true, just and methodical, qualities which make for success in all departments of life. Therefore a person with these aspects will be much sought as a friend or advisor, or as a person to be trusted with any commission requiring sterling honesty and ability. They make the person simple in his tastes and of impeachable morality, and give honor, esteem, health and easy circumstances.

Saturn Parallel, Conjunction, Square Or Opposition To Venus brings out the evil qualities of the two planets and troubles which are thus generated usually come through the person's relations with the opposite sex. It makes him underhanded and scheming to gratify his passions often in an unusual manner and his perverted desires are usually directed against some one who is much younger than himself. If regular marriage relations are entered into, such a person is usually a demon of jealousy who makes life a burden

for the marriage partner on account of his suspicious nature. People with these afflictions are also stingy in all money matters and exceedingly avaricious. They have poor business judgment and are therefore liable to losses, failure and bankruptcy.

Jupiter Parallel, Conjunction, Sextile Or Trine To Venus is one of the best signs of success and general good fortune. It favors the accumulation of wealth and the enjoyment of all the luxuries of life. It is a good indication of a successful and happy marriage, social prestige and the respect of all whom the person comes in contact. It gives the person a jovial, optimistic, generous and large-hearted disposition, and makes hospitable to a degree; interested and active in philanthropic measures, a liberal mind tolerant of the views of others even where he differs radically, fond of pleasure, traveling parties, and capable of enjoying life to the fullest extent. These aspects also give talent for music, especially if either planet is in Pisces.

Jupiter Square Or Opposition To Venus gives the same luxurious likings as the good aspects, but limits the ability to satisfy them; although such people make the most frantic efforts to present a fine front to the world, they are generally found out to be shams. Their lack of business ability is often responsible for failure and bankruptcy and they are very liable to suffer losses through the treachery of others. Love and marriage also are sources of sorrow for those whom Venus and Jupiter are afflicting. They are apt to be jilted before marriage or the marriage partner may prove faithless and may abscond. These aspects also produce an amorous nature likely to take liberties regardless of the laws of decency and to be faithless to marriage vows. They make people extremely self-indulgent and in Pisces they predispose to drink.

Mars Sextile Or Trine To Venus will give an ambitious, aspiring and adventurous nature, amorous and extremely demonstrative in its affection, very fond of sports and pleasures. It gives the person an abundance of energy and business acumen, consequently he has a splendid earning capacity but he wastes money for he loves above all things to make a great outward show and display. Being a free spender he is also very popular among his associates, and being, as already said, of an amorous nature he marries either very early or the marriage is a very hasty one.

Mars Conjunction Or Parallel To Venus does not always operate in the same manner, but is to be classed as a good or bad aspect according to circumstances and the matter to be judged. For instance, Mars conjunction Venus makes the person less blunt and domineering, more kind and polite; it is therefore good in that respect; but the conjunction also strengthens the passional nature, especially if it occurs in Scorpio; and in the Twelfth House it leads to self-abuse so that in those cases it is decidedly bad.

Mars Square Or Opposition Venus. See related article.

Uranus Sextile Or Trine To Venus makes the person mentally alert, of quick intuitive perception and exceedingly magnetic, especially to the opposite sex; and he also attracts hosts of friends who will be a benefit and assistance to him. These aspects give love of art, music and poetry and are favorable indications of a happy marriage often at a very early age, or one suddenly consummated. They also sometimes bring the person love of a platonic nature.

Uranus Conjunction Or Parallel To Venus. There is a doubt as to whether these aspects should be classed as good or evil, which must be settled in the individual horoscope where they occur for they may work either way, depending upon the other configuration. If Venus is otherwise afflicted in the horoscope, for instance the conjunction or parallel will further accentuate her evil qualities, but if she is well placed or aspected Uranus will bring out the nobler side.

Uranus Square Or Opposition To Venus. The square or opposition always brings trouble through the sex relation: a hasty, ill-considered union, quarrels, divorces, public scandals through clandestine intercourse and kindred irregularities, with loss of friend, prestige and popularity, exile from home and family and sudden financial losses through unexpected or unforeseen happenings. There is a general lack of balance, an erratic personality.

Neptune Sextile Or Trine To Venus makes an inspirational musician. It gives a fertile imagination and deep emotions, a nature that is pure and chaste, hence occasionally it leads to platonic unions and companionship of the most aesthetic nature.

Neptune Conjunction Or Parallel To Venus is to be judged on the same line as indicated in the case of Mars and Uranus.

Neptune Square Or Opposition To Venus makes the person liable to sorrow, loss and trouble, especially through the marriage partner or anyone else in whom he trusts. People with these aspects should be particularly careful to avoid anything which has in it an element of chance or speculation, for they are sure to lose, especially in dealing with large companies or corporations.

Mercury, The Planet Of Reason

Mythologically Mercury is represented as a "Messenger of the Gods" and this is the line with the esoteric facts, for when infant humanity had been led astray by the marital Lucifer spirits and had fallen into degeneration it became necessary for the other divine hierarchies to take steps looking to a future regeneration and to further that object the Lords of Venus were brought to the Earth to educate humanity in such a manner that love might be substituted for lust and men might thus be induced to aspire to something higher. While the Lords of Venus dealt with mankind in general the most precocious among them were taken in hand by the Lords of Mercury; whose wisdom-teaching is symbolically represented by the caduceus or "Staff of Mercury," consisting of two serpents twinning around a rod and indication the solution of the riddle of life, or "Whence have we come, why are we here, and whither are we bound?" showing the pupil the spiral path of Involution by which the divine spark has buried itself in matter, also the spiral path of Evolution by which humanity will eventually again reach the Father's bosom, and the short road of Initiation represented by the central rod around which the serpents twine. But to understand these Mysteries requires mind and reason. Mercury then is the mental educator of men and its place and position in the horoscope shows the status of the person's mind for whom it is cast.

Being the Messenger of the Gods to the other planets Mercury has no voice of its own and is even more dependent for expression upon the aspects of other planets than the Moon which rules the instinctual mind. So Mercury is really a focus through which the faculty of reason finds expression in the human being to act as a brake upon the lower nature and assist in lifting us from the human to the divine. Many may and do feel deeply, they may also have valuable knowledge, but they will be unable to express their feelings or share their knowledge with others if Mercury is lacking in aspects. Even a so-called evil aspect of Mercury helps to bring out what is within and is therefore better than none.

When Mercury is so placed in relation to the Sun that it goes before the luminary, it has the effect of materially brightening the mind, for the Sun represents the Ego and it may therefore be said that then its path is illuminated by the lamp of reason. On the other hand if Mercury is so placed that it rises later than the Sun and thus follows after the luminary, the Ego learns more by afterthought than by forethought for it walks comparatively speaking in the dark and must learn a great many of its lessons by experience.

As we have found that it is difficult for a number of young students to determine when Mercury goes before or after the Sun we may say in farther elucidation of that subject:

When Mercury is in a lower degree of the same sign as the Sun or in any degree of the previous sign then as a matter of course he rises before the Sun. To illustrate: If the Sun is in twenty degrees of Cancer and Mercury is in five, ten or fifteen degrees of that sign or if he is in any degree of Gemini, then he rises before the Sun.

But if he is in twenty-five degrees of Cancer which is a higher degree of the same sign, or if he is in any degree in Leo which is the sign succeeding Cancer, then he rises after the Sun and loses part of his good influence.

A retrograde Mercury is also a detriment to the faculty of reason. But in the year of life when Mercury by progression again turns direct, the reasoning faculties will improve correspondingly. Mercury is strong in the airy signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, but he is exalted and therefore most powerful in Virgo. Mercury has special rule over agents and messengers, salesmen, postmen and other common carriers, people engaged in advertising or printing, literary men, writers, reporters, secretaries, clerks, stenographers and typewriters, commission men and other middle men, demagogues, confidence-men and thieves.

Mercury In The Twelve Houses

Mercury In The Ascendant, Or First House makes the person quick-witted and sharp according to the nature of the sign rising and the aspects of the planets which he receives. The fiery signs and the airy signs have the strongest influence in that respect. In Aries or Leo he is more impulsive than when rising in Sagittarius, but Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are best. When Mercury is rising in the watery signs Cancer or Pisces the intellect is dull, but rising in Scorpio where it is fired by the martial energy and armed with the venomous sting of the scorpion it has a somewhat similar influence to that of Mars in Scorpio through not quite so pronounced.

Mercury In The Second House is good for gain through mercurial occupations especially where the person is employed by someone else so that he appears in a true mercurial capacity as agent, messenger, clerk, writer or whatever else.

Mercury In The Third House and well-aspected has wonderful influence on the mental qualities of the native. It makes the mind serene and optimistic, inclined to study and research work. It gives fluency as a speaker and success by short journeys or travel and makes the relations of the person harmonious with his brothers. When Mercury is afflicted in the Third House it inclines to worry and pessimism, trouble and annoyance with sisters and brothers and when on short journeys.

Mercury In The Fourth House gives instability to home conditions. It signifies the homeless wanderer who is always moving from place to place unless a good aspect to Saturn comes in to steady him down. This is, however, a good aspect for people engaged in mercurial occupations which require a stationary residence, such as librarian, or literary men engaged in newspaper work, employees in printing establishments, commission houses, agencies and kindred organizations. If Mercury is afflicted by Saturn the home conditions of the person will cause him a great deal of worry.

Mercury In The Fifth House centers the mind upon education, amusements, courtships and children. If Mercury is well-aspected by Saturn or Jupiter it gives depth to the mind and makes the person successful in enterprises connected with education, publishing or public amusements. Good aspects from Mars or Venus give success in courtship but the adverse aspects of the planets make the person cruel; he is inconstant in affection toward those he professes to love, inclined to worry over affairs of his children, and superficial as a teacher. A good aspect from the Sun is an excellent indication of success in a government position, in an educational capacity.

Mercury In The Sixth House makes the mentality too active for the person's own good, for he is extremely ambitious and therefore liable to over-tax himself to the detriment of his health, and the disability of the nervous system is most likely to express itself by a digestive disorder in the region governed by Virgo, the sixth sign, viz., the intestines. Such people are supersensitive to the conditions of others which affects their health bringing much trouble and worry in dealing with servants and subordinates. They are fond of the study of hygiene and diet and meet with considerable success in the practice of the chemistry of foods, particularly if Mercury is well-aspected. Adverse aspects of Saturn to a Sixth House Mercury make a chronic invalid of a most melancholy mind. The adverse aspects of Mars and Uranus are fruitful sources of suicide through brooding over disease.

Mercury In The Seventh House and well-aspected makes the person popular in literary and scientific circles. It is a good position for public speakers and all who are engaged in mercurial activities of a public nature. But if Mercury is afflicted the Seventh House position brings a great deal of hostile criticism of a public nature and is liable to involve the person in litigation either to defend himself against libel from others or on account of libel committed by himself. A well-aspected Mercury in the Seventh House indicates a successful marriage to a relative or an employee, but when Mercury is afflicted either the person or the marriage partner is of a nagging nature so that the married life is spoiled by constant quarrels and disputes on account of fickleness and faithfulness.

Mercury In The Eighth House when well-aspected gives gain through literary or scientific agencies, occupations or other mercurial pursuits provided they are carried on in partnership with someone else. This position also indicates that the person may receive a legacy and it is a good indication of the financial success of the marriage, but if Mercury is afflicted its position in the Eighth House indicates financial troubles for the marriage partner and litigation probably in connection with a legacy left to the native.

Mercury In The Ninth House and well-aspected gives love of religion, science, letters and law, a studious mind capable of delving deeply into profound problems of life and being, philosophic and philanthropic tendencies, and desire to travel far if need be in the pursuit of knowledge. This position gives facility in speech and writing and success in religion, philosophy, law or science. The mind is broad, flexible and adaptable, therefore the person is liable to change his views several times in his life on the various subjects which he has studied, but there will always be a good reason for adopting another viewpoint.

If Mercury is afflicted in the Ninth House he makes the person exceedingly unstable of mind, changeable as a weather vane in all his pursuits and activities. Such a person will never stay by anything long enough to try it out and therefore he will meet with a series of disasters all through life. Probably he may journey from one place to another in search of success but he will never find it until he learns to concentrate his energies upon one thing. This position is also a fruitful source of trouble with the law or legal affairs.

Mercury In The Tenth House, well-aspected, shows adaptability and resourcefulness such as enable the person to cope with all the contingencies of life. It makes a successful lecturer, publisher or writer and is also favorable to success in one of the esoteric occupations. If Mercury is placed in one of the airy signs the power of expression is much enhanced. Frequently people with Mercury in this position have several occupations, but usually they succeed best in a subordinate capacity.

Mercury In The Eleventh House brings a great many acquaintances among literary, scientific or other mercurial people but none of them are sufficiently steadfast to be relied upon unless Mercury is very well-aspected. This position has a tendency to make a person critical and cynical. It sharpens his intellect, however, and gives him a good flow of language.

Mercury In The Twelfth House, if well aspected gives a mind peculiarly fitted to delve into the mysterious, esoteric or secret things. This is especially the case if Mercury is between the Sun and Midheaven, that is to say if Mercury goes before the Sun or rises earlier than that luminary, for then all the light that is in the spirit seems to shine forth and make the person intellectually keen and bright. Therefore this is a good position for detective work as well as scientific or esoteric research work. Chemists of great ability have been produced under this aspect for such people have the faculty of going into the most minute details in things which seem microscopic and unimportant to others. When Mercury is in the Twelfth House and afflicted, especially by Saturn or Mars, also when combust or behind the Sun there is a danger that the mind may become clouded and insanity may result. It may also be noted that the affliction will vary according to the way Mercury is aspected; if by Mars or Uranus the subject may be exceedingly violent, if by Saturn he will become melancholy, but whatever the cause, if Mercury is afflicted in the Twelfth House some form of limitation will restrain the spirit, for the Twelfth House is the house of limitation and confinement. Deafness is also the result of this position of Mercury when severely afflicted by Saturn.

Mercury In The Twelve Signs

Mercury in Aries makes the person very argumentative, fond of disputes, quick at repartee, with a tendency to exaggerate though not necessarily by design. If well-aspected he is broad minded and tolerant of the opinions of others, of a studious nature, quick to grasp situations and ideas, neat and orderly. When afflicted Mercury in Aries makes people leap before they look, the mind is vacillating and there is a general recklessness about the person who is thus very unreliable and devoid of all sense of responsibility.

Mercury In Taurus gives a mind that is not very soon made up but when it has once arrive at a conclusion it is almost as difficult to change as the laws of the Medes and Persians. However, being based upon thought and reason the judgment of these people is also extremely reliable. They believe thoroughly in the ancient adage that "Silence is golden" and are therefore close-mouthed. They are good counselors and can be depended upon to keep secret. At the same time they are not recluses, but have a pleasant, sociable disposition. They are fond of fun and recreation, they love music, art and literature, so they are thoroughly likable people if Mercury is well aspected. But if Mercury is afflicted they become what the Scotch call "dour," also obstinate, stubborn, secretive and avaricious.

Mercury In Gemini makes a person fond of change and travel. He is always ready to investigate some new thing, or go to some other place for a change; in short, almost anything that is new appeals to him. At the same time if Mercury is well-fortified such people gain greatly by this fluidic state of the mind for they are shrewd and penetrating in their judgment so that they know good value when they see it and are not prejudiced by preconceived, set opinions. Therefore they are good business men and their ability to see a point makes them particularly good lawyers. They also succeed well as traveling salesmen.

Mercury In Cancer gives a clear intellect, a good memory and superlative adaptability. People with this position fit into any place or occupation they may find and adapt themselves to the opinions and ideas of others. They love praise and flattery, therefore they are careful not to do anything whereby they may forfeit the good opinion of others.

Mercury In Leo gives high ideals and aspirations, a positive, strong and persevering intellect which scorns to stoop to low and mean acts, and despises equivocation; is blunt and out-spoken, quick-tempered, but kind-hearted and sympathetic. People with Mercury in Leo well-fortified have good organizing ability and make capable leaders. They love children and are also fond of pleasure. When Mercury is afflicted in Leo it makes the person fickle and inconstant in his affections, an unsuccessful gambler and speculator, a low and sensual nature.

Mercury In Virgo is at the zenith of his power for there he is exalted, consequently when well-aspected it gives a clear, logical, scientific mind, eloquence and the ability to express oneself fluently in a number of languages. It gives the person a comprehensive, discriminating outlook upon life, his conclusions are usually practical and to the point because he also, like the Taurean Mercury, looks before he leaps. In short this characteristic is in a degree true of all the earthy signs. When Mercury is afflicted in Virgo it makes the man irritable, petulant and selfish, always looking for flaws in everything he comes across. People with Mercury in Virgo make excellent dietitians and chemists. They also have an unusual dexterity.

Mercury In Libra, when well-aspected gives a broad, well-balanced mind with a love of art and music and an uncommon ability of expression. It brings success as a public speaker and sometimes as a singer. When Mercury is afflicted in Libra it indicates trouble by lawsuits through partnerships and an unfaithful marriage partner.

Mercury In Scorpio gives a shrewd mind, a keen aspiration, a quick wit and a sharp tongue with biting sarcasm that can sting like the scorpion. The disposition is bold and stubborn, headstrong and difficult to get along with. But these people are extremely resourceful, dauntless, and able to overcome difficulties which would crush others. They are attracted to esotericsm, as a needle is drawn to a magnet. When Mercury is afflicted they are subject to disappointment in everything they undertake, quarrelsome, skeptical and cynical, always holding opposite views to others.

Mercury In Sagittarius. Though in detriment it is still a strong position of Mercury and if he is well-aspected it gives an exceedingly noble mind of a religious and philosophical turn, a mind which scorns the shackles of conventions where they interfere with freedom of thought and speech yet does not fly into paths that are contrary to the commonly accepted standards of moral usage and conduct. It always confines itself within the boundaries of law and order and people with Mercury in this position are therefore greatly respected in the community. Mercury in Sagittarius makes the person fond of travel to see the sights and scenery of nature and to investigate the customs of strange people. He is also fond of animals and pets. When afflicted it inclines to lawlessness, dishonesty, sophism and a twisted character.

Mercury In Capricorn gives a critical and penetrating but somewhat suspicious mind with a thoughtful and diplomatic disposition, These people make splendid spies and detectives, having the ability to ferret out secrets in the most uncanny manner. They also have the persistence of Saturnians derived from the sign Capricorn so that they never give up until their object has been attained. This position gives a love of science, particularly chemistry. These people are much attracted to esotericism, yet are practical and very thrifty. They hold on to what they get and always have something for a rainy day. When afflicted Mercury in Capricorn makes the person miserly, cruel, hard, malicious, vindictive and spiteful.

Mercury In Aquarius gives the Uranian qualities of originality and independence and an unconquerable love of liberty to the mind so that people with Mercury in this position are apt to repudiate all the social conventions and live according to their highly idealistic conceptions. They often take no heed of fashion, and dress in a style entirely their own. They advocate ideas on social subjects which are a thousand years ahead of the world's development, among them the theory of soul-mates and affinities which is causing so much trouble in the world today because its advocates have not yet grown to the spiritual stature where they can separate it from sex and live the true Uranian love-life which is altogether spiritual. The foregoing delineations apply particularly where Mercury is aspected by Uranus and the people described by them are the extreme product of Mercury in Aquarius. All who have this position, however, are very intellectual, they have high ideals and aspirations, a love of popular science and mathematics and are usually attracted to the esoteric sciences also, especially to astrology, for they have a fine faculty for reading the horoscope. They are kind, sociable and fond of friends with the result that they usually attract large numbers of intellectual people to their circle of acquaintances. When afflicted this position makes the person disloyal and ready to prey upon his friends, or criticize and slander them.

Mercury In Pisces the esoteric water sign, seems to endow the mind with a certain psychic faculty which is not so much intuition as imagination. They think or imagine that something must be so and so and it is a startling fact that they are usually correct, but this ability brings them dangerously near to mediumship if Mercury is afflicted or when Neptune, the higher octave of Mercury, is in the Twelfth House. Therefore this is rather a dangerous position. If Mercury is afflicted by Saturn this position in Pisces makes the person liable to gloom and the mind will be subject to constant worry with a turn toward melancholy. Usually, people with Mercury in Pisces are of a kindly and benevolent disposition. This also is a good indication that success may be attained in chemistry and as a dietitian in the preparation of health foods.

Mercury In Aspect With The Other Planets

The Sun In Parallel Or Conjunction With Mercury. These are the only aspects ever formed and are good for the memory and mentality provided Mercury is not closer to the Sun than three degrees, for then he is "combust" and his good qualities are burned up in the Sun's rays. It is most fortunate to have Mercury rise before the Sun at Birth for he is then the Lightbearer who holds the torch of reason before the Spirit which in the horoscope is symbolized by the Sun. When he rises after the Sun the mentality is not nearly so keen (unless other good aspects favor).

Venus Parallel, Conjunction Or Sextile To Mercury. Venus and Mercury are never more than 76 degrees apart, therefore they can only form the conjunctions, parallels and sextiles, but not the trine, square nor opposition.

These aspects make the person cheerful and companionable with a good-natured disposition and a desire for society. They also give the ability for music and poetry, especially if in the Ascendant, and are a general indication of success in salesmanship for such people are very suave, affable and persuasive.

The Moon In Parallel, Conjunction, Sextile Or Trine To Mercury gives a receptive mind and a retentive memory, two very rare qualities and therefore these aspects, particularly the sextile and trine, are good indications of success in life, especially in one of the mercurial occupations, literary, clerical or traveling. People with these configurations are usually very verbose, particularly if the conjunction or trine occurs in airy signs or a sign of voice, for then the power of expression reaches a superlative degree and such people become able linguists and elocutionists; but unless there is some steadying influence people with configurations of Mercury and the Moon are not reliable because of their tendency to change their minds repeatedly in the most unexpected manner. They are inclined to look upon the bright side of life and are fond of pleasure, particularly travel.

The Moon Square Or Opposition To Mercury gives a poor memory and lack of mental stability with a tendency to indecision and worry, liability to brain storms and hysterics. These characteristics make the person unpopular and as the saying is, "unlucky."

Saturn Sextile Or Trine To Mercury acts as a brake upon the flighty mind and gives it a seriousness, depth and concentration which is of inestimable value in life. The forethought and profound reasoning ability indicated by these aspects insure success in whatever vocation the person may pursue. The patient persistence which permits no temporary failure to stand in the way of ultimate success; their caution and diplomacy make such people invincible in the long run. Therefore they generally become prominent in connection with some serious enterprise such as secret societies, the church or even politics or governmental affairs. They are in demand for high positions in great undertakings where a steady hand is required on the helm. But they do not usually shine in public for they are very quiet, subdued and serious in their manner and demeanor; besides they are absolutely honest and fair-minded, hence they make the very finest judges obtainable.

Saturn Conjunction Or Parallel To Mercury gives depth to the mind, and forethought, together with all the other good qualities enumerated as resulting from the sextile and the trine if Mercury is otherwise well-aspected, but not in so full a measure, or at any rate the person does not seem to be able to externalize them as readily, hence does not meet the same assured success as given by the good aspects. He also suffers from the tendency to melancholy denoted by the square or opposition, especially if the aspect occurs in one of the common signs or in Capricorn, and if in Gemini it interferes sadly with the dexterity. Such people tend to drop everything they take into their hands. These aspects also give an embarrassing timidity and if Mercury is afflicted the undesirable qualities enumerated as resulting from the square or opposition may be looked for.

Saturn Square Or Opposition To Mercury makes the person subject to trouble and delays all through life. He is thwarted on every hand by slander and secret enemies and this condition in time makes him bitter and sarcastic with the additional result that he is shunned by all who can possibly get away from him. This in time leads him to become a recluse who shuts himself away to brood over his troubles. Such a person sometimes becomes subject to melancholia of a most piteous character. These aspects also make the person cunning and untruthful. They give the same desire to study esotericism conferred by the good aspects, but there is the great difference that while the good aspects of Saturn and Mercury incline one to the study of esotericism from unselfish motives, the bad aspects impel him to ferret out nature's secret for personal power or gain.

Jupiter Conjunction, Parallel, Sextile Or Trine To Mercury is one of the finest assets in life, for it gives a cheerful, optimistic disposition with the ability to look upon the bright side of things and keep up the spirits in hours of adversity. The mind is broad, versatile, and able to reason correctly and to form a reliable judgment by careful deliberation. These people never give a hasty decision; they require time to think over whatever is presented to them, but once they have reached a conclusion it will be found incontrovertible. They are successful in law or literature and much respected for their honesty and sincerity. These aspects are particularly fortunate for people who travel for business or pleasure, for they will reap both benefit and enjoyment from a migratory mode of life; these aspects make them "healthy, wealthy and wise" beyond the average, and loved by everybody for the vital vibrations they radiate upon whomever they meet.

Jupiter Square Or Opposition To Mercury gives a vacillating and wavering disposition so that the person cannot make up his mind when more than one course of action is open, hence people with these aspects often lose their opportunities through procrastination and lack of judgment, and must therefore often be classed as failures in life. They are liable to scandal and slander because of treacherous associates. They should not travel, for it will bring them loss and trouble. They should also be extremely careful in making contracts or agreements to do or deliver certain things at a specified time, for they will probably be unable to fulfill the requirements and thus trouble and loss will result.

Mars Sextile Or Trine To Mercury gives a keen, sharp, ingenious and resourceful mentality. It makes the person enthusiastic over any proposition which appeals to him and he has also ability to enthuse others and impress them with his views; an indefatigable worker in any cause which arouses his sympathies, but he is not visionary, and is interested only in concrete matters. These people love argument or debate, and they have an inexhaustible fund of wit and good humor, sometimes blended with a vein of sarcasm which always strikes its mark, yet never viciously nor maliciously. They also have remarkable dexterity and are able to turn their hands to whatever task is allotted and do it with a speed, facility and expedition that is astonishing, to say the least. They cannot do anything slowly or by halves,; whatever they undertake must be done with a rush, and they put their whole energy into it so that they may accomplish the task and do it well, hence these aspects give success in life, in almost any line of endeavor these people may select, but most often in literature or the mechanical arts.

Mars Conjunction Or Parallel To Mercury gives the same mental energy, enthusiasm and dexterity as the definitely good aspects, but whether these qualities are used for constructive and good purposes or for destructive and evil ends depends upon the sign, house position and other aspects. If the configuration occurs in a sign where either or both planets are strong and well-placed, as Mars in Aries or Capricorn, or Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, or if they are fortified by good aspects from the Sun, Venus or Jupiter, Mars conjunction or parallel Mercury will operate similarly to the sextile or trine, as stated in the foregoing paragraph, which see. But if Mars and Mercury are in one of the watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces), or if either or both are afflicted by Saturn, Uranus or Neptune, the conjunction or parallel of Mars and Mercury will give the same evil tendencies as the square or opposition which are defined in the next paragraph.

Mars Square Or Opposition To Mercury makes people quick-witted, sharp and alert, quick tempered, impulsive and excitable, liable to jump at conclusions and act before they think with the inevitable result that they are always getting themselves or other people into trouble, hence they are dangerous associates. They are born prevaricators and utterly incapable of making a straight statement. It is just as natural for them to color or exaggerate their statements as it is to breathe. They are vitriolic in their wrath and their tongues are more poisonous than the bite of a rattlesnake, hence they are either feared or hated by those who are unfortunate enough to be bound to them by environment; all who can, shun them. They are bullies who are bound either to rule or ruin wherever they are, and they allow no obstacle to stand in their way which can be removed either by force or slander. They are the acme of selfishness, swagger and consummate egotism.

The foregoing tendencies may of course be modified by other aspects, but if they are not, such people are a menace to society. If either Mars or Mercury is placed in the Sixth or Twelfth House or in any other position so that the bad aspect acts upon the health, there is a liability to nervous prostration, brain fever or insanity.

Uranus Sextile Or Trine To Mercury gives an original, independent and eccentric mind impatient of the fetters of fashion, tradition and convention. Such a person is strenuous in his efforts to hew a path for himself in complete liberty. Therefore this is the hall-mark of the pioneers in thought and invention, the sign of genius. Their ideas and ideals are exceedingly lofty, progressive and inspiring, in fact too much so in the opinion of the average man or woman who looks upon their actions as vagaries, the outcome of a diseased mind. Nevertheless they have plenty of friends on account of their kindly and sympathetic nature. These aspects are good for a literary or scientific pursuit, also for invention, particularly along lines which have to do with air or electricity.

Uranus Conjunction Or Parallel Mercury. If Mercury is otherwise afflicted the conjunction and parallel are to be judged as bad aspects and read accordingly, but if Mercury is otherwise well placed and aspected the delineation given for the sextile and trine will apply.

Uranus Square Or Opposition To Mercury is the hall-mark of the true crank or anarchist who has extreme ideas in regard to tearing down the social structure and making reforms. People with these configurations are given to ranting and raving in public and their language is usually as cruel as the measures they advocate. Whatever ability they possess is usually turned to erratic purposes and they are often forced to make sudden changes on that account.

Neptune Conjunction, Parallel, Sextile Or Trine To Mercury gives a mind peculiarly adapted to the esoteric art, particularly if the conjunction occurs in the Third or Ninth House or the trines are from the watery signs Cancer and Pisces. Such people usually succeed in esoteric science and often develop a supernormal faculty. They are particularly good as magnetic healers.

Neptune Square Or Opposition To Mercury gives a chaotic mind, liability to lack of memory, indolence and a disposition to dream the time away. There is a restless desire for fame and an inability to fit in anywhere. Such people are liable to fraud, deception and slander, also to commit suicide.

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