Vaccination, effects of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 87-90; philosophy of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 195-198; Questions and Answers, Volume I 88
Vagina, diseases of, Message of the Stars 563
Vala, the celebrated prophetess, Questions and Answers, Volume II 551
Valhalla, symbolism of, Letters to Students 69; Mysteries of the Great Operas 82, 91; Teachings of an Initiate 99
Valkuerie, symbolism of, Letters to Students 69; Mysteries of the Great Operas 85
Vampirism, nature of, Message of the Stars 49; Questions and Answers, Volume I 255; Questions and Answers, Volume II 84, 127, 139; The Web of Destiny 117
Vanir, the water deities, Freemasonry and Catholicism 32
Variocele, Message of the Stars 548, 563
Varicose veins, Message of the Stars 543, 546, 548, 550, 552, 563
Vedas, brought light to India, Ancient and Modern Initiation 63; Teachings of an Initiate 104-105
Vegetables, are slow to decay, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 126; cells of, are easily overpowered by Ego, Christianity Lectures 136; contain little ash, Cosmo-Conception 446; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 116; green, are surcharged with ether, Questions and Answers, Volume II 141; have great sustaining power, Christianity Lectures 133; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 123-124; juices of, are circulated by means of light ether, Cosmo-Conception 37
Vegetarianism, reasons for, Christianity Lectures 138; Cosmo-Conception 349; Gleanings of a Mystic 91; Letters to Students 29; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 123; Questions and Answers, Volume I 213-217; Teachings of an Initiate 86
Vehicles, differ in each kingdom, Cosmo-Conception 73; of Christ Jesus, Christianity Lectures 246-248; Cosmo-Conception 377, 406; of the Trinity, Cosmo-Conception 376
Vehicles (of man), are improved by advanced Egos, Cosmo-Conception 289; are concentric during waking state, Christianity Lectures 62, 73; Questions and Answers, Volume I 70; are gradually dissolved after death, Questions and Answers, Volume II 134; are inactive in infancy, Cosmo-Conception 139; are not equally mature at birth, Message of the Stars 116; are required for each world, Christianity Lectures 51; are trained by hierarchies, Christianity Lectures 221; are used to gather experience, Christianity Lectures 142
Vehicles (of man), center at root of nose, Cosmo-Conception 292; condition of during sleep, Questions and Answers, Volume I 70; differ individually, The Web of Destiny 87; finer, interpenetrate, Message of the Stars 568-569; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 31; future generations of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 93; have gradually improved, Questions and Answers, Volume II 168; have no specialized organs, Cosmo-Conception 73; higher, Cosmo-Conception 60-72, 97, 525; Questions and Answers, Volume I 228; Questions and Answers, Volume II 165, 412; Rosicrucian Mysteries 138, 185; inner, building of, Cosmo-Conception 480-485; must shine to attract teacher, Cosmo-Conception 496; prayer for, Cosmo-Conception 452; retain ovoid form, Cosmo-Conception 255; separate, importance of, Cosmo-Conception 58; spiritualization of, Cosmo-Conception 124; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 26; Questions and Answers, Volume II 145; use of, requires positive forces of individual, Cosmo-Conception 141
Veil, between living and dead, to be dissolved, Teachings of an Initiate 78; of Isis, Cosmo-Conception 293; Rosicrucian Mysteries 134; of Temple, was rent, Cosmo-Conception 407
Veils, of Temple, Ancient and Modern Initiation 16, 37
Venereal disease, Cosmo-Conception 274; Message of the Stars 541, 543, 547-548, 562-579, 676
Venus, astrological characteristics of, Christianity Lectures 171; Message of the Stars 34, 169, 171-184, 185-191, 42, 428, 446, 547-548, 570, 600; Questions and Answers, Volume II 379; beings of, are more evolved than man, Cosmo-Conception 271; has color yellow, Message of the Stars 64; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 162; in Norse mythology, is Freya, Mysteries of the Great Operas 79; mountains of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 130; of Tannhauser, Mysteries of the Great Operas 130; one side of, is always to Sun, Cosmo-Conception 219; pole of, points to Sun, Cosmo-Conception 219; rules solar plexus, Questions and Answers, Volume II 156; symbol of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 369; Simplified Scientific Astrology 166; was thrown off from Sun, Cosmo-Conception 263, 272
Venus, Lords of, belong to our life wave, Questions and Answers, Volume II 103
Venus Period, animals of, will be present minerals, Cosmo-Conception 428; characteristics of, Cosmo-Conception 422-423, 425, 428; Questions and Answers, Volume I 92; globes of, Cosmo-Conception 199-200; humans of, Cosmo-Conception 342, 419, 427-428; Initiate of, the Apostle John, Cosmo-Conception 502
Verdande, Mysteries of the Great Operas 89
Vernal Equinox, Christianity Lectures 154; Cosmo-Conception 159; Letters to Students 150, 173; Message of the Stars 25, 595-596; Questions and Answers, Volume I 32; Questions and Answers, Volume II 260, 350, 364; Simplified Scientific Astrology 26
Verne, Jules, Christianity Lectures 314; Questions and Answers, Volume I 14; Rosicrucian Mysteries 16
Veronica Giuliana, canonization of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 119
Vertigo, Message of the Stars 549-550, 557-558
Vesuvius, eruption of, Cosmo-Conception 508
Via Dolorosa, Ancient and Modern Initiation 67
Vibration, external, is transferred to blood, Rosicrucian Mysteries 37; has rhythmic power, Cosmo-Conception 122, 369, 375; is possessed in differing rates by worlds, Cosmo-Conception 375; of pituitary body, Cosmo-Conception 479; rates of, are possessed by atoms, Cosmo-Conception 375; universality of, Rosicrucian Mysteries 36; varying rates of, determine substance, Cosmo-Conception 40; Vibration, Mind and Consciousness, by Charles Weber (PDF)
Vibrations, of dense atoms, are due to vital body, The Web of Destiny 104; of color, are visible in crowds, The Web of Destiny 87; of early mankind, Christianity Lectures 255; of Neptune, Message of the Stars 592; of sense, due to Mercury, Message of the Stars 592; of sick person, Questions and Answers, Volume II 126; of vital body, Christianity Lectures 265; planetary, Message of the Stars 30-54; The Web of Destiny 81; rhythmic, Cosmo-Conception 122; spiritual, of Crucifixion, Christianity Lectures 256, 271; visible, from oxidation in blood, Freemasonry and Catholicism 89; warring, Christianity Lectures 178
Vicarious atonement, Christianity Lectures 242
Vice, is shattered by repulsion, Cosmo-Conception 47; must be overcome consciously, Questions and Answers, Volume I 27
Victims, sacrificial, Ancient and Modern Initiation 18, 23
Virgin, zodiacal sign of, on Holy Night, Cosmo-Conception 390
Virgin Mary, Cosmo-Conception 378; Freemasonry and Catholicism 89
Virgin Spirit, always gives wise counsel, Cosmo-Conception 398; involved itself in three-fold veil, Gleanings of a Mystic 21; Teachings of an Initiate 50; is clothed in vehicles, Cosmo-Conception 87; is real man, Cosmo-Conception 398; must acquire soul power and creative mind, Cosmo-Conception 189, 429; possessed all-consciousness, Cosmo-Conception 216; Questions and Answers, Volume I 9; triple phase of, Christianity Lectures 213-214; Cosmo-Conception 223; Questions and Answers, Volume II 488
Virgin Spirits, are becoming experts in building chemical bodies, Cosmo-Conception 222; are enmeshed in matter, Gleanings of a Mystic 132; are expressing as animals, Cosmo-Conception 81; are potential gods, Cosmo-Conception 189; are to attain self-consciousness, Gleanings of a Mystic 22; Teachings of an Initiate 50; became unconscious, Cosmo-Conception 189, 201; constitute creative hierarchy, Cosmo-Conception 221, 326; continually intermingle, Questions and Answers, Volume I 46; differ in adaptability, Questions and Answers, Volume II 102; evolution of, depends on adaptability, Cosmo-Conception 223; have independent will, Cosmo-Conception 189; manifest in seven rays, Cosmo-Conception 246, 438; Questions and Answers, Volume II 89; three-fifths of, will pass critical point in next Revolution, Cosmo-Conception 231; were differentiated within God, Cosmo-Conception 188, 216
Virgin Spirits, World of, corresponds to atomistic stratum, Cosmo-Conception 507; is sixth realm, Cosmo-Conception 87
Virginian Wafers, Ancient and Modern Initiation 41
Virginity, is a soul quality, Ancient and Modern Initiation 72
Virgo, characteristics of, Message of the Stars 99, 101, 127, 129, 153, 435, 441, 542, 559
Virgo, the Virgin, position of on Christmas Eve, Ancient and Modern Initiation 73; Message of the Stars 9
Virgoan, courts disease, Message of the Stars 530; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 207
Virtue, highest aspiration to, is practice in daily life, Letters to Students 172; is attained by meeting and conquering temptations, Christianity Lectures 287; Mysteries of the Great Operas 13; is built by attraction, Cosmo-Conception 47; is essence of all that was good in former lives, Questions and Answers, Volume II 512; is generated by pleasure felt in First Heaven, Questions and Answers, Volume II 83; is quality of the soul, Christianity Lectures 308; Questions and Answers, Volume II 511; should be distinguished from innocence, Christianity Lectures 203; Cosmo-Conception 282; Mysteries of the Great Operas 63, 147
Vision, etheric, Questions and Answers, Volume I 282-283, 338-339; Questions and Answers, Volume II 203; Rosicrucian Mysteries 65-67; Teachings of an Initiate 57-60, 152; The Web of Destiny 69-76; impairment of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 79; inner, Freemasonry and Catholicism 54; Gleanings of a Mystic 136; spiritual, Teachings of an Initiate 152-153, 160; The Web of Destiny 18; see also Sight
"Vision of Sir Launfal," Christianity Lectures 97; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 21; Letters to Students 57; Teachings of an Initiate 43-45
Visions, recounting of, Letters to Students 49
Visitors, celestial, Questions and Answers, Volume II 177
Vital body, macrocosmic, Cosmo-Conception 139-141; of animals, Cosmo-Conception 77, 293; Questions and Answers, Volume I 373; of Atlanteans, Cosmo-Conception 293; Teachings of an Initiate 36; of child, Cosmo-Conception 139-140; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 47; Questions and Answers, Volume II 84; The Web of Destiny 61, 103-104; of earth, The Web of Destiny 72-73; of families, The Web of Destiny 47; of four kingdoms, Cosmo-Conception 58-59, 77; of Lemurians, Cosmo-Conception 280; of Man, see following separate classification; of plant, Christianity Lectures 270; Cosmo-Conception 58-59; Freemasonry and Catholicism 64; Vital (Etheric) Body, The, by Max Heindel
Vital body of man, absorbs solar energy, Cosmo-Conception 63; amputated limbs of, Cosmo-Conception 64;Questions and Answers, Volume I 375-376; belongs to physical world, Cosmo-Conception 97; Questions and Answers, Volume I 124; birth of, occurs at seven years, Christianity Lectures 122; Cosmo-Conception 141-142; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 220; Questions and Answers, Volume I 58; Questions and Answers, Volume II 536; Rosicrucian Mysteries 195; changes when Ego lives spiritually, Questions and Answers, Volume II 335; cleavage of, Gleanings of a Mystic 11; The Web of Destiny 28, 32-33; color of, Cosmo-Conception 60, 63, 253; Occult Principles of Health & Healing 162; condition of, after death, Christianity Lectures 82; Cosmo-Conception 97-103, 108; Mysteries of the Great Operas 111; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 71, 225; Questions and Answers, Volume I 106-110, 228, 246; Questions and Answers, Volume II 178, 335, 415; Rosicrucian Mysteries 153, 156-157, 159; The Web of Destiny 28, 30, 100; after heavy meal, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 141-142; determines state of health, The Web of Destiny 14; during resuscitation, Questions and Answers, Volume I 72-73; during sleep, Christianity Lectures 64; Cosmo-Conception 92-93; Questions and Answers, Volume I 227; Rosicrucian Mysteries 136; following accident, The Web of Destiny 23, 102; in hypnotic sleep, Christianity Lectures 70; Questions and Answers, Volume I 68-70, 82; in sickness, Cosmo-Conception 60; Questions and Answers, Volume II 129, 238; Rosicrucian Mysteries 128; The Web of Destiny 22; congruency of with dense body, Cosmo-Conception 293-294, 476; Questions and Answers, Volume I 70; contains panorama of life, Cosmo-Conception 91, 135, 397; control of, by Sons of Seth, Freemasonry and Catholicism 88; currents of, Cosmo-Conception 406; Questions and Answers, Volume II 130; determines shape of dense body, Ancient and Modern Initiation 118; Cosmo-Conception 60; development of, is object of esoteric training, Cosmo-Conception 381, 481-482; embodies quintessence of good extracted from previous life, The Web of Destiny 106; emits buzzing sound, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 149; essence of, will be absorbed in Venus Period, Cosmo-Conception 424-435; ethers of, Christianity Lectures 77, 115, 175, 270-278; Cosmo-Conception 10, 58-61, 143, 481-482; Gleanings of a Mystic 80; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 31, 68, 188, 214; Questions and Answers, Volume I 5-6; Questions and Answers, Volume II 50, 511; Rosicrucian Mysteries 122, 136-137; Teachings of an Initiate 7-13; The Web of Destiny 14, 18, 27, 145
Vital body of man, evolution of, Christianity Lectures 227, 300; Cosmo-Conception 210-215, 240-242, 262-263, 292, 422; Gleanings of a Mystic 22-23, 28, 49; Letters to Students 37, 80; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 13, 31, 41; Rosicrucian Mysteries 186; Teachings of an Initiate 13, 82; The Web of Destiny 10; existence of, may be proved, Christianity Lectures 77; Cosmo-Conception 100; Questions and Answers, Volume II 305, 413; Rosicrucian Mysteries 129; expresses through blood and glands, Cosmo-Conception 238, 455; Mysteries of the Great Operas 31; extends beyond dense body, Cosmo-Conception 59-60; Rosicrucian Mysteries 123; The Web of Destiny 104; faculties of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 25, 72; Questions and Answers, Volume I 22; The Web of Destiny 106; forms particular type of brain, Cosmo-Conception 135; function of, Christianity Lectures 51, 59, 63, 80-81, 307; Cosmo-Conception 58-63, 94, 137, 283, 455-456, 481, 505-506; Gleanings of a Mystic 128, 132; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 31, 41, 43, 72, 121, 167, 224; Questions and Answers, Volume I 176; Questions and Answers, Volume II 143, 530; Rosicrucian Mysteries 121, 129, 138; Teachings of an Initiate 72; The Web of Destiny 14, 29, 84, 99, 108; has been straightened out, Cosmo-Conception 255; higher part of, becomes immortal, Cosmo-Conception 482; interpenetrates physical body, Cosmo-Conception 66; is absorbed by holy water, Ancient and Modern Initiation 25; is affected by anesthetics, hypnotism, etc., Christianity Lectures 176, 207; Cosmo-Conception 62, 92, 434, 462-463; Questions and Answers, Volume I 110-113; Questions and Answers, Volume II 537; is avenue of vitality, Christianity Lectures 55, 59; Gleanings of a Mystic 49; Questions and Answers, Volume II 530; is basis of character, The Web of Destiny 15; is basis of esoteric development, Ancient and Modern Initiation 55; Christianity Lectures 276; Gleanings of a Mystic 9; Letters to Students 181-182; Teachings of an Initiate 79; is cleansed by bathing, The Web of Destiny 114; is counterpart of Life Spirit, Christianity Lectures 214, 238; Cosmo-Conception 96, 266, 466; Questions and Answers, Volume II 519; Teachings of an Initiate 50; is duplicate of physical body, Cosmo-Conception 240; Questions and Answers, Volume I 19; is embedded in dense body, Cosmo-Conception 61; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 167; is hardened by immoral practices, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 74; The Web of Destiny 33, 42; is held in dense body by air pressure, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 84; Teachings of an Initiate 9
Vital body of man, is in third stage, Cosmo-Conception 75-76; Rosicrucian Mysteries 131; is interlocked with physical body in ordinary individual, Ancient and Modern Initiation 118; Cosmo-Conception 62, 241; The Web of Destiny 99; is impressed with pictures of coming life, Cosmo-Conception 135; is impressed with revenge of desire body, Cosmo-Conception 463; is like film moving pictures, Christianity Lectures 179; is loose in medium, Cosmo-Conception 62; The Web of Destiny 98; is molded by Recording Angels, Cosmo-Conception 135; The Web of Destiny 61; is more set than desire body, The Web of Destiny 16-17; is now being separated from dense body, The Web of Destiny 16-17; is prepared for initiation, Cosmo-Conception 404, 481; is quickened by suffering in war, Teachings of an Initiate 79; is rooted in spleen, Cosmo-Conception 10, 63, 68; Rosicrucian Mysteries 123; is spiritualized by initiation, Cosmo-Conception 404-405; Gleanings of a Mystic 67; is storehouse of conscious and subconscious memory, Christianity Lectures 81; is the Tree of Life, Questions and Answers, Volume I 171-174; Teachings of an Initiate 195; is transmuted into soul, Questions and Answers, Volume II 22; The Web of Destiny 29; is vehicle of indwelling Christ, The Web of Destiny 17; is vehicle of habit, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 46; The Web of Destiny 106; is vehicle of love, Gleanings of a Mystic 51; is vehicle of reason, The Web of Destiny 17; is vehicle of sense perception, Christianity Lectures 80; Cosmo-Conception 94; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 222; is vehicle of soul flights, Cosmo-Conception 481, 482; Freemasonry and Catholicism 93; is well organized, Cosmo-Conception 240; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 42; Rosicrucian Mysteries 130; is worked on by Religion of Son, Christianity Lectures 224; is worked on by angels, Cosmo-Conception 222, 283, 349, 427; Questions and Answers, Volume I 153; The Web of Destiny 84; keynote of, is repetition, Cosmo-Conception 434; Letters to Students 217; Mysteries of the Great Operas 71-72; Questions and Answers, Volume I 233; The Web of Destiny 106, 131; leaves dense body by spiral motion, The Web of Destiny 100; looseness of, indicates clairvoyance, Cosmo-Conception 241; looseness of, varies, Questions and Answers, Volume I 256-257; matrix of, is placed by Lords of Destiny, Cosmo-Conception 137; may be interlocked with desire body, The Web of Destiny 33, 37, 115
Vital body of man, must conquer desire body, Cosmo-Conception 463; pitch of vibration of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 150; points of, enter dense atoms, Cosmo-Conception 61; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 42; polarization of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 119, Cosmo-Conception 60, 280; Freemasonry and Catholicism 87-88; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 29; Questions and Answers, Volume I 23, 269, 371; Questions and Answers, Volume II 74, 231; Rosicrucian Mysteries 129; The Web of Destiny 109; purification and control of, Cosmo-Conception 111, 433-435, 441, 482; prismatic atoms of, Cosmo-Conception 10; The Web of Destiny 104; promotes sex love, Cosmo-Conception 397; qualities of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 279, 306; reflects and etches desire body, The Web of Destiny 27, 39; receives impressions of intuition, Cosmo-Conception 92; relation of, to circulation, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 167; Questions and Answers, Volume I 72; relation of, to magic, Gleanings of a Mystic 103; relation of, to materialization, Questions and Answers, Volume I 241-242; renewing of, Christianity Lectures 234; seedatom of, Cosmo-Conception 10, 103; Freemasonry and Catholicism 12; Questions and Answers, Volume II 137; The Web of Destiny 114; spiritualized product of, Cosmo-Conception 124; vibrations of, relate him to Christ, Christianity Lectures 265; wars with desire body, Christianity Lectures 62, 64, 65; Cosmo-Conception 455-456; Rosicrucian Mysteries 138; Teachings of an Initiate 73; was given in Hyperborean Epoch, Christianity Lectures 227-228; Cosmo-Conception 165, 298; Gleanings of a Mystic 88; Questions and Answers, Volume I 168, 209; was taught about in Mystery Schools, Letters to Students 141; will surpass physical vehicle in efficiency, Cosmo-Conception 242
Vital fluid, becomes rose colored, Cosmo-Conception 63; Message of the Stars 544; The Web of Destiny 99; cleanses body of inimical matter, Cosmo-Conception 63; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 197; enters body by way of spleen, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 43, Rosicrucian Mysteries 123; flows more slowly toward end of day, Cosmo-Conception 93; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 168; is electricity of body, Christianity Lectures 63; Message of the Stars 544; is not specialized so much during illness, Questions and Answers, Volume I 25
Vital fluid, is ruled by Sun, Cosmo-Conception 62; 664; quantity of used within body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 198; surplus of, is radiated from body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 176; Rosicrucian Mysteries 127
Vital fluid, see also Energy
Vitality, is dissipated by desires and emotions, Teachings of an Initiate 72; main source of, is Sun, Message of the Stars 144, 438; pervades Region of Concrete Thought, Cosmo-Conception 50
Vivisection, Message of the Stars 575; Teachings of an Initiate 186
Vivisectors, post-mortem fate of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 80
Vocal organs, diseases of, Message of the Stars 602
Vocation, how determined, Message of the Stars 444-447
Voice, inner, must be followed to find truth, Letters to Students 7; of humans, Cosmo-Conception 369, 537; Message of the Stars 605; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 83; of Silence, Rosicrucian Mysteries 99
Volcanic action, Christianity Lectures 262, 323; Cosmo-Conception 292, 498-514; Rosicrucian Mysteries 72
Vomiting, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 548, 554
Vortices, in desire body, Cosmo-Conception 67
Voodoo magic, Gleanings of a Mystic 103; The Web of Destiny 41
Vulcan, Christianity Lectures 268, Message of the Stars 380
Vulcan Period, Christianity Lectures 214; Cosmo-Conception 200, 209, 342, 366, 411, 413, 422-423, 425, 427-429, 502; Questions and Answers, Volume II 516, 518-519, 520, 522, 523