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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
Aaron's Rod, symbology of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 43-45; Freemasonry & Catholicism 17; Mysteries of the Great Operas 81, 146, 150, 153; Questions and Answers, Volume I 177; Teachings of an Initiate 198
Abel, gave offerings from his flocks, Questions and Answers, Volume I 174-176; killed no animals, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 166; was a shepherd Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 279; was born to Adam and Eve, Freemasonry & Catholicism 17; was creature of Jehovah, Freemasonry & Catholicism 19; was involved in tragedy, Message of the Stars 15; was slain by Cain, Freemasonry & Catholicism 20; was Third Race man, Letters to Students 219; was type of Lemurian Epoch, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 166; Gleanings of a Mystic 23.
Abdominal Disorders, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 548, 552, 559, 565
Abiff, Hiram, achieved Molten Sea, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 290; Freemasonry & Catholicism 66; Questions and Answers, Volume I 174; legend of, is astronomical allegory, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 148; represents male ideal, Freemasonry & Catholicism 24; symbology of, Freemasonry & Catholicism 31; Questions and Answers, Volume II 445; The Web of Destiny 85; was betrayed by Sons of Seth, The Web of Destiny 83; was builder of Solomon's Temple, Freemasonry & Catholicism 21; Message of the Stars 23; Questions and Answers, Volume II 498; The Web of Destiny 83; was given New Hammer and New Word, Freemasonry & Catholicism 40, 81, 97; was highest initiate of old system, Message of the Stars 24; was focus for skill of Sons of Cain, Freemasonry & Catholicism 26, 49; The Web of Destiny 83; was reborn as Lazarus and Christian Rosenkreuz, Freemasonry & Catholicism 41, 91; Questions and Answers, Volume II 300, 447, 452; was skilled in work of world, Freemasonry & Catholicism 21
Ablutions, prescribed by religious systems, Ancient and Modern Initiation 75
Abnormalities, mental Occult Principles of Health and Healing 57-61; The Web of Destiny 64; physical, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 61-64; The Web of Destiny 64
Abortions, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 566
Abraham, represents qualities of race, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 254; Freemasonry & Catholicism 55; Letters to Students 156; seed of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 351-352; Questions and Answers, Volume I 194-195; story of, is allegorical, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 148-149; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 219
Absolute, The, contains all powers, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 249; Freemasonry & Catholicism 9; corresponds to center of earth, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 507; is boundless Being, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 181; merges, creation for rest and assimilation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 191, 200; used water as agent, Freemasonry & Catholicism 9
Abstract Thought, Region of, will contain densest globe at end of Earth Period, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 528; contains eternal verities, Rosicrucian Mysteries 106; is basis of consciousness in 3rd Heaven, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 110; is reflected in Desire World, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 51; is related to seed stratum of earth, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 504; is separative, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 380; location of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 48, 54; Rosicrucian Mysteries 104-117
Accidents, are factors in infant mortality, Questions and Answers, Volume I 107-110; are foreshown in horoscope, Questions and Answers, Volume II 374; causes of, The Web of Destiny 74; do not occur in regard to death, Questions and Answers, Volume I 122
Achilles, Mysteries of the Great Operas 103
Action, affects length of life, Letters to Students 234; feeds conscious soul, Rosicrucian Cosmo- Conception 96, 424; incentive to, may be destroyed, Rosicrucian Mysteries 158; incentive to, is given by desire nature, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 464; is due to interest, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 55; is expression of life in manifestation, The Web of Destiny 7-8; is required in physical life, Gleanings of a Mystic 16, 183
Actions, results of, The Web of Destiny 55
Activity, is third Aspect of God, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 182, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 323-324; subjective, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 207-208
Adam, and Eve, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 277-278; Freemasonry & Catholicism 15, 95; Questions and Answers, Volume I 165-166; became breathing creature, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 345; is symbolical name for humanity, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 277-278, 326; Freemasonry & Catholicism 14; Gleanings of a Mystic 54-55; Questions and Answers, Volume I 170; Questions and Answers, Volume II 281, 289; Teachings of an Initiate 195; is represented by number 9, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 500; Message of the Stars 52; lived for 900 years, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 252; Questions and Answers, Volume I 49; meaning of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 328; Freemasonry & Catholicism 10; Questions and Answers, Volume I 167; rib story of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 346; Questions and Answers, Volume I 40-41, 165-166; sin of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 226; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 278-288; took with him three slips of the Tree of Life, Ancient and Modern Initiation 42; was a Polarian, Gleanings of a Mystic 22, Teachings of an Initiate 82
Adaptability, affects frequency of births, Questions and Answers, Volume II 107; is essential for spiritual progress, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 223, 303, 337; Letters to Students 198; Questions and Answers, Volume II 105
Address, at ground breaking, Teachings of an Initiate 133-140
Adenoids, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 562, 646
Adept, attains by performing duty in material world, Questions and Answers, Volume I 288-289 becomes immortal, Freemasonry & Catholicism 81; builds own body, Freemasonry & Catholicism 63-65; Message of the Stars 346; Questions and Answers, Volume II 221, 246; can use Creative Word, Questions and Answers, Volume II 440; has had First Great Initiation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 502; has perfect balance, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 475; has two spinal cords, Message of the Stars 345; Questions and Answers, Volume II 271; is a complete creative unit, Message of the Stars 345; is able to preserve body for centuries, Freemasonry & Catholicism 65; Questions and Answers, Volume II 249; is pupil of Greater Mysteries Rosicrucian Mysteries 10; possesses large and powerful soul body, Freemasonry & Catholicism 64; sees, knows, and can use laws of nature, Questions and Answers, Volume I 262; Questions and Answers, Volume II 247
Adjusted Calculation Date, Message of the Stars 470-480
ADM, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 327-328; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 326, 500; Gleanings of a Mystic 7; Questions and Answers, Volume I 167
Adoration, aids in building inner vehicle, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 495-496; is highest step in union with God, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 465, 495; last steps to, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 495
Adrenals, are ruled by Jupiter, Message of the Stars 557-558, 570-571; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 32-33; are connected with personality, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 32; exert a calming effect, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 33; function of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 156; secretions of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 33
Adultery, defined by Christ, Questions and Answers, Volume I 36
Adversity, brings spiritual growth, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 201
Aerial Region, of Concrete Thought, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 50
Aesculapius, was Grecian healer, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 97; Teachings of an Initiate 129
Affections, should not be inordinate Questions and Answers, Volume II 20
Affinity, of chemical ether and water, The Web of Destiny 114; of people, is shown in horoscopes, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 167; Questions and Answers, Volume I 51-52, The Web of Destiny 128
Affirmations, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 177, 180, 202; Questions and Answers, Volume II 97
Affix, of surnames, origin of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 351
Afflictions, to planet, see each sign and planet by name — Aries, Taurus, etc.
African, Cosmo-Conception 290, 304, 313; Gleanings of a Mystic 52, 75; Questions and Answers, Volume I 54; The Web of Destiny 41
After death state, is time of activity, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 81, 108; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 96-139; Gleanings of a Mystic 186; Questions and Answers, Volume I129-131, Teachings of an Initiate 120; The Web of Destiny 28; may bring contact with loved ones, Questions and Answers, Volume I 117-118; Questions and Answers, Volume II 22, 48, 171-174; should be understood, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 31; Questions and Answers, Volume I 99-100
Age, may be attained with health, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 139; New, Gleanings of a Mystic 69-84; Message of the Stars 16; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 129; Teachings of an Initiate 54-60; Noachian, Teachings of an Initiate 138; of Patriarchs, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 354; Piscean, Ancient and Modern Initiation 19, 41; Message of the Stars 27; symptoms of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 130; Taurean, Teachings of an Initiate 54
Ages, three, Freemasonry & Catholicism 56-57
Aggressor, in war, is to be blamed, Questions and Answers, Volume II 544
Agnosticism, is destructive force, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 157
Air, is charged with pictures of surroundings, Rosicrucian Mysteries 155, 371; was new element of Sun Period, Freemasonry & Catholicism 7; was put to use by man, Questions and Answers, Volume I 13; will be inhabited by man of New Age, Freemasonry & Catholicism 7
Air pressure, holds vital body within dense vehicle, Teachings of an Initiate 9
Aionian, meaning of, Letters to Students 44; Questions and Answers, Volume I 186; Questions and Answers, Volume II 483; Teachings of an Initiate 165
Airships, of Atlantis, Gleanings of a Mystic 71-72; Teachings of an Initiate 77
Akkadians, see Races, Atlantean
Alberich, symbology of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 76
Albumen, is not needed by the spiritual, Gleanings of a Mystic 24
Albion, sons of, are re-embodied Romans, Teachings of an Initiate 68
Alchemists, work of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 438, 518; Freemasonry & Catholicism 60, 63; Letters to Students 41; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 134
Alcohol, has had share of world's progress, Letters to Students 29; is counterfeit spirit, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 169; Gleanings of a Mystic 83, 93; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 133; Questions and Answers, Volume II 175; Teachings of an Initiate 83; is craved by desire body, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 105; is disastrous to spiritual unfoldment, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 180; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 90-91; Questions and Answers, Volume II 433; Rosicrucian Mysteries 166-167; Teachings of an Initiate 83; is fermented outside system, Gleanings of a Mystic 83; Letters to Students 39; was introduced as food for purpose Questions and Answers, Volume I 224; Teachings of an Initiate 73
Alexander the Great, had idiot brother, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 18
Alimentary canal, was begun in Sun Period, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 211; was built by desire for growth, Letters to Students 148
All-consciousness, was possessed by Virgin Spirits, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 216; Questions and Answers, Volume I 9
Allegories, given in Bible, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 142-156; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 319; were taught infant humanity, Ancient and Modern Initiation 79
Allegory, is written in sky Teachings of an Initiate 124
Altar, Brazen, symbology of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 17-26
Altar, of Burnt Offerings, Ancient and Modern Initiation 13, 21-24, 32, 36-38, 55-56, 58
Altar, of Incense, Ancient and Modern Initiation 30-31, 36
Altar, of Sacrifice, Gleanings of a Mystic 95-96
Alternation, Age of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 79, 87; Law of, see Law
Altruism, came to earth with advent of Christ, Letters to Students 54, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 63; is awakened by love of God, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 371; is considered Utopian dream by some, Ancient and Modern Initiation 82; is developed by control of circulation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 399; is factor in attaining initiation Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 404; is focused in heart, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 398; is growing, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 20; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 21; Teachings of an Initiate 95; is keyword of Uranus, Message of the Stars 347; is latent within all, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 370; is product of inner urge, The Web of Destiny 67, 73; is property of Jupiter, Message of the Stars 39; is routing selfishness, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 368; Message of the Stars 39; is superseding patriotism, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 355; is "the woman's seed" Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 238; may be compared to sound vibration, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 370; must be cultivated Questions and Answers, Volume I 33
Altruistic movements, Letters to Students 27
Ambassador, from Sun to earth, is Michael, Rosicrucian Mysteries 87; from each planet to earth, Questions and Answers, Volume I 323
America, has electric atmosphere 130; has no Race Spirit as yet, Letters to Students 144; Teachings of an Initiate 71; is the melting pot, Gleanings of a Mystic 75, 112; Letters to Students 144; Questions and Answers, Volume I 56; lacks spirit of mysticism, Mysteries of the Great Operas 158; people of, consume much candy Gleanings of a Mystic 84
Ameshaspends, Persian name for 7 Spirits before Throne, Rosicrucian Mysteries 86-87; Simplified Scientific Astrology 5
Amfortas, the Grail King, Ancient and Modern Initiation 111; Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 197, 286; Gleanings of a Mystic 123; Mysteries of the Great Operas 56-62, 66, 160
Amphibians, preceded birds, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 209; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 392
Amputation, effects of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 80; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 64; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 188-189; Questions and Answers, Volume I 124, 375-376
Amulets, effects of Message of the Stars 60-67
Analogies, material, Teachings of an Initiate 108-114
Analogy, exists between man and the Christ Spirit, Letters to Students 129; exists between God and man Questions and Answers, Volume I 347; is master key to spiritual mysteries, Freemasonry & Catholicism 7; Letters to Students 95; Message of the Stars 540; Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 13, 21; Questions and Answers, Volume II 17, 188, 201, 319, 360; Teachings of an Initiate 111; is one of the best helps in understanding evolution, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 330; Law of, see Law
Analysis, serves purpose Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 250
Anarchist, nature of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 266; Message of the Stars 339
Anatomy, should be studied by spiritual student Occult Principles of Health and Healing 205
Ancestor worship, is inspired by elementals, The Web of Destiny 47 originated in Atlantis, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 295
Anemia, astrological indications of , Message of the Stars 543, 555
Anesthetics, affect vital body, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 62; are apt to be fatal in dark of Moon, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 153; may ease transition after death, Questions and Answers, Volume II 119
Aneurysm, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 542
Angel wings, in Sistine Madonna, Ancient and Modern Initiation 65
Angels, aid in development of brain and larynx, Freemasonry & Catholicism 73; aids Lords of Form, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 262-263; announced birth of Isaac, Samuel, Jesus, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 220; Gleanings of a Mystic 56; Questions and Answers, Volume II 339; Rosicrucian Mysteries 74; Teachings of an Initiate 48; The Web of Destiny 64
Angels, are builders of ether, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 222; Rosicrucian Mysteries 74; are directed by Jehovah, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 334, 374,; Mysteries of the Great Operas 36; are double-sexed, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 285; are family Spirits, Questions and Answers, Volume I 153; Rosicrucian Mysteries 80; are givers of physical life, Freemasonry & Catholicism 11; are located in moons, Message of the Stars 569; Questions and Answers, Volume I 346; are of two classes, Freemasonry & Catholicism 10; are represented by salt, Freemasonry & Catholicism 71; are unable to communicate with brain beings Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 286, 361; are warders of race and national religions, Freemasonry & Catholicism 61; attend birth of saviors of mankind, Ancient and Modern Initiation 69; belong to different evolution from man, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 285; Questions & Answers, Vol. I 11, Rosicrucian Mysteries 73; build by force of love, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 285; build embryo in womb, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 288; build vital body, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 219; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 222, 240, 349; The Web of Destiny 84; choir of, sang above Galilean hills, Letters to Students 209; control propogation, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 229; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 283, 288, 536; Rosicrucian Mysteries 74; Teachings of an Initiate 199; The Web of Destiny 84; create without desire, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 285; deal with life in constructive manner, Questions and Answers, Volume I 346; direct evolution of plant kingdom, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 220, 224; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 299, 349, 427; function in vital body, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 285; Questions and Answers, Volume II 345; Rosicrucian Mysteries 73; get knowledge without reasoning, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 232; guarded each Ego before individualization, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 352; have streams of force about them, Questions and Answers, Volume I 154; have work in evolution, Questions and Answers, Volume I 163; help to guide human affairs, Gleanings of a Mystic 32; Letters to Students 225; instruct Ego in building archetype, Rosicrucian Mysteries 184; live in etheric world, Gleanings of a Mystic 50; love of, is unselfish Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 286
Angels, molded cords and appendages of Moon beings, The Web of Destiny 80; planetary, Questions and Answers, Volume I 151, 323; rule tides of sea, Freemasonry & Catholicism 71; star, Gleanings of a Mystic 135; were helpers of later life waves, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 219; were humanity of Moon Period, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 245; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 222, 240, 262-263, 286, 333, 349, 376, 427,; Freemasonry & Catholicism 9; Gleanings of a Mystic 50; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 7; Message of the Stars 62; Questions and Answers, Volume I 210; Questions and Answers, Volume II 57, 522; work in spinal cord, Freemasonry & Catholicism 74; work with planets having moons, Freemasonry & Catholicism 10; Letters to Students 45
Angels, Recording, administer Law of Rebirth, Questions and Answers, Volume II 54, 70; Teachings of an Initiate 68; aid aspirants, Letters to Students 176; aid Ego in choice of panorama, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 136; Rosicrucian Mysteries 183; are celestial lapidaries Gleanings of a Mystic 62; are ministers of God, The Web of Destiny 20; are infallible, Mysteries of the Great Operas 82; are Lords of Destiny, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 161; are mighty Individualities, Questions and Answers, Volume I 151; assist Ego to come to birth, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 161; Gleanings of a Mystic 122; Questions and Answers, Volume I 94, 152; Questions and Answers, Volume II 13, 74; build body of incoming Ego Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 135; build etheric form for body, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 115; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 46; Questions and Answers, Volume II 134; The Web of Destiny 103; enforce payment of debts, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 107, 112; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 136, 161 gave us the Bible, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 330; give religions, Gleanings of a Mystic 7; Letters to Students 16; Questions and Answers, Volume I 238; Rosicrucian Mysteries 6; guide the stellar influences, Questions and Answers, Volume I 152; have to do with details of human evolution, Questions and Answers, Volume II 54, 70, 390; The Web of Destiny 54; help us toward the Day of Liberation, Letters to Students 176
Angels, Recording, impress vital body with new panorama, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 115; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 135; make connection between vital body and sense centers of brain, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 60; The Web of Destiny 61; overrule free will, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 136, 161 place seed atoms, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 115; Message of the Stars 89; watch unseen, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 136
Anger, interferes with process of evaporation in spleen, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 27; is dangerous, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 144; shows as scarlet in aura The Web of Destiny 88; types of, The Web of Destiny 96; wastes energy, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 121; The Web of Destiny 96
Angina pectoris, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 542, 562
Anglo-Saxons, are fifth race of 5th Epoch, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 304; are pioneers, Gleanings of a Mystic 75
Animal Group Spirit, see Group Spirit
Animal kingdom, classification of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 416
Animal Spirit, has reached Desire World, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 77; is not yet individualized, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 356; is not yet indwelling, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 69
Animals, are aided by angels and archangels, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 222, 349, 427; are clairvoyant, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 77; are evolving spirits, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 130; Questions and Answers, Volume I 216; are imitated by elementals, Questions and Answers, Volume I 247-248; are keyed to lunar month, Gleanings of a Mystic 61; Rosicrucian Mysteries 124; are not amenable to Law of Causation, Questions and Answers, Volume I 334; Teachings of an Initiate 180, 199-200; are ordinarily free from sickness Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 288; are passion filled, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 285; are ruled by Group Spirits, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 21; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 78-79, 357; Freemasonry & Catholicism 59; Gleanings of a Mystic 108; Message of the Stars 62; Questions and Answers, Volume I 333; Questions and Answers, Volume II 189, 319, 431
Animals, are symbolized by horizontal limb of cross, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 86, 535; are undesirable food, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 459; Letters to Students 222; Questions and Answers, Volume I 213-215; are younger brothers of man, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 345, 446; began to emerge from Chaos in Hyperborean Epoch, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 227; began to evolve in Sun Period, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 221; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 224, 427; Questions and Answers, Volume II 322; blood of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 36-37, 69; bodies of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 53; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 59, 65, 68-69, 293; cannot propogate if hybrid, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 357; Questions and Answers, Volume I 50; cells of, have become highly individualized Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 136; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 124; change in color, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 37; constitute physical bodies of Group Spirits, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 79; Questions and Answers, Volume I 333; depend upon Group Spirits for infusion of stellar rays, Rosicrucian Mysteries 124; evolve through domestication, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 70; Questions and Answers, Volume I 388; follow desire blindly, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 308; have no will of their own, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 83; have internal pictures consciousness, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 57; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 74; Questions and Answers, Volume II 489; have served man Occult Principles of Health and Healing 128; Questions and Answers, Volume II 55; individualization of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 57; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 77; Letters to Students 40; Questions and Answers, Volume I 74, 205; instinct of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 78; Questions and Answers, Volume I 299, 327-328; kindness to, should not replace affection for humans, Questions and Answers, Volume II 441; live after death, Questions and Answers, Volume I 335-336; mating of, Gleanings of a Mystic 52-53; obsession of, The Web of Destiny 51-53; origin of lower, Questions and Answers, Volume I 329, 332; prehistoric, reconstruction of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 471; seem to think, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 59, 70; Rosicrucian Mysteries 122
Animals, should be protected, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 461-462; Questions and Answers, Volume I 329-330; were pioneers of Moon Period, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 234; wild, are regulated in propogation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 288; will become pupils of present humans, Questions and Answers, Volume II 58; will be humanity of Jupiter Period, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 69-70, 342, 446; Questions and Answers, Volume I 205; Questions and Answers, Volume II 57
Ankles, affected, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 543, 556, 558-559
Annunciation, precedes Baptism Ancient and Modern Initiation 69
Antares, affects eyes, Message of the Stars 546
Anthropoids, are descendants of Lemurians, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 289; belong to human life wave, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 229, 233, 342; can stand human blood inoculation, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 252; have degenerated from man, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 342-343, Letters to Students 86; Mysteries of the Great Operas 36; may be said to be soulless, Questions and Answers, Volume II 105; may overtake our evolution, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 235
Antiperistalsis, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 554
Antipathy, revealed in horoscopes, Message of the Stars 537
Antitoxins, source of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 196; Questions and Answers, Volume I 88
Apes, are under care of Lucifers, Mysteries of the Great Operas 36 have degenerated, Letters to Students 86; Mysteries of the Great Operas 36
Aphasia, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 541
Aphelion, Simplified Scientific Astrology 18
Apis, worshipped by Egyptians, Questions and Answers, Volume II 260, 268, 302
Apocalypse, Mysteries of the Great Operas 80, 120
Apocrypha, contains valuable information, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 317; Questions and Answers, Volume I 155
Apollo, 7 stringed lyre of, Message of the Stars 37; Questions and Answers, Volume I 314-316; The Web of Destiny 110
Apoplexy, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 541, 556-558
Apostles, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 502; Rosicrucian Mysteries 46; Teachings of an Initiate 98
Apostles' Creed, Questions and Answers, Volume I 222; Questions and Answers, Volume II 241
Appendicitis, Message of the Stars 555, 563
Apples, golden, life-giving food of gods, Mysteries of the Great Operas 79
Apprehension, congeals desire body currents, The Web of Destiny 93
Aquarian Age, began to be felt in middle of 19th century, Questions and Answers, Volume II 353; characteristics of, Gleanings of a Mystic 82; Letters to Students 220; Message of the Stars 11; Questions and Answers, Volume II 353, 501; Teachings of an Initiate 55-59; is about 700 years away, Gleanings of a Mystic 81; Message of the Stars 27; Questions and Answers, Volume II 349-351; is fast approaching, Letters to Students 217; Occult Principles of Health & Healing 39; Questions and Answers, Volume II 110; Teachings of an Initiate 80; should not be confused with Kingdom of Christ, Questions and Answers, Volume II 354; starts when Sun enters 30th degree of Aquarius, Questions and Answers, Volume II 351, 364; will bring a Teacher, Gleanings of a Mystic 76; will bring great changes in Slav civilization, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 305; will last about 2,000 years, Message of the Stars 12; Questions and Answers, Volume II 360; will probably be final preparatory day for 6th Epoch, Message of the Stars 13; Aquarian Age, The, by Elsa M. Glover
Aquarius, characteristics of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 361, 365; Teachings of an Initiate 56-60; is ruled by Saturn and Uranus, Message of the Stars 64, 358-365; is sign of coming age, Teachings of an Initiate 55; passage of mystic Sun of life through, Message of the Stars 560; rules ankles, Message of the Stars 441, 543; Sun in, Message of the Stars 136-137; when rising, Message of the Stars 108
Aquarius-Leo, age of, Message of the Stars 27
Arbitration, should be used more freely, Letters to Students 226
Archangels, aid man from without, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 403; aided man in Lemuria, 230; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 265; are controlling Spirits of races, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 224; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 334-349, 359; Questions and Answers, Volume I 153; Rosicrucian Mysteries 80; are expert builders of desire body, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 221; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 222, 243, 349; are man's teachers in higher worlds, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 126
Archangels, are Sun Spirits, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 403; Letters to Students 45; Questions and Answers, Volume II 346; enter man's body through inspired air, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 380; function in desire body, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 247; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 376, 403; Questions and Answers, Volume II 244, 345; Rosicrucian Mysteries 79; give desire body purely animal desires, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 243; guide evolution of animals, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 349, 427; Questions and Answers, Volume I 153; Questions and Answers, Volume II 522; Rosicrucian Mysteries 81; help to guide human affairs, Letters to Students 225; instigate wars, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 334; look to Christ as highest Initiate and Leader, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 376; prepare man to receive solar ray Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 404; realize deficiencies of religions Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 383; were humanity of Sun Period, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 220-224; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 242, 334, 376, 427; Freemasonry & Catholicism 8; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 7; Message of the Stars 62; Questions and Answers, Volume I 11
Arche, meaning of Ancient and Modern Initiation 12, 70; Freemasonry & Catholicism 83; Gleanings of a Mystic 102; Rosicrucian Mysteries 108
Arche-tektons, Gleanings of a Mystic 103
Archetypal forces, are found in 4th division of World of Thought, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 56; consist in part of man, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 126; direct archetypes, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 123; Rosicrucian Mysteries 103; exist in water stratum of earth, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 504; The Web of Destiny 25; region of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 50-51; The Web of Destiny 26
Archetypal Region, seems to have no circumference, Letters to Students 100
Archetype, of human body, can be increased in length of life, Letters to Students 234; construction of, is not continuous, Teachings of an Initiate 158-159; copies of, are perishable, Mysteries of the Great Operas 46; determines length of life, Questions and Answers, Volume II 337; Rosicrucian Mysteries 175; determines quantity of matter drawn to seed atom, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 46; The Web of Destiny 103; Archetypes, Compiled from the Writings of Max Heindel
Archetype, indicates path along which silver cord will grow, Questions and Answers, Volume II 428; is affected by nature of past life, The Web of Destiny 65-66; is a vibratory mold, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 56; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 49; Rosicrucian Mysteries 175; Teachings of an Initiate 158; is built according to planetary rays, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 145; Teachings of an Initiate 158; is built by ourselves in Second Heaven, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 49; Questions and Answers, Volume I 100, 119; Rosicrucian Mysteries 184 The Web of Destiny 104; is destroyed by discordant life, Letters to Students 83; is found in Region of Concrete Thought, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 56, 105; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 49; The Web of Destiny 69; is hollow in suicide, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 90; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 104: Questions and Answers, Volume I 123; is pattern for physical body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 140; Questions and Answers, Volume II 486; Teachings of an Initiate 158, 197-198; is singing, vibrating thing, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 217; Questions and Answers, Volume I 101, 119; keynote of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 127, 149; Rosicrucian Mysteries 175; of land and sea, Questions and Answers, Volume I 17; of new earth formations, was seen by Max Heindel, Questions and Answers, Volume II 494; produces disease when improperly built, The Web of Destiny 65-66; undestroyed by suicide, causes fear of death in next life, The Web of Destiny 51
Archetypes, realm of Mysteries of the Great Operas 101; Questions and Answers, Volume II 202; Teachings of an Initiate 155
Architect, ideas of, may be found in Memory of Nature Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 37; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 28
Architecture, Questions and Answers, Volume I 291; The Web of Destiny 86
Argus, of Greek myth, Teachings of an Initiate 185
Ariadne's thread, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 201
Aries, afflictions in, affect head, Message of the Stars 541; is a belligerent sign, Letters to Students 67; is herald of Arian Age, Teachings of an Initiate 54
Aries, is ruled by Mars, Freemasonry & Catholicism 12; Letters to Students 45; on Ascendant, Message of the Stars 92-93, 434; Questions and Answers, Volume II 106; rules head and face, Message of the Stars 441; Sun entered by precession, Message of the Stars 17, 24; Sun in, Message of the Stars 119-120, 150, 545; symbolizes an angel of life Letters to Students 46;
Aries-Libra, age of, Message of the Stars 25
Arjuna, meaning of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 64
Ark, was airship of Atlantis, 71
Ark, of Covenant, contained 3 articles, Ancient and Modern Initiation 40; esoteric significance of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 123-124; Questions and Answers, Volume I 176-178; Teachings of an Initiate 197-198; is greatest symbol of all, Ancient and Modern Initiation 13; represents man, Ancient and Modern Initiation 40; Freemasonry & Catholicism 16; Teachings of an Initiate 198, 200; was at western end of 2nd apartment, Ancient and Modern Initiation 38-46
Arms, accidents to, Message of the Stars 562, 621
Arnold, Sir Edwin, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 24-25, 109; Questions and Answers, Volume I 343
Aroma, of compulsory sacrifice, Ancient and Modern Initiation 36 of loving service, Ancient and Modern Initiation 53 of voluntary service, Ancient and Modern Initiation 36
Art, deals with form, color, and tone, Mysteries of the Great Operas 49-52; is educational, Questions and Answers, Volume I 291; is taught in different initiations, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 281; relation of, to religion, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 195-196; Mysteries of the Great Operas 53-54; value of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 516
Arteries, diseases of Message of the Stars 556
Arterio-sclerosis, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 555
Artist, gets color schemes from Desire World, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 101; shapes modes by imagination in Desire World Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 93: Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 118-119
Arts, three Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 192; Mysteries of the Great Operas 50
Arts and crafts, are now decadent, Teachings of an Initiate 41
Ascelli, nebulous spot which affects eyes, Message of the Stars 545, 564
Ascendant (rising sign), aspects to, affect health, Simplified Scientific Astrology 91; determines form of body, Ancient and Modern Initiation 73; differs from life to life, Questions and Answers, Volume II 499; importance of, in horoscope, Message of the Stars 88-91; is eastern horizon, Simplified Scientific Astrology 30; may be exactly calculated, Simplified Scientific Astrology 32-49; or its opposite, is Moon's place at conception, Message of the Stars 88; ruler of, determines mineralogical affinity, Message of the Stars 63;
Ascension, of Christ, Teachings of an Initiate 98; signs of long and short, Simplified Scientific Astrology 49
Asceticism, Questions and Answers, Volume I 274-275
Ash, in food, is harmful, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 132; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 449; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 118
Asia, people of, know of Law of Rebirth, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 304
Asiatics, have ancestor worship, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 295
Aspects, are mis-called good and evil, Message of the Stars 76; are strongest factors in chart, Questions and Answers, Volume II 379; formation of, Simplified Scientific Astrology 77; lunar, have little influence of their own, Message of the Stars 500; should never be judged singly, Message of the Stars 168, 415; show tendencies, Questions and Answers, Volume II 384; to Ascendant, affect health, Simplified Scientific Astrology 91; to Midheaven, affect spiritual progress, Simplified Scientific Astrology 91
Asphyxiation, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 549
Aspirant, accomplishes union with higher self, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 465; avoids flesh food, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 446; builds two higher ethers of vital body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 73; The Web of Destiny 31; cleans seed atom by remorse and contrition, Teachings of an Initiate 119; cultivates concentration, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 184-188; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 483, 487; interest of, changes, Letters to Students 194; is given trials for reason, Letters to Students 176; Questions and Answers, Volume II 453; is never overlooked by Teacher, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 495-496; 525; learns much by meditation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 489; learns to leave body at will, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 484; must become unselfish, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 474, 476; must conquer desire body, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 433; must cultivate even temper, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 463; must have confidence in Teacher, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 440; Mysteries of the Great Operas 163; must sacrifice, Letters to Students 194; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 136; must use discrimination, Gleanings of a Mystic 151; of ancient times, Ancient and Modern Initiation 9-59; of West, is more sensitive than he of East, Letters to Students 91; practices continence, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 471, 538; practices observation, discrimination, and contemplation, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 177-184; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 492-494
Aspirant, should choose food easily digested, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 453; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 121; should turn thoughts to God, Letters to Students 212; transmutes passion in blood, Mysteries of the Great Operas 32; was taught mysteries of vital body in ancient dispensation, Letters to Students 142; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 136; works consciously to attain, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 437; Teachings of an Initiate 119
Aspiration, is symbolized by Sagittarius, Freemasonry & Catholicism 64
Assimilation, defective, Message of the Stars 546; forces of, are so-called dead, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 457; is affected by Uranus, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 35; is aided by enjoyment of food, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 132; is carried on during childhood by macrocosmic vital body, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 139; is carried on through lower ethers, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 35; Letters to Students 142; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 23; Rosicrucian Mysteries 123; The Web of Destiny 99; is of prime importance, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 140; law of, see Law; of animal food, is injurious, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 458; of life, experiences, Gleanings of a Mystic 184; of mineral by plant, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 458; of mineral, leaves injurious waste, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 457; of vegetables, is easy, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 458; overcomes all sustenance, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 457; requires conquest of cell life, Freemasonry & Catholicism 64;
Assir, fire gods of Norse mythology, Freemasonry & Catholicism 32
Assisi, St. Francis of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 95-96, 118-119; The Web of Destiny 124
Associates, support and cooperation of necessary, Letters to Students 31
Association, efficiency of, depends upon individual members, Letters to Students 68; Law of, see Law;
Assumption, Catholic Feast of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 155
Asteroids, are fragments of moons, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 260; Gleanings of a Mystic 60
Asthma, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 541, 549-552, 554
Astral, has no connection with stars, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 53
Astrologers, are fallible, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 119, 166; are unable to determine strength of will, Message of the Stars 71; kinds of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 157; should have exact birth data, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 158; with clairvoyance, have advantage, Message of the Stars 41; younger, should heed advice, Message of the Stars 70-71
Astrological symbols, origin and meaning of, Questions and Answers, Volume II 368; Simplified Scientific Astrology 165-168
Astrology, belief in, Message of the Stars 57; can be applied to daily life, Simplified Scientific Astrology 5; explains meaning of hanging relative position of planets, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 160; gives insight into plan of evolution, Questions and Answers, Volume II 397; gives rulership of days of week, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 411; geocentric and heliocentric, Questions and Answers, Volume I 318; Simplified Scientific Astrology 120, 123; has both material and religious sides, Simplified Scientific Astrology 23; has not been recognized in modern times, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 157; horary, philosophy of, Message of the Stars 67; Questions and Answers, Volume II 393; indicates harmony of spheres, Questions and Answers, Volume I 314; indicates method of prayer to Angels, Questions and Answers, Volume I 322; indicates ripe destiny, Questions and Answers, Volume I 135; indicates tendencies, Gleanings of a Mystic 53; Questions and Answers, Volume I 136, 306; indicates 12 tribes of Israel, Questions and Answers, Volume I 316; is absolutely true science, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 166; is based upon Law of Causation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 161; is connected with Pyramid building, Questions and Answers, Volume I 354; is founded on cosmic fact, Message of the Stars 468; is guide to character, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 119, 165; is infallible but for patient's will, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 166; Message of the Stars 71, 530; is invaluable to medical name, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 169; Simplified Scientific Astrology 1; is means of estimating time in Desire World, Questions and Answers, Volume I 103; Rosicrucian Mysteries 94; is part of all religions, Questions and Answers, Volume II 370, 372; Astrology, Studies In, by Elman Bacher
Astrology, is rapidly gaining ground, Questions and Answers, Volume II 362; is related to Christian Mysteries, Ancient and Modern Initiation 73; is superior to clairvoyance in diagnosis, Message of the Stars 606; is useful in determining affinity of people, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 167; Gleanings of a Mystic 53; Questions and Answers, Volume I 51-52; is valuable in marriage, Gleanings of a Mystic 53; Message of the Stars 448-461; legitimate use of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 307; may be aid in healing, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 167; Letters to Students 138; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 143-144; Questions and Answers, Volume I 74; reveals best time for conception, Questions and Answers, Volume I 57, 62; should be studied from spiritual standpoint, Letters to Students 20; Simplified Scientific Astrology 3-12; study of, is beneficial in spiritual growth, Message of the Stars 54; Rosicrucian Mysteries 90; Simplified Scientific Astrology 7; study of, is recommended for all, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 164; Simplified Scientific Astrology 2; three factors in, Message of the Stars 71; value of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 322; Questions and Answers, Volume II 92; Rosicrucian Mysteries 190;
Astronomy, different theories of, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 514; relation of to astrology, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 159
Athenians, continually sought the new, Questions and Answers, Volume II 525
Atlantean Epoch, conditions of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 223-224, 230; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 291-304; Gleanings of a Mystic 69-72; Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 14; Questions and Answers, Volume I 197-198; corresponds to 6th Day of Creation, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 332; had 7 races, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 332; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 294-298; Teachings of an Initiate 166; humanity of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 230, 328, 337; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 165-166, 241, 292-293, 296, 298, 332; Gleanings of a Mystic 70-72,; Letters to Students 147; Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 13; Mysteries of the Great Operas 119; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 16; Questions and Answers, Volume I 54-56; Teachings of an Initiate 82-83; accomplishments during, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 230, 331; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 276, 309, 394; Letters to Students 59; Questions and Answers, Volume I 160; was divided into 3 parts, Message of the Stars 11-14; was 4th Epoch, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 165; was nadir of materiality, Gleanings of a Mystic 9; was time of involution, Questions and Answers, Volume II 408
Atlantean Mystery Temple, pupils in, performed Ablutions, Ancient and Modern Initiation 75; purpose of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 75; symbolizes willing service, Ancient and Modern Initiation 105; was a school of soul growth, Ancient and Modern Initiation 66
Atlanteans, are symbolized by Rhine maiden, Mysteries of the Great Operas 74; aspired to light, Gleanings of a Mystic 95; early, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 292; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 17; had childlike nature, Mysteries of the Great Operas 75; had not all evolved lungs, Questions and Answers, Volume II 408, 418; instituted royalty, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 295; remnants of, are Mongolians and Indians, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 303; Gleanings of a Mystic 75; Questions and Answers, Volume I 354; were children of mist, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 223; Questions and Answers, Volume I 55, 197; were divinely guided, Gleanings of a Mystic 69
Atlantis, airships of, Gleanings of a Mystic 71; Teachings of an Initiate 77; atmosphere of, Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 14; Teachings of an Initiate 137; aviators of, Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 14; baptism in, Ancient and Modern Initiation 83; chosen people of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 44-45; Teachings of an Initiate 194; conditions of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 263; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 291-304; Freemasonry & Catholicism 91; Gleanings of a Mystic 69-71, 78, 86, 92, 180; Teachings of an Initiate 14, 174; existed a million or more years ago, Questions and Answers, Volume II 109; people of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 81; Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 223; Freemasonry & Catholicism 91; Gleanings of a Mystic 25, 86; Message of the Stars 16; Mysteries of the Great Operas 75; Questions and Answers, Volume I 192-193; Teachings of an Initiate 83; races of, see Races; refugees of, are Mongolians, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 174, 304; was destroyed by flood, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 168, 304; Gleanings of a Mystic 180; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 19; Message of the Stars 16, 18; Teachings of an Initiate 75, 194
Atmosphere, at birth, stamps atoms of body, Simplified Scientific Astrology 23; changes in, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 160; Gleanings of a Mystic 180; Simplified Scientific Astrology 22; cleared, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 300, Mysteries of the Great Operas 77; cooled to thick fog in Atlantis, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 223; dark streaks in, The Web of Destiny 94; effects of, Teachings of an Initiate 57-58; was hot and steamy in Moon Period, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 214
Atom, of all physical form, is ultimately same, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 52; physical, has spherical shape, Rosicrucian Mysteries 9; physical, is shaped much like earth, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 43; The Web of Destiny 99; true, is grouped in 12 around 1, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 521
Atomic weights and valences, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 410
Atomistic theory, advocated in Greek philosophies, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 513
Atoms, chemical, Rosicrucian Mysteries 127; in bodies of evolved races, Letters to Students 91; Teachings of an Initiate 83-84; in cosmic root substance, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 375
Atoms, of dense body, are animated by solar fluid, Questions and Answers, Volume I 73; are constantly being replaced, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 44; The Web of Destiny 104; are expelled through skin, Rosicrucian Mysteries 127; are motionless, The Web of Destiny 107; are vibrated by vital atoms, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 61; The Web of Destiny 99, 104; have pear shaped contour, The Web of Destiny 99; swim in ether without touching, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 58; Questions and Answers, Volume I 252
Atoms, of vital body, are gathered around nuclear seed atom, The Web of Destiny 99; are prismatic in shape, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 43; The Web of Destiny 105, 114; are wrenched loose at death, The Web of Destiny 101; have affinity for water, The Web of Destiny 114; remain unchanged, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 44; The Web of Destiny 104; vibrate atoms of dense body, The Web of Destiny 99, 104
Atonement, Vicarious Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 373, 400-402
Atrophy, of spiritual faculties, Teachings of an Initiate 181
Attainment, depends upon purification, etc. Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 279; is gained by arduous struggle, Mysteries of the Great Operas 22; is gained through persistence, etc. Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 175; is not to be gained by unnatural methods, Letters to Students 141; Rosicrucian method of, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 190; Gleanings of a Mystic 171;
Attitude, childlike, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 299; mental, is important, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 174-180; Rosicrucian Mysteries 181; of gloom, may keep deceased earthbound, Letters to Students 187
Attraction, force of battles with repulsion, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 47; holds sway in higher regions, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 53, 84, 118; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 44; Questions and Answers, Volume II 28, 44; is aroused by interest, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 46; is centripetal, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 119; is involved in mental processes, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 89; is manifested by 2nd Aspect of Supreme Being, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 375; is one of twin forces in Desire World, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 42; Law of, see Law
Audumla, the Cow, symbology of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 80
Aura is possessed by man and planet, Questions and Answers, Volume II 352, 365; of earth Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 406; of human, attracts to Mystery School Questions and Answers, Volume II 500; attracts Teacher, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 187; Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 525; basic color of, Freemasonry & Catholicism 60; The Web of Destiny 95; becomes distinctive on completion of silver cord, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 10; can exclude saturine influences, The Web of Destiny 110; colors of, Freemasonry & Catholicism58; Rosicrucian Mysteries 132; grows in luminosity by unselfishness, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 525; has radiant lines of force, Freemasonry & Catholicism 60; is colored by planetary rays, Message of the Stars 42; is egg shaped Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 62; is "house from heaven", Teachings of an Initiate 19; reveals scarlet of anger, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 163; The Web of Destiny 88; of primitive peoples, is basically dull red, Freemasonry & Catholicism 60, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 163; of planets, is similar to that of people, Simplified Scientific Astrology 79; of saints, is gold and blue, The Web of Destiny 105-106; of true esoteric orders, The Web of Destiny 109
Aurgelmer, the Giant Ymer, Ancient and Modern Initiation 80
Auric envelope of human, is shattered by shell shock, The Web of Destiny 102
Aurora Borealis, influence of, is becoming more potent, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 80; The Web of Destiny 71-72; is absorbed by man in inhabited parts of earth, The Web of Destiny 73; nature of, The Web of Destiny 100; rays of, are generated by Christ Spirit, The Web of Destiny 72; rays of, are similar to Martian canals, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception 259; rays of, will change human sense organs, Web of Destiny 72; sheds abroad mystic magnificence, Ancient and Modern Initiation 64
Authority, should never be followed blindly, Letters to Students 205
Autopsy, may effect Spirit, Questions and Answers, Volume I 110, 113
Autosuggestion, may be harmful Message of the Stars 529; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 206
Automaton, is not man's goal, Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures 231
Avitchi, meaning of Questions and Answers, Volume II 483
Axe, worth of, is tested by use, Letters to Students 103
Azoth, is all inclusive Freemasonry & Catholicism 73; is related to Neptune Freemasonry & Catholicism 74; symbolizes the Spirit, Ancient and Modern Initiation 120; Questions and Answers, Volume II 257
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