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Simplified Scientific Christianity |
Ear, diseases of, Message of the Stars 599, 600, 659; is highly accurate, Cosmo-Conception 128, 206; muscles of, are atrophying, Cosmo-Conception 473; semi-circular canals of, Cosmo-Conception 126; Questions and Answers, Volume II 207; The Web of Destiny 69; was given in Saturn Period, Cosmo-Conception 206
Earth, atmosphere of, Christianity Lectures 214; Questions and Answers, Volume II 162; aura of is penetrated by that of Mars, Cosmo-Conception 268; Letters to Students 82; casts shadow upon Moon in eclipse, Christianity Lectures 296; center of, corresponds to Absolute, Cosmo-Conception 507
Earth, climate of, is altered by man, Cosmo-Conception 125; constitution of, Cosmo-Conception 498-514; ether of, has been changing, Questions and Answers, Volume I 184; evolution of, Christianity Lectures 211, 222; Cosmo-Conception 49, 125, 165-166, 311, 404; Freemasonry & Catholicism 90; Mysteries of the Great Operas 124; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 13; Questions and Answers, Volume I 168; Questions and Answers, Volume II 262; Teachings of an Initiate 173; flora and fauna of, Cosmo-Conception 125; furnishes material for structure of dense body, Rosicrucian Mysteries 57; has diurnal motion, Simplified Scientific Astrology 49; has had rebirth, Cosmo-Conception 190, 412; history of, may be traced in Memory of Nature, Questions and Answers, Volume II 471; The Web of Destiny 19-20; iron of, was released by Martian control, Cosmo-Conception 268; is affected by harvest, Cosmo-Conception 505; is affected by Sun and Moon, Cosmo-Conception 265; is body of a Great Spirit, Christianity Lectures 260; Cosmo-Conception 403, 407-408, 506; Mysteries of the Great Operas 19-20, Questions and Answers, Volume I 181-192; Gleanings of a Mystic 156; The Web of Destiny 73; is difficult to investigate, Cosmo-Conception 498, 502; Questions and Answers, Volume I 116; is floated by Christ ether, Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 26; is in 4th stage of consolidation, Cosmo-Conception 410; is only planet of man's evolution, Cosmo-Conception 275; is penetrated by other worlds, Questions and Answers, Volume I 125-126; Rosicrucian Mysteries 55, 116; is permeated by Christ Spirit, Christianity Lectures 256; Cosmo-Conception 406; Gleanings of a Mystic 155; Letters to Students 56, 129; Mysteries of the Great Operas 19; is struck by wave of divine energy on Holy Night, Letters to Students 17; is worked upon by Christ from within, Cosmo-Conception 407; is worked upon by dead, Cosmo-Conception 125; Rosicrucian Mysteries 104; keynote of, Cosmo-Conception 123; models of, are in Region of Concrete Thought, Cosmo-Conception 125; Moon of, Cosmo-Conception 264; only partially confines Christ, Cosmo-Conception 408
Earth, orbital revolution of, Message of the Stars 468-469; periodic flow of, Gleanings of a Mystic 62; poles of, change, Simplified Scientific Astrology 9; provides school of experience, Cosmo-Conception 132; Rosicrucian Mysteries 6, 43; red, was molded by Jehovah, Freemasonry & Catholicism 10; seismic disturbances of, Cosmo-Conception 125, 498; sensations of, are in 6th stratum, Cosmo-Conception 506; slow vibrations of, pain Christ Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 408, Gleanings of a Mystic 99; solidification of, Christianity Lectures 216; Cosmo-Conception 505; Gleanings of a Mystic 32, 99; strata of, Christianity Lectures 322; Cosmo-Conception 499, 503-511; Mysteries of the Great Operas 19; third motion of, Cosmo-Conception 512-513; Questions and Answers, Volume II 358; travel of, Christianity Lectures 296; undergoes changes at equinoxes and solstices, Christianity Lectures 260; Letters to Students 173; Gleanings of a Mystic 160; volcanic eruptions of Christianity Lectures 32; Cosmo-Conception 498-511; was cleansed by Christ, Cosmo-Conception 407; was created of "ever-existing essence," Cosmo-Conception 322; was crystallized by man, Questions and Answers, Volume II 162; was flooded by spiritual light at Crucifixion, Cosmo-Conception 407; was generated by heat and moisture, Cosmo-Conception 330; was inhabited by man before Adam, Cosmo-Conception 332; was not "without form and void," in the beginning, Cosmo-Conception 327; was once penetrated by aura of other planets, Mysteries of the Great Operas 30; was thrown off from Sun, Cosmo-Conception 259, 263, 403; was worked upon by Christ previous to Advent, Cosmo-Conception 404; Questions and Answers, Volume II 244;
Earth life, is a school, Christianity Lectures 43; Mysteries of the Great Operas 116; Questions and Answers, Volume I 100-101; Questions and Answers, Volume II 59-62; Rosicrucian Mysteries 52; brought acquisition of mind, Cosmo-Conception 222, 239, 426.
Earth Period, accomplishments of, Cosmo-Conception 220, 234, 236, 239-240, 242, 246, 267, 426, 428; beginning of, Cosmo-Conception 234-236
Earth Period, densest globe of, is earth, Cosmo-Conception 197, 199; failures in, are sent to Moon, Cosmo-Conception 264; fourth revolution of, Cosmo-Conception 199, 209, 245; globes of, Cosmo-Conception 233; is acme of density and diversification, Cosmo-Conception 246; is divided into epochs, Cosmo-Conception 261-275, 329-333; is 4th stage for dense body, Questions and Answers, Volume II 517; is most critical time for humanity , Cosmo-Conception 231, 401; is nadir of materiality, Cosmo-Conception 199, 401; is esotericly called Mars-Mercury, Cosmo-Conception 274, 411; is time of highest development of dense body, Cosmo-Conception 421-422; is time when Spirit is most helpless, Cosmo-Conception 240; recapitulations of, Cosmo-Conception 245, 329-333; records of, The Web of Destiny 23; was preceded by three great stages, Gleanings of a Mystic 58; will be influenced by Mercury in last revolutions, Cosmo-Conception 273-275
Earthquakes, causes of, Christianity Lectures 323; Cosmo-Conception 125, 298, 507
Earth Spirit, body and blood of, Gleanings of a Mystic 31; controls earth from within, Mysteries of the Great Operas 25; feels all we do, Christianity Lectures 322; liberation of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 20; living reality of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 19; name of, has power, Mysteries of the Great Operas 18; nature of, Christianity Lectures 268; vehicles of, Cosmo-Conception 65, 210, 406, 505; The Web of Destiny 23
Earth Spirit, see Christ
Earth Spirits, Rosicrucian Mysteries 70
Earthly goods, use of, Gleanings of a Mystic 117
Earthy matter, is injurious in food, Christianity Lectures 131; Cosmo-Conception 444
East, etheric atmosphere of, Mysteries of the Great Operas 73; religions of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 223-227; Rosicrucian Mysteries 14; Teachings of an Initiate 165; Easter, cosmic meaning of Gleanings of a Mystic 153-166; Letters to Students 129, 159; Questions and Answers, Volume II 277; Teachings of an Initiate 96-107; esoteric significance of Teachings of an Initiate 96-102; time of, Christianity Lectures 155; Letters to Students 17; Questions and Answers, Volume I 180; Questions and Answers, Volume II 444, 448
Eating, frequency of, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 140-141
Ebb and flow, exists in human body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 152; of a spiritual impulse, Gleanings of a Mystic 156
Ecclesia, is a germinal idea, Letters to Students 62; is place for preparing spiritual panacea Letters to Students 21; means "a company of men," Letters to Students 126
Economic strife, is based on sex antagonism, Freemasonry & Catholicism 57
Eczema, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 542-543, 556
Eddas, Ancient and Modern Initiation 63, 79-80; Teachings of an Initiate 104
Eden, Garden of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 43, 80; Christianity Lectures 235-239; Freemasonry & Catholicism 48; Mysteries of the Great Operas 70
Edison, Thomas, Questions and Answers, Volume I 30; Rosicrucian Mysteries 97
Edom, kings of, were divine hierarchies, Freemasonry & Catholicism 46
Education, of humanity, Christianity Lectures 120, 122; Gleanings of a Mystic 39; Letters to Students 58
Effects, are result of invisible causes, Christianity Lectures 26
Efficiency, is promoted by rebirth, Christianity Lectures 197
Effluvia, from vital body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 105-106, 194; Questions and Answers, Volume I 338-339; Questions and Answers, Volume II 127-131
Effort, determines progress, Cosmo-Conception 225; Gleanings of a Mystic 15,; Letters to Students 133; Mysteries of the Great Operas 82
Egg, symbolism of, Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 40-43; Teachings of an Initiate 104
Ego, acts of, gradually crystallize into body, Questions and Answers, Volume II 123; aims to make blood gaseous, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 26; Questions and Answers, Volume II 145; ascends after death through spiritual realms, Christianity Lectures 108; Questions and Answers, Volume II 17; assimilates past experience Cosmo-Conception 96-139; assumes upright position, Cosmo-Conception 86, 236, 269; attracts material by means of seed atom, Christianity Lectures 113; Cosmo-Conception 133, 135; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 46; The Web of Destiny 103; became indwelling in Atlantean Epoch Christianity Lectures 230; Cosmo-Conception 292, 294; becomes liberated from race and family Spirits, Cosmo-Conception 351, 289, 313, 352; Freemasonry & Catholicism 55; benefits from post-mortem interval, Cosmo-Conception 250; birth of, Cosmo-Conception 129, 133-139, 143, 161, 266, 357, 467-469; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 60, 66, 228; Questions and Answers, Volume I 41, The Web of Destiny 62, 103
Ego, builds archetype in heaven, Cosmo-Conception 128; casts threefold shadow, Teachings of an Initiate 50; ceases to vivify cells during illness, Letters to Students 55; consciousness of, is developed by work of desire body, Cosmo-Conception 456; descends in material formed like diving bell, Christianity Lectures 114; Cosmo-Conception 138-139; Questions and Answers, Volume I 313; directs action by thought, Christianity Lectures 57; Mysteries of the Great Operas 52; employs quantity of material determined by archetype, The Web of Destiny 103; enters dense body 21 days after conception, Christianity Lectures 115; Cosmo-Conception 138, 236, 269, 294; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 66; Questions and Answers, Volume I 20, 94; Questions and Answers, Volume II 144; eventually becomes free, Cosmo-Conception 357; Questions and Answers, Volume II 190; evolution of, Christianity Lectures 255; Cosmo-Conception 216, 289, 348, 363, 432; Freemasonry & Catholicism 26; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 187; Questions and Answers, Volume I 92; Questions and Answers, Volume II 455; existed before sex, Questions and Answers, Volume I 47; extracts quintessence of bodies, Cosmo-Conception 124; functions in the blood, Cosmo-Conception 91, 143-145, 238-239, 350, 356, 396; Freemasonry & Catholicism 53; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 89; Questions and Answers, Volume I 67, 90-93; functions in World of Abstract thought, Cosmo-Conception 88; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 50; gained illusion of separateness, Cosmo-Conception 216; garment of, Christianity Lectures 194; Mysteries of the Great Operas 52; gathers experience from action, Christianity Lectures 59; has latent powers, Christianity Lectures 59; has only seed atoms previous to birth, Cosmo-Conception 133; has state of waking consciousness in Physical World, Cosmo-Conception 74-75; identity of, is guarded, Questions and Answers, Volume II 161; if advanced, chooses hardest life, Questions and Answers, Volume II 72; incarnates alternately in male and female bodies, Christianity Lectures 24; Cosmo-Conception 160, 280; instruments of, Cosmo-Conception 430; is active in sleep, Christianity Lectures 65; Cosmo-Conception 93-96, 482; Questions and Answers, Volume I 70; Questions and Answers, Volume II 164
Ego, is a diamond in the rough, Questions and Answers, Volume I 24; is aided by prayer, Cosmo-Conception 435; is affected by food and temperature, Cosmo-Conception 144, 168; Questions and Answers, Volume I 74; is allowed limited choice of environment, Christianity Lectures 112; Cosmo-Conception 136; Gleanings of a Mystic 64; is assisted by Creative Hierarchies, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 217; Questions and Answers, Volume I 119; is bi-sexual, Cosmo-Conception 267; Mysteries of the Great Operas 141; is born twice during precession of sign, Christianity Lectures 24; Cosmo-Conception 160; Questions and Answers, Volume II 69; is connected with threefold body by link of mind, Cosmo-Conception 95; is controlled by Race Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 350; is gaining control of heart, Cosmo-Conception 396; is helped by international marriages, Cosmo-Conception 359; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 185; Questions and Answers, Volume I 91; is immortal, Christianity Lectures 43; is individual, indwelling Spirit, Christianity Lectures 21; Cosmo-Conception 71, 88, 95, 269, 352, 357; Questions and Answers, Volume II 159, 488-489; is learning to form mineral crystals in blood, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 28, 187; Questions and Answers, Volume I 92; is limited by descent into matter, Cosmo-Conception 81; Letters to Students 93: Mysteries of the Great Operas 80; Questions and Answers, Volume I 327; is more powerful than Group Spirit of animal, Christianity Lectures 251; Freemasonry & Catholicism 53; is never insane, Questions and Answers, Volume I 93-96; Questions and Answers, Volume II 121; is powerless to avoid ripe destiny, Cosmo-Conception 136; is reflected by lower nature, Cosmo-Conception 398; is symbolized by Ring, Mysteries of the Great Operas 98; is threefold Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 95, 216, 397-398; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 11; Questions and Answers, Volume I 6; Teachings of an Initiate 50; is unconscious on way to rebirth, Christianity Lectures 95; learns to construct and guide body, Cosmo-Conception 126, 156, 394; makes itself felt as burning fire in Sons of Cain, Questions and Answers, Volume II 498
Ego, must complete divine plan, Cosmo-Conception 423; must have solid bones with semifluid red marrow, Cosmo-Conception 456; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 123; never loses its identity, Letters to Students 25; of medium, is driven out by controlling Spirit, Questions and Answers, Volume II 169; parents of, Cosmo-Conception 137, 156; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 66-67; Questions and Answers, Volume I 63-64, 95; possesses faculty of epigenesis, Cosmo-Conception 135, 138; positive pole of, manifests as life, Cosmo-Conception 248; purgatorial existence of, not continuous, Questions and Answers, Volume II 9; real home of is 2nd Heaven, Cosmo-Conception 124, 127; requires iron in blood, Cosmo-Conception 268-269; selects proper gastric juices, Cosmo-Conception 237; should be undisturbed during 3 1/2 days after death, Christianity Lectures 78; Cosmo-Conception 98; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 223; Questions and Answers, Volume II 25-26; takes pictures of life to invisible world, Questions and Answers, Volume II 343; vehicles of, are destroyed by materialism, Cosmo-Conception 231; interpenetrate after birth, Cosmo-Conception 139; must be cleansed, Cosmo-Conception 432; must be concentric, Christianity Lectures 73; was unindividualized before Christ, Cosmo-Conception 351; withdraws by way of head at death, Christianity Lectures 77; Cosmo-Conception 97; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 214; withdraws from vehicles when enraged, Cosmo-Conception 144; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 23; work of, upon vehicles, is negligible, Cosmo-Conception 138; works outward through seven orifices, Cosmo-Conception 522; works subconsciously, Cosmo-Conception 237; works through red corpuscles, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 28
Egoism, came into world after humanity left Atlantis, Ancient and Modern Initiation 81; comes through Mercurial reasoning power, Message of the Stars 40; must be eradicated from our natures, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 57; is subversive of good, Gleanings of a Mystic 96; protection from, Gleanings of a Mystic 19; was implanted in blood, Freemasonry & Catholicism 50
Egypt, Ancient and Modern Initiation 11, Christianity Lectures 148, 151; Cosmo-Conception 335; Message of the Stars 17, 21, 24; Questions and Answers, Volume II 260, 268, 302, 370, 500
Egyptians, had records of three sidereal years, Christianity Lectures 144; Mysteries of, Ancient and Modern Initiation 66-67; painted Group Spirits, Rosicrucian Mysteries 82; symbols of, How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 14; Teachings of an Initiate 105; used ritual, Questions and Answers, Volume II 533
Elberfeld horses, Questions and Answers, Volume II 209
Elder Brothers, aid those who have passed on, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 190; Questions and Answers, Volume II 12; The Web of Destiny 97; are always ready to help at difficult points, Ancient and Modern Initiation 56-57; are among the Compassionate Ones, Cosmo-Conception 529; are custodians of esoteric powers, Letters to Students 105; are endowed with great faculties, Christianity Lectures 20; are mediators between man and gods, Cosmo-Conception 304, 327; are proper teachers, Letters to Students 96; Questions and Answers, Volume II 76; combat materialism, Ancient and Modern Initiation 93; Cosmo-Conception 113, 409, 529; constantly radiate good thoughts, Christianity Lectures 181; created army of Invisible Helpers, Teachings of an Initiate 88; direct Probationers in healing, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 104, 208; Teachings of an Initiate 88, 146; do not act as individual instructors, Letters to Students 155; educate few to receive teachings, Cosmo-Conception 510; evolved system of healing, Teachings of an Initiate 146; from Mercury, Message of the Stars 344; Questions and Answers, Volume II 378; function in soul body during Temple Service, Questions and Answers, Volume II 504; gave assurance that things needed for Fellowship will come when we are ready, Letters to Students 73; gave Cosmo to Max Heindel, Questions and Answers, Volume II 95; gave esoteric instructions to Max Heindel, Letters to Students 10, 152; gave us high teachings, Letters to Students 234; Teachings of an Initiate 63, 127-128; The Web of Destiny 64; gave authentic information in books, Cosmo-Conception 270; give Probationers test before discipleship, Letters to Students 97
Elder Brothers, guard secrets of creation of life, Cosmo-Conception 299; guard vital body of Jesus, Letters to Students 83; Questions and Answers, Volume II 314; guide humanity, Cosmo- Conception 327; had to devise means of guiding man to path of devotion, Letters to Students 147; have Jupiter Period consciousness, Letters to Students 96; Questions and Answers, Volume II 227; honor their disciples with name of friend, Letters to Students 9; live in physical body in material house, Questions and Answers, Volume II 418-419; look about 40 years of age, Questions and Answers, Volume II 249; never urge, never praise pupils, Questions and Answers, Volume II 226; of West, will accept only pupils who are free, Letters to Students 94; originated scientific method of soul development, Teachings of an Initiate 112, 121; pointed out besetting sins of our era, Teachings of an Initiate 143; sent Mesmer, Cosmo-Conception 512; studied phases of human evolution, Teachings of an Initiate 117; teachings of, were carried into trenches, Letters to Students 228; transmute evil thoughts, Ancient and Modern Initiation 92; Gleanings of a Mystic 105; use food only at yearly intervals, Ancient and Modern Initiation 90; work for humanity, Cosmo-Conception 409, 510, 529
Electricity, gave earth its power of motion in past, The Web of Destiny 72; is all about us, Message of the Stars 534; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 155; is evolving from static state, The Web of Destiny 72; is invisible and intangible, Christianity Lectures 26; Questions and Answers, Volume I 13; The Web of Destiny 86; is made usable by magnetism, Message of the Stars 534; is similar to currents of animal Group Spirits, The Web of Destiny 72; may be source of injury, Message of the Stars 564; moves in ether, Cosmo-Conception 34; transmission of, Teachings of an Initiate 110-111
Electron, discovery of Rosicrucian Mysteries 107
Element, new, Mystical Interpretation of Christmas 12-19
Elementals, are inhaled with incense, Gleanings of a Mystic 106; are subhuman spirits, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 78; The Web of Destiny 44; attach themselves to individuals, The Web of Destiny 46; belong to other life waves, The Web of Destiny 44; can mold desire stuff, Questions and Answers, Volume II 14; clothe themselves in desire stuff, Questions and Answers, Volume II 440; control mediums, Christianity Lectures 85; The Web of Destiny 45-46; ensoul sin bodies, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 78; The Web of Destiny 44; ensoul thought forms, Christianity Lectures 92; inspire ancestor worship The Web of Destiny 47; live upon etheric fumes, The Web of Destiny 46; may be created by regret, The Web of Destiny 118; may be formed by man, Questions and Answers, Volume II 15; nature and shape of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 247-248; originate spiritualistic phenomena, Christianity Lectures 86; try to frighten newcomers in Desire World, Questions and Answers, Volume I 287; Questions and Answers, Volume II 14
Elements, alchemical, Freemasonry & Catholicism 69; Questions and Answers, Volume II 256; chemical Cosmo-Conception 410; number four in Earth Period, Cosmo-Conception 234, 410; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 150; Questions and Answers, Volume I 287
Elevation, of planets, Message of the Stars 409; Simplified Scientific Astrology 82
Elijah, Cosmo-Conception 169, 405; Freemasonry & Catholicism 96; Letters to Students 100; Questions and Answers, Volume II 89, 334; Rosicrucian Mysteries 46, 99
Elixir of Life, Cosmo-Conception 93, 124; Freemasonry & Catholicism 77; Mysteries of the Great Operas 35-36; The Web of Destiny 144
Elohim, are co-workers with God, Cosmo-Conception 325; Letters to Students 76; are creative Hierarchies, Cosmo-Conception 325; Freemasonry & Catholicism 70; Gleanings of a Mystic 55; are now resting, Cosmo-Conception 333; created man, Teachings of an Initiate 47-48; evolved man's body, Cosmo-Conception 326
Elves, are earth spirits, Rosicrucian Mysteries 70
Emancipation, Cosmo-Conception 137; Freemasonry & Catholicism 70; Gleanings of a Mystic 162
Embalming, effects of, Christianity Lectures 80, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 222; Questions and Answers, Volume I 110-113; The Web of Destiny 33
Emblem, of Rosicrucians, Cosmo-Conception 534-539; Questions and Answers, Volume II 266; Teachings of an Initiate 137, 139
Embodiment, physical, Cosmo-Conception 132-133; Freemasonry & Catholicism 88; Rosicrucian Mysteries 90, 143
Embryo, human, Christianity Lectures 129; Cosmo-Conception 228, 255, 346, 441; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 111
Embryology, science of, Cosmo-Conception 343-344
Emerson, quotations from, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 57; Questions and Answers, Volume I 129; Questions and Answers, Volume II 124, 142, 558; Teachings of an Initiate 31
Emigrants, differ from their children, Questions and Answers, Volume I 48
Emmerich, Anna, developed stigmata, Ancient and Modern Initiation 119
Emotional Soul, see Soul, Emotional
Emotions, affect metabolic changes, The Web of Destiny 79; are transmitted to lungs, Cosmo-Conception 91; are unstable as water, Questions and Answers, Volume II 498; change every passing moment, Letters to Students 25; constitute force within everyone, Questions and Answers, Volume I 14; effects of, The Web of Destiny 29, 86, 93; improve vehicles, Cosmo-Conception 441; must be intense, Mysteries of the Great Operas 38; must be overcome, Christianity Lectures 203; Rosicrucian Mysteries 186; The Web of Destiny 85, 92; produce convolutions in desire body, The Web of Destiny 81
Enemies, often exist in same family, Cosmo-Conception 157
Energy, comes from the Sun, Christianity Lectures 267; is conserved by Nature, Questions and Answers, Volume II 9; is projected from invisible Sun, Letters to Students 17; is requisite of esotericist, Freemasonry & Catholicism 13; is twofold, Cosmo-Conception 321, 324-325; of Ego, is turned inward for cognition of self, Cosmo-Conception 216; solar, aids in digestion, Rosicrucian Mysteries 127; cleanses, Rosicrucian Mysteries 128; enters body through spleen, Cosmo-Conception 62-63, 239; Message of the Stars 544; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 27, 43, 167; The Web of Destiny 99; expels disease germs, Rosicrucian Mysteries 127; fed man in Hyperborea, Cosmo-Conception 269; is absorbed by different kingdoms, Message of the Stars 571; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 168; Questions and Answers, Volume I 73; Rosicrucian Mysteries 124; is exhausted in digestion, Cosmo-Conception 239
Energy, solar, is fluid in vital body, Cosmo-Conception 63; is reflected as red, The Web of Destiny 99; is ruled by Sun, Message of the Stars 544, 571; is transformed to rose color, Cosmo-Conception 11; Rosicrucian Mysteries 123, 126; The Web of Destiny 99; is transformed in solar plexus, Cosmo-Conception 11, Questions and Answers, Volume II 137; is utilized by vital body, Cosmo-Conception 63; Questions and Answers, Volume I 72-73, 89; permeates nervous system, Rosicrucian Mysteries 123; surplus, is radiated from body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 197; Questions and Answers, Volume I 89; Rosicrucian Mysteries 123; see also Vital fluid; twofold, Cosmo-Conception 285, 324; vital, Ancient and Modern Initiation 44
Enmity, is overcome by its own discomforts, Rosicrucian Mysteries 49
Entities, act spontaneously, Questions and Answers, Volume II 205; kinds of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 247-248, 287; Questions and Answers, Volume II 113; The Web of Destiny 44
Environment, affects Ego, Gleanings of a Mystic 74; Questions and Answers, Volume II 384; Rosicrucian Mysteries 49; The Web of Destiny 54-58; choice of, is limited, Cosmo-Conception 136; Gleanings of a Mystic 64, 122; for future, must be worked for here, Letters to Students 171
Ephemeris, Simplified Scientific Astrology 17
Epidemics, result largely from wars, Questions and Answers, Volume II 48
Epigenesis, expresses itself as genius, Cosmo-Conception 185, 252; Message of the Stars 48; gives improvements over parents, Cosmo-Conception 138; has been proved by science, Cosmo-Conception 338; Questions and Answers, Volume I 10; is basis of evolution, Cosmo-Conception 128, 135, 185, 337-338; Letters to Students 207; Questions and Answers, Volume I 10; is developed under Neptune ray, Message of the Stars 48; is exercised in heaven world, Cosmo-Conception 128, 138; is gradually bringing us godward, Letters to Students 134; Message of the Stars 47; Questions and Answers, Volume II 386; is influx of new causes, Cosmo-Conception 135; is lever turning involution to evolution, Cosmo-Conception 366; is the divine creative ability inherent in Spirit, Questions and Answers, Volume II 89
Epigenesis, is transforming the world, Questions and Answers, Volume II 409; lack of, causes degeneration, Cosmo-Conception 344; springs from free will, Cosmo-Conception 135
Epilepsy, causes of, Message of the Stars 551; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 78; Questions and Answers, Volume I 95; Questions and Answers, Volume II 121, 474; The Web of Destiny 63
Epochs, are described in Bible, Cosmo-Conception 327; Questions and Answers, Volume I 158, 160, 197; are figurative Days of Creation, Cosmo-Conception 327; Gleanings of a Mystic 77; Questions and Answers, Volume II 352; Teachings of an Initiate 82; number five in present, Christianity Lectures 218, 245; Cosmo-Conception 165; number seven in all, Cosmo-Conception 271
Epochs, see Polarian, Hyperborean, etc.
Equality, between sexes must come, Letters to Students 107
Equator, celestial, Message of the Stars 468; is crossed by Sun at vernal equinox, Christianity Lectures 154
Equinox, Christianity Lectures 154; Cosmo-Conception 159; Letters to Students 150, 173; Message of the Stars 25, 595-596; Questions and Answers, Volume I 32; Questions and Answers, Volume II 260, 350, 364; Simplified Scientific Astrology 26
Equipoise, Ego's most valuable possession, Questions and Answers, Volume II 399; is necessary for spiritual progress, Message of the Stars 642; Questions and Answers, Volume II 227; The Web of Destiny 107; is of great help in time of stress, Letters to Students 229-230
Erysipelas, stellar indication of, Message of the Stars 543, 556, 563
Esotericism, Eastern and Western Schools of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 280-281; hails with joy discoveries of modern science, Cosmo-Conception 99; relation of, to material possessions, Questions and Answers, Volume I 366-367; student of, learns by observation, Cosmo-Conception 131-132; throws light upon problem of sorrow, Questions and Answers, Volume II 73; valuable books of, Cosmo-Conception 270, 274-275
Esotericist, creates Ruby Soul, Ancient and Modern Initiation 100; finds in Gethsemane the heart of love, Ancient and Modern Initiation 114; follows path of knowledge and works, Christianity Lectures 178; Questions and Answers, Volume II 224; is limited by laws pertaining to invisible worlds, Letters to Students 81; may be tested, Cosmo-Conception 400; sees twelve colors in spectrum, Cosmo-Conception 253; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 162; unused sex currents of, Cosmo-Conception 475, 478
Essenes, cared for Jesus's body, Cosmo-Conception 382; How Shall We Know Christ at His Coming? 17; Questions and Answers, Volume II 310, 317 educated Jesus, Christianity Lectures 244; Cosmo-Conception 379
Essential dignity, of planets, Message of the Stars 409-419; Simplified Scientific Astrology 80
Eternal Feminine, Mysteries of the Great Operas 46
Eternal verities, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 63; The Web of Destiny 67
Eternity, meaning of, Christianity Lectures 327; Teachings of an Initiate 165
Ether, atoms of, The Web of Destiny 103; carries pictures of every object, Teachings of an Initiate 113; exists in four stages, Cosmo-Conception 16, 30, 58-59; Rosicrucian Mysteries 65; forms envelope for dense atom Cosmo-Conception 58; Questions and Answers, Volume II 221, 337; Rosicrucian Mysteries 62; interplanetary, The Web of Destiny 72-73; is avenue for solar forces, Christianity Lectures 49-51; Rosicrucian Mysteries 70, 74, 123; Teachings of an Initiate 113; Etheric Vision and What It Reveals, by A Student
Ether, is dense in Southern California, Cosmo-Conception 532; is necessary to transmit light, Gleanings of a Mystic 184; Message of the Stars 564; Questions and Answers, Volume II 33; is new element, Gleanings of a Mystic 71; is permeable, Cosmo-Conception 34; is physical matter, Christianity Lectures 77; Cosmo-Conception 30, 34; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 214; Rosicrucian Mysteries 62; The Web of Destiny 101; is ruled by Uranus, Message of the Stars 564; is transmitter of electric vibrations, Cosmo-Conception 34; is visible to eye of lens, Questions and Answers, Volume II 413; permeates everything, Teachings of an Initiate 113; was substance of earth in Moon Period, Christianity Lectures 219
Ether, chemical, cements molecules of body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 73; The Web of Destiny 30; is channel for assimilation and growth, Christianity Lectures 49, 106; Cosmo-Conception 35; Letters to Students 142; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 42; Rosicrucian Mysteries 69; The Web of Destiny 145; is positive and negative, Cosmo-Conception 35; is ripe in seventh year, Cosmo-Conception 143; is seen as blue haze, Rosicrucian Mysteries 65; is used as medium of restoration during sleep, Cosmo-Conception 94
Ether, life, is avenue of propogation, Christianity Lectures 50; Cosmo-Conception 36; Letters to Students 142; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 42; Rosicrucian Mysteries 69; The Web of Destiny 145; is cementing material in assimilation, Christianity Lectures 176; is positive and negative,, Cosmo-Conception 36; polarity of determines sex, Cosmo-Conception 36; ripens with birth of desire body, Cosmo-Conception 143
Ether, light, appears transparent, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 45; The Web of Destiny 105; builds the eye, 36; circulates plant juice, Cosmo-Conception 37; correspond to gases of physical world, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 44; The Web of Destiny 105; deposit color, Cosmo-Conception 37; generates blood heat, Cosmo-Conception 36, 143; is developed in third septenary period, Cosmo-Conception 144; is means for sense perception, Cosmo-Conception 36, 59; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 42; is medium for forces of heat and motion, Christianity Lectures 50
Ether, light, is positive and negative, Cosmo-Conception 36; transmits solar forces, Rosicrucian Mysteries 69
Ether, planetary, imparts vitality to dense forms, Cosmo-Conception 30; interpenetrates physical atoms, Cosmo-Conception 58
Ether, reflecting, carries pictures to Life Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 398; contains impermanent Memory of Nature, Christianity Lectures 50-51; Cosmo-Conception 37-38; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 42; Questions and Answers, Volume II 77; Rosicrucian Mysteries 69; The Web of Destiny 23, 105; is used by mediums, Cosmo-Conception 38; Rosicrucian Mysteries 70; is vacuous blue substance, The Web of Destiny 105; is volatile and migratory, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 45; The Web of Destiny 105; transmits thought, Christianity Lectures 51; Cosmo-Conception 38, 90
Etheric fluid, radiate from body, Questions and Answers, Volume II 148
Etheric organ, is being formed in throat, Questions and Answers, Volume II 293
Etheric Region, corresponds to fluidic stratum of earth, Cosmo-Conception 503; extends beyond earth, Cosmo-Conception 53, 179; The Web of Destiny 24; is composed of four ethers, Christianity Lectures 49; Rosicrucian Mysteries 65; is field for unrolling life's panorama, Cosmo-Conception 102; is Garden of Eden, Christianity Lectures 235-239; is physical but invisible, Cosmo-Conception 34; is reflection of World of Life Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 51, 397; is unexplored by material science, Cosmo-Conception 34; Rosicrucian Mysteries 62-63; is vital body of planet, Cosmo-Conception 59; outside earth, attracts hypnotic victims, The Web of Destiny 24; provides material for vital body of man, Christianity Lectures 115; was purified by Cleansing Blood, Freemasonry & Catholicism 56
Ethers, chemical and life, are augmented by sexual indulgence, The Web of Destiny 145; are involved in all physical processes, Christianity Lectures 49, 276; Rosicrucian Mysteries 69; The Web of Destiny 14, 99; course along nerves as pink fluid, The Web of Destiny 99; decrease as aspirant lives the life, The Web of Destiny 29; form matrix for dense body, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 42; Questions and Answers, Volume II 13; The Web of Destiny 14
Ethers, chemical and life, quantity of, in aura, The Web of Destiny 106; separate from higher ethers at death, The Web of Destiny 101; vibrate to seed atoms in heart and solar plexus, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 90; Questions and Answers, Volume II 434; The Web of Destiny 99
Ethers, light and reflecting, are attenuated in average individual, The Web of Destiny 100; are avenues for consciousness and sense perception, Christianity Lectures 50; Cosmo-Conception 59; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 43; Rosicrucian Mysteries 69; The Web of Destiny 100, 105; are volatile and migratory, The Web of Destiny 105; assimilate our good deeds, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 47; The Web of Destiny 15; compose soul body, The Web of Destiny 145; determine quality of lower ethers in next life, The Web of Destiny 106; escape from body during fall, Teachings of an Initiate 7-15; vibrate to pituitary body and pineal gland, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 90; Questions and Answers, Volume II 434
Ethics, of giving, Christianity Lectures 96-97; Cosmo-Conception 114
Europe, has mystic atmosphere, Mysteries of the Great Operas 130
Euthanasia, Questions and Answers, Volume II 484
Ever-existing essence, Cosmo-Conception 322; Rosicrucian Mysteries 107
Evil, eventually destroys itself, Cosmo-Conception 43; Gleanings of a Mystic 107; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 172; Rosicrucian Mysteries 39; is augmented by hunger and cold, Christianity Lectures 235; is transmuted into good, Christianity Lectures 113, 222; Cosmo-Conception 282; Letters to Students 77; Questions and Answers, Volume II 65; Rosicrucian Mysteries 158; Simplified Scientific Astrology 76; may be obliterated by good, Cosmo-Conception 111; nucleus of within us, Gleanings of a Mystic 107; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 173; originated among Lemurians, Christianity Lectures 234; Cosmo-Conception 280; plays a part in the world, Letters to Students 76; powers of, were put to use by Faust, Letters to Students 89; tends toward good in end, Cosmo-Conception 42
Evolution, backbone of, is epigenesis, Cosmo-Conception 135; comprehension of, elevates the mind, Cosmo-Conception 135; deals with qualified and unqualified, Cosmo-Conception 224; depends upon dissolution of bodies, Teachings of an Initiate 50; differs in East and West, Questions and Answers, Volume I 223-227; directors of, are using new method, Teachings of an Initiate 75; Evolution from the Rosicrucian Standpoint, by Mrs. Max Heindel
Evolution, follows involution, Cosmo-Conception 185, 201; follows plan, Cosmo-Conception 183-192, 245; forms part of triad of progress, Cosmo-Conception 336-344; impulse of, is toward perfection, Cosmo-Conception 401; is a fact in nature, The Web of Destiny 140; is accomplished by agents and forces, Christianity Lectures 104; is always spiral, Christianity Lectures 14-15; Cosmo-Conception 151-153, 227, 245, 413, 420; Gleanings of a Mystic 14; Questions and Answers, Volume I 11; Questions and Answers, Volume II 57; is caused by stellar rays, Message of the Stars 7, 540; Simplified Scientific Astrology 25, 27; is history of Spirit's progression in time, Cosmo-Conception 151; is indicated by Caduceus, Cosmo-Conception 412; is necessary, Questions and Answers, Volume I 166-167; is path of progress, Questions and Answers, Volume II 216; is symbolized by Ariadne's thread, Cosmo-Conception 201; is symbolized by story of Prodigal son, Questions and Answers, Volume I 218-219; is usually considered from material viewpoint, Christianity Lectures 209; Cosmo-Conception 185, 342; Questions and Answers, Volume I 10; is very slow, Gleanings of a Mystic 16; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 74; The Web of Destiny 32; is well-ordered process, Cosmo-Conception 184, 226, 267; Rosicrucian Mysteries 42, 185; never repeats, Cosmo-Conception 135, 227; object of, Cosmo-Conception 158, 185, 201, 338, 415; Gleanings of a Mystic 177; Questions and Answers, Volume I 41; Questions and Answers, Volume II 98; Teachings of an Initiate 51; of earth, takes place in Epochs, Cosmo-Conception 261-307; of life waves, is slow, Cosmo-Conception 184
Evolution, of man, began after expulsion of Mars, Cosmo-Conception 263; begins when bodies and consciousness have been attained, Christianity Lectures 213; demands evolution of religion, Letters to Students 204; depends upon soul growth, Cosmo-Conception 425; Questions and Answers, Volume II 520; follows plan, Cosmo-Conception 17-146; Gleanings of a Mystic 35; Rosicrucian Mysteries 42, 53; future of, Questions and Answers, Volume I 153; has been affected by use of wine, Cosmo-Conception 165-172; has relation to atrophy of organs, Questions and Answers, Volume I 265-267.
Evolution of man, is affected by Lucifers, Cosmo-Conception 190, 287, 363; is directed by Hierarchs, Teachings of an Initiate 73-75; is hastened by initiation, Cosmo-Conception 526-527; is only half finished, Questions and Answers, Volume II 346; may be shortened, Questions and Answers, Volume I 102; original plan of, Teachings of an Initiate 198-199; present period of, is critical, Cosmo-Conception 231, 401; progresses through four stages of consciousness, Cosmo-Conception 416; results from sacrifice, Ancient and Modern Initiation 19; spiritualizes vehicles, Questions and Answers, Volume I 9; Questions and Answers, Volume II 175; started in Saturn Period, Christianity Lectures 214; steps of, are duplicated by embryo, Cosmo-Conception 344; takes place only on earth, Cosmo-Conception 275; was exact until attainment of self-consciousness, Cosmo-Conception 166; was hastened by Christ's Advent, Cosmo-Conception 407-408
Evolution, of man and earth, takes place simultaneously, Cosmo-Conception 404; operates on descending and ascending arcs, Letters to Students 58; prevents degeneration, Cosmo-Conception 344; principle of, Cosmo-Conception 341; proceeds through Revolutions, etc., Cosmo-Conception 188-200, 227, 411; requires adaptability, Cosmo-Conception 223
Evolutions, of future, will be grander, Cosmo-Conception 200
Exaltation, of planets, Message of the Stars 409-410
Example, is best teacher for child, Christianity Lectures 120; Questions and Answers, Volume I 59
Examples, adjustment of visual focus in evolution, Cosmo-Conception 81; astronomer and refractory telescope, Cosmo-Conception 394, 399; astronomer's experiment and need of God, Cosmo-Conception 323; blind man denies light, Cosmo-Conception 24; body in childhood and old age, Cosmo-Conception 44 445; Boston physician weighs vital body, Cosmo-Conception 99; chaos and body decay, Cosmo-Conception 208
Examples, Christ's reference to dog's carcass, Cosmo-Conception 44; concretion of man's bodies and snail's shell, Cosmo-Conception 73; control of church by state, Cosmo-Conception 386-387; demolition of buildings and Universal Brotherhood, Cosmo-Conception 355; desire body likened to part of egg, Cosmo-Conception 67, 243; divine and human principles like color, Cosmo-Conception 253; dulling of consciousness like donning gloves, Cosmo-Conception 80; experiments in living and inventor's machine, Cosmo-Conception 33; experiments of science and gastric juices, Cosmo-Conception 237-238; group spirit and manipulation of unseen fingers, Cosmo-Conception 78; hate succumbing to love, Cosmo-Conception 419; hatching of egg and crystallization of Spirit, Cosmo-Conception 248; heredity and carpenter's building, Cosmo-Conception 138; ice crystals and etheric matrix, Cosmo-Conception 137; lines of force and interpenetrating worlds, Cosmo-Conception 27; little boy climbing a ladder, Teachings of an Initiate 178; man with spiritual sight and babe learning to see, Cosmo-Conception 41; mature destiny and paying debts, Cosmo-Conception 161; necessity for creator as for typesetter, Cosmo-Conception 129; esoteric and modern science, a comparison, Cosmo-Conception 399; of density, aluminum and mercury, Cosmo-Conception 233; of plantlike animals, Cosmo-Conception 234-235; of woman cleaning house, Cosmo-Conception 387; pain, a hot stove, Cosmo-Conception 121; past life remembered by a child, Cosmo-Conception 172-174; personality reflection of Ego as water image, Cosmo-Conception 266; plate, powder, and violin bow produce geometrical figures, Cosmo-Conception 369
Examples, power of concentration of sun and early maturity in tropics, Cosmo-Conception 265 reality of higher worlds and architects plan, etc., Cosmo-Conception 28; religion of the Father and facets of diamond, Cosmo-Conception 436; rhythmic vibration and walls of Jericho, Cosmo-Conception 122; rich gain of experience in life of cur, Cosmo-Conception 431-432; rudimentary sight organs of Lemurian and animals born with eyes closed, Cosmo-Conception 276; scientist's experiment and God as first cause, Cosmo-Conception 325; seed atoms and magnetic attraction, Cosmo-Conception 133; seven esoteric schools and spectrum, Cosmo-Conception 439; snail illustrates relation of force and matter, Cosmo-Conception 121; Spirit, buried in matter as seed in soil, Cosmo-Conception 87; Spirit working in matter, and power drill, Cosmo-Conception 244; spiritual cause knocks man down, Cosmo-Conception 125; sponge, sand, water, and interpenetrating worlds, Cosmo-Conception 53; story of young man seeking wisdom, Cosmo-Conception 21; sympathy for sick dog, shows operating laws, Cosmo-Conception 46; telegraph and operation of vital fluids, Cosmo-Conception 63; tools of artisan and vehicles of Ego, Cosmo-Conception 430; tuning forks and power of sound vibrations, Cosmo-Conception 369; unconscious body building and intra-uterine development, Cosmo-Conception 261; vicarious atonement and drowning man refusing help, Cosmo-Conception 402; world soul and cross, Cosmo-Conception 86; young cling to life as seed to unripe fruit, Cosmo-Conception 103
Excesses, should be avoided, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 180
Excretion, organs of, are ruled by Scorpio, Message of the Stars 601; takes place by means of chemical ether Cosmo-Conception 35
Exercises: adoration, Cosmo-Conception 495-497; concentration, Christianity Lectures 184-188; Cosmo-Conception 486-489; Questions and Answers, Volume I 294; Teachings of an Initiate 118-120, 169; contemplation, Cosmo-Conception 494; discrimination, Christianity Lectures 177; Cosmo-Conception 493; meditation, Cosmo-Conception 488-492; observation, Christianity Lectures 177-178; Cosmo-Conception 492; retrospection, Christianity Lectures 181-184; Cosmo-Conception 111; Questions and Answers, Volume I 99-100, 102, 283-284, 296
Exercises, breathing, Christianity Lectures 174-176; Cosmo-Conception 437; Gleanings of a Mystic 9-10, 73; Letters to Students 90-92, 110; Message of the Stars 603; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 67; Questions and Answers, Volume I 292-294, 297-299; esoteric, Cosmo-Conception 399-400; Questions and Answers, Volume I 283, 286; Teachings of an Initiate 154, 187; The Web of Destiny 17-18, 29, 111-118
Elixir, was choicest gem in Lucifer's crown, Mysteries of the Great Operas 150
Existence, object of, Christianity Lectures 309; Letters to Students 234; Questions and Answers, Volume II 476
Experience depends upon forces of Desire World, Cosmo-Conception 39; gives opportunities to learn lessons, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 86; Gleanings of a Mystic 63; Questions and Answers, Volume I 84; increases growth of conscious soul Cosmo-Conception 424; is different from standpoint of two sexes, Questions and Answers, Volume II 54; is "knowledge of the effects which follow acts," Cosmo-Conception 131; is object of incarnation, Cosmo-Conception 131, 158, 392, 432; Gleanings of a Mystic 141; is stored in seed atom as vibratory power, The Web of Destiny 85; is useless without memory, Cosmo-Conception 424; of Invisible Helpers, is stored in seed atom, Questions and Answers, Volume II 139; post-mortem, Mysteries of the Great Operas 113; works on vital body, Cosmo-Conception 434;
Experiences, are transmuted into faculties, Christianity Lectures 79; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 215; of concentration hour, are sacred, Christianity Lectures 187-188; Letters to Students 49
Experimentation, is necessary, Cosmo-Conception 33, 426
Experiments, made by Max Heindel, The Web of Destiny 43
Explosions, astrological indications of, Message of the Stars 565
Extreme unction, Gleanings of a Mystic 56; Teachings of an Initiate 48
Extremes, are dangerous, Christianity Lectures 317
Eye, is window of soul, Cosmo-Conception 173 third, is pineal gland, Cosmo-Conception 262
Eyes, are adversely affected by city life, Cosmo-Conception 492; are affected by Antares, Simplified Scientific Astrology 74; are built by light ether, Cosmo-Conception 36, 276; are changing, Occult Principles of Health and Healing 80; The Web of Destiny 70-71; blind spot in, Letters to Students 82; Occult Principles of Health and Healing 81; The Web of Destiny 72; diseases of, Message of the Stars 545-546, 550-551, 564, 588; The Web of Destiny 70; were evolved in Atlantis Cosmo-Conception 276; were not needed in early periods, Ancient and Modern Initiation 81; were opened, Cosmo-Conception 190, 283, 337, 361-362, 465;
Eyes, spiritual, may be opened, Christianity Lectures 1
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